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Posts posted by Fenton

  1. Battenburg Police Markings

    Please note that, while it is possible to do this without Premium, this method requires 30-40 symbols and you will need to have Premium on your account to make use of it.

    Wikipedia writes;  "Batttenburg markings are a pattern of high-visibility markings used primarily on the sides of emergency service vehicles in several European countries, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong. The name comes from the similarity in appearance to the cross-section of a Battenberg cake."

    Step one: Select your base vehicle.
    Not everything works. The Dalton Broadwing, Charge Ciscos and Patriot Vegas are not the easiest to work with at the best of times.
    The Balkan Ravan however, is quite friendly to designers.

    Step two: Undercoat.
    You will loose fidelity to your design to pixellation if you do not do this. In addition, not all vehicle components react the same way to the same colour.
    Apply an "undercoat" decal to stop this. Five large squares of the same colour; Front, back, both sides and top.

    Step Three: Create your markings.

    Really easy. A Double Battenburg is usually seven squares in two rows. These are used by most police vehicles. Variations on this can be found in single stripe and "broken" Battenburg which uses an array of shapes for maximum visibility. As a rule of thumb, try to keep it at seven squares long unless you are working for a specific design.
    Our example constabulary "Force 51" doesn't exist, so we're using the basic set of seven by two.

    Note the over-layer of inverted dots for the extra reflective effect. It's not essential, but it is an extra layer of detail. Use it, if it works for you.
    Now is also a good time to get those other markings, roof codes and suchlike done as well....
    he5YmxX.jpg N3oWzCI.jpg mFqNOam.jpg

    Step Four: Apply your markings evenly.
    Take your time with this stage, as this is where you really need to get it right comes in.
    Apply your decal and stretch it out as required. Don't worry too much about over-spilling decals, that can be covered up as you go.

    9kYKF20.jpg DOROLk4.jpg

    Ym3AJmA.jpg D5DlCx5.jpg

    X3MnP2q.jpg gkMfNM7.jpg

    Sm4JW3u.jpg JAI1FAz.jpg

    Step five: Tidy up.
    Take some time to look round the end result. Highlight the areas you want to give special attention to and apply cover-up decals on areas where they spill over into sections you do not want coloured. Again, take your time as this is what adds to the end effect.

    Step seven: Step back and admire.
    It goes without saying that you should have saved your vehicle. Now is the time to put it on display and give it a final check. If you have taken your time and reviewed your reference material well, you should have the desired effect.
    • Like 1

  2. Dear MortisedGuide, and anyone else who gets angry at computer games.

    I feel your pain. I understand how frustrating it can be and it can be quite disturbing to feel like you've lost control of yourself.

    • First and foremost if you find that you are getting angry at something; STEP AWAY FROM THE SOURCE. It doesn't have to be long, but take a moment to get away from your desk and breathe, go grab a cold drink, have a look out the window. Just don't sit there and stew in your own emotions, it isn't healthy.
    • Second, ask yourself what caused the anger or upset. Recognising the signs can help.
      • Is it that you died in the game? Something someone said or did?
      • Have you had a sudden drop in your blood sugar or similar biological responses?
    • Keep a small diary of things that anger you and how often you feel the need to lash out. The photo journal is a good start and it helps you to identify and label your emotions.
    • If you find yourself being angered by the same thing over and over again, try and avoid it until you have some more tools to manage your anger at your disposal.
    I understand that you don't want to quit a game you find is fun. Why not take some time out after a difficult mission and try your hand at music, symbol, car or clothing design?

    Remember, it isn't just you. You aren't alone. There is help out there. Take the time to look around for sustainable coping mechanisms that work for you.

    Have a look at the following resources and see what, if anything, works for you? There's more out there than just these, but it should be enough to get you started.

    • Thanks 2

  3. 5 hours ago, Nanometic said:

    If you were playing solo I understand, if you were in a team, simply stepping back for a moment, regrouping and coordinating will usually work.

    Quite a few people find this difficult to do. It's surprisingly easy to get into the trap of rushing the same location over and over again with little to no plan and hoping that reflexes and skill compensates for the lack of any tactics.

  4. To be fair; Unless you're careful on the lettering, it'll be almost invisible in game. This might vary on the size once applied, of course, but for the most part....



    4 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    ... its just gonna be a pixelated mess on your character.


  5. 17 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    I feel you man, it sucks to not have fun while playing. 


    Hopefully once BE is running full bore, you will see a lot less cheating. 


    Kudos to you for deciding to stick to silver districts, I remember all too well how difficult the transition from bronze to silver can be. 


    I wish I had more advice to give you, but at least until BE is ready, all you can really do is turn of chat, and focus on you. 



    Best of luck my guy. 


    This has to be one of the better responses to this or similar threads I've seen in a long while.



    Like CookiePuss says, kudos to you and good luck.

    • Like 1

  6. On 6/12/2018 at 1:29 PM, JackHarper said:

    I mean.. hosedraggers? you want a hosedragger mobile?! what are you? a fireman? pssh.

    Nah that'd be pretty cool.

    Of course, people *say* they want them...



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