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Posts posted by Fenton

  1. Translated via google: 

    I can't get in, I restarted the machine and everything ...

    Is it still having maintenance? I don't think so, because it's been another 15hrs.

     I avia just entered the game, participated in 1 mission and took DC (Disconect), logged in again and only appears message saying that the server is under maintenance and was to consult the forum ...

    In the forum just saw the message that would be having a PS4 update in all rooms ....

    I am trying to sign in again and the same message comes ....

    Is this happening to me alone or are there more people? 

  2. 17 hours ago, demonshinta said:

    its not about cussing or inappropriate type of language its more about the guidelines of Harassment to other players 



    1. Harass, threaten or embarrass another Player of the Services or to cause distress, unwanted attention or discomfort of such Player, or any other person or entity. Any form of personal attack upon a player by another player is strictly prohibited. APB Reloaded does not condone harassment in any form and may suspend or terminate the account of any Player who harasses others. Personal attacks, such as those based on a person's race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, lifestyle choice, disablement or other such affiliation, are strictly prohibited.


    Beat me to it there, Demonshinta.


    To emphasise the rule above however; 


    Personal attacks, such as those based on a person's race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, lifestyle choice, disablement or other such affiliation, are strictly prohibited.


    Call them an arse if you have to, just don't call them a Black, white, Yankie, Turk, Russian, gay, whatever arse.

  3. 9 minutes ago, 悲しい春 said:

    Why can't they just release timeless clothing pieces (turtleneck, watch, boots, long sleeves for males, coats for both genders,new long sleeve variant for females, new sunglasses etc.) for once....these clothing items are getting ridiculous now.

    I'm pretty sure there was an extensive thread on clothing we wanted. I do not recall seeing "Strapped top" on there.


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  4. Oh hey, it's this topic again. Time to open the canned answer.




    Change will only happen if the community get behind it. Take your group of silver-threat friends into silver districts and play there. Encourage others to do the same. If a bunch of gold-threat players go into gold district, they'll find that the district will populate as well.


    Be patient.


    Also; this was a problem long before Little Orbit moved in and they have already said they're looking to deal with it - See threads on matchmaking, server merging and mission phasing.

    • Like 1

  5. 12 hours ago, I3ox said:

    What are you smoking?

    Whatever it is, it can't be good for you. The original post makes little sense. I suspect however, this is a thread complaining that they've been reported, but they claim they are legitimate.


    Ah well... on to the next inconsequential.

  6. On 8/25/2019 at 8:19 PM, Hakuiriyu said:

    Hello, I'm quite new to APB and the forum so apologies if I messed something up.


    I'll get right to my question:

    Can vests, chest configs and shoulder configs can be worn at the same time or do they replace one another?


    Apologies if this or something similar has been asked before.

    Some things *can* be worn together, but most vest and shoulder rigs use the same layer of clothing. Experiment as best you can, but check in the preview section of the clothing editor before you buy.

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