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Posts posted by Fenton

  1. Some people suck. Some people practice random acts of kindness.
    Some people will tell the people who matter in their life that they love them - because life is short and precious; or perhaps shout it in Klingon - because life is also strange and confusing.

    My point however, don't trade anything of worth player-to-player until they've sorted the new system out.

  2. 1 minute ago, Toxicitykiller said:
    5 minutes ago, Fenton said:

    Currently the game drops people into populated districts often occupied by silver and gold threat characters. It would certainly help if there was a "safe" place for the newbies to practice and go through the tutorial.

    Nobody cares about your SJW comment. They need to man up and fight against vets if they want to get better.
    "SJW comment"?

    I'm  suggesting that the newbies could learn the game before they get ROFLstomped by players who, in turn, get stomped on by much better skilled players in silver districts.

    If you got thoroughly trashed every mission you played, I imagine word to the effect of "Get good" wouldn't motivate you to stay for long.
    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, TonyKebell said:
    On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 7:05 PM, Fortune Runner said:


    Sorry, but I've never really followed the mechanics of this game, i just play it. How does LTL balance ram raiding for cash?

    It's all about perceived income. In theory, Criminals can ram raid and mug to rapidly gain cash - They can be witnessed and intercepted by Enforcers, but this is often forgotten by both sides. LTL allegedly provides a way to "easily" increase Enforcer income.

  4. Update: A number of our members are currently taking a break from APB, but that's normal for this time of year.

    Non-the-less, I've updated our designer guidance sheets and our discord is still active.

  5. There are literally thousands of tickets that need to be identified, processed and actioned. Some need to be identified, processed, investigated and actioned. Others need to be identified and deleted as spam.

    There is a metric tonne of work that needs to be done and only a handful of people to do it.

    Be patient and keep an eye on the tracking thread. They'll get round to you eventually.

  6. 21 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    Would love to see how many enforcers choose ltl vs gold threated opponents. In bronze town every crap works anyways, but a weapons true need  for performance shows on gold + even with all the fake golds we have, thats still a better measurement mark than counting in bronze matches. But I wonder how many dethreaters just annoy crims with ltl and abuse the deathreathing posibility even more.

    Challenge accepted! I'll see if I can't grab some volunteers for LTL enforcement on Silver and Gold. 😄

    I make no apologies if I end up as a 255 Bronze as a result of that.

  7. The can of worms has been opened.

    A fair number of vocal criminals claim hotly and loudly that LTL is horrible, over-powered and should be outright removed or massively nerfed.

    Regular LTL Enforcers either claim it is balanced, or in need of a buff.

    Perception be damned; I'd like to see some actual numbers from LO/G1 to see how popular it is and just how effective it may or may not be.

  8. Had to look this up. Was confused about why a union was getting involved. 

    I've seen plenty of people shouting in social about making trades for real world cash; but it's always been more of an annoyance to me, rather than anything else.

    I would have thought it was something easy enough to pick up on in-game by one of LO's new GMs....

  9. 9 hours ago, tazl said:

    I just signed up and had a few games. In my second game my team mate ran in to my grenade and started hurling abuse then kicked me a few minutes later. I was also fighting much higher level players. Is it a good idea not to use grenades and Is this par for the course in APB?  

    Person on your team was being a banana. Teamkilling by accident can and frequently does happen.

    Grenades are useful in so many ways, just keep practicing.
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