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Everything posted by Thial

  1. The results of the polls on those forums make me believe more and more that people have no idea what they are talking about. I feel like at this point it's very unlikely that car spawners would get completely removed since they pretty much became a part of the game. To anyone saying that oh you can just nade them or whatever. Yeah keep doing that all the time when the enemy team keeps setting up those pioneers all around the point. You will quickly run out of your satchels / concs (if you are even using concs lul). Not to mention that people tend to leave the spawners in campy locations so you need to waste quite a bit of time to get to them in the first place. You decided to capture the graffiti instead of destroying their spawner which is just 20 meters away ? Oh too bad, 4 people now just spawned next to you. Some people also set up car spawners at the objectives and defend the point by camping around it on the street so any fallen teammates can respawn back on the point. Another thing is the range of it. You can literally drive behind a single guy in a pioneer 20m away from him or have him circle around you 20m away and have his entire team spawn in the car. This can also happen during item holds and vip missions. So to summarize most likely car spawners won't be removed although it wouldn't hurt the game if they were but they should in the very least be reworked.
  2. A lot of the newest mice come with the "free spin" feature where the wheel just spins and spins and spins once you spin it once. So if we imagine a situation where someone mains an OSCAR I really don't see how it's a downside that you use your wheel. You actually get a huge boost in your rate of fire and you are 100% consistent with it at all times and you actually abuse a very strong weapon to its limits. With free spinning wheel you completely skip the need to learn any fire rate, learn how to click consistently etc. You just spin it once and let it spin and focus on tracking. And with all respect to people saying that oh with enough muscle memory you can push your fire rate to perfect. No you can't. Even if you can get really close, a wheel will always out ttk you. If you think different you clearly never used it properly / never played against good wheel user. The wheel user will be always 100% consistent with every single shot in every single battle. All he needs to do is get that wheel spinning. And this is btw what I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgMDZrYOuMM
  3. The best solution I found is. Don't focus on APB so much. Play other games which can help you improve your aim like Quake Live/Champions for example, read about things like muscle memory, crosshair placement, train your flicks and stuff and by the time you are done with that and you develop your skill, most likely matchmaking will be fixed. EZ Clap.
  4. To me the most funny is that since LO confirmed that FF bans were mishandled suddenly every cheater ever known jumped on the wagon of "I was falsely banned, I'm innocent, It's all G1's fault". Just yesterday I saw a very bad silver blatantly aimbotting with walls and I heard stories about people like zblock, adolfia, enjin etc already speedhacking again. I really hope that BE will start banning those people soon because so far nothing has changed other than some people being scared of cheating with BE around.
  5. You can check on Ebay and Amazon but as far as I know they are like $30 and it's a physical box with possibly used codes so I wouldn't risk it.
  6. I really don't understand all those people saying things like "omg another thread like this" or "why are you creating stupid question threads". Isn't that what the forum is for ? Discussion / Suggestions / Asking questions ? If I'm wrong correct me please. I definitely agree that since it's in the game technically it's not cheating but it is definitely an unwanted exploit which kind of makes it cheating since people are using an exploit and exploiting is technically bannable. So we got ourselves kind of a funny situation.
  7. They probably knew you can do it but my guess is that they didn't know what it would result in.
  8. yeah you are 100% right but the question is if it was intended / if the devs even knew about something like wheel shooting.
  9. That's all about practice. My point is that someone who plays with a scroll wheel all the time and is good at it will definitely gain advantage over players who don't use it. Also watch the video I posted above.
  10. some random youtube video showing that all you need to do is spin it once and your gun fires with the fastest fire rate possible.
  11. why are you telling me to use the most stupid gun to macro with ? Why not scroll wheel oscar ? Your post really just made it look like you don't have much experience with what we are talking about right now.
  12. Good players will very rarely miss, you don't need artificial aiming. It would have a noticeable effect if you run around with perfect ttk oscar trust me. Many people have insane aim in this game as they play a lot more than just APB, Quake for example for aim practice.
  13. The server lag is not as bad as you think it is. If you can fire every single shot with perfect fire rate the difference will build up as I mentioned in my example. Scroll wheel will achieve the perfect 600ms ttk and for you it will take let's say 756ms. Scroll wheel wins, you die and it will happen repeatedly in a scenario where you don't even miss a single shot. Scroll wheel will simply out ttk you. I have to say that the poll results so far are surprising.
  14. I edited my previous post slightly. I can't agree. I play APB for many years and I have seemingly perfect fire rates with all the guns I play with but there are still some slight differences between each click and I will never be able to push my muscle memory to that perfect ttk mark. It's just humanly impossible to be so precise no matter how good you are. Scroll wheel will always fire faster same as macro does.
  15. Yes of course you are technically not bypassing the fire rate BUT you are bypassing humanly achievable fire rate. Even if you have 10k hours in APB you won't be able to push your fire rate to that perfect 300ms which I mentioned in my example.
  16. the point is that lets say some gun can fire a shot every 300 milliseconds. Let's say you fired 3 shots. 1st one 0ms delay, 2nd 368ms delay, 3rd 349ms delay where scroll wheel fires 1st 0ms, 2nd 300ms, 3rd 300ms so while naturally the player's ttk would be 717ms with scroll wheel it would be 600ms. You wouldn't be able to achieve that naturally that's why it's cheating imo.
  17. bloom doesn't matter with semi autos up close so that argument is irrelevant.
  18. You can just use both lmb and scroll wheel. I never said macro spams clicks. I only said the outcome is the same as macro. You get a perfect fire rate with every semi auto gun or even perfect tap firing with some. Fight a scroll wheel oscar, you will understand my concerns. Even if you are already a good player who knows the fire rates. Scroll wheel will still give you that extra advantage of having a perfect fire rate every single time which you won't be able to achieve naturally every single time no matter how good you are because sometimes it's a matter of milliseconds and scroll wheel will let you to maximize it every time.
  19. I'm glad someone understands my concerns. We never really had a clear answer if scroll wheel shooting is ok. Macro is bannable and scroll wheel basically gives you the same outcome so LO's answer would be appreciated.
  20. If we would be talking about actual work that would be true. Here unfortunately it's simply gaining advantage over others who decide to play the game in a legit way and spend weeks if not months learning the guns and the mechanics. Therefore as I wrote in my main post I'm asking for LO's standpoint on this. Either they will say that it's ok so everyone will be able to use it or they will say no and we will see some people getting smacked. The way you wrote it macro is also working smarter not harder right ? Skill . exe is also working smarter not harder. Why bother learning the game if you can just download cheats. Right ?
  21. The point is that scroll wheel shooting lets you bypass a big part of the learning curve which is learning the guns, learning how to click fast, learning how to click with a perfect rhythm. Essentially the same thing that macro does.
  22. not sure if trolling or you are just special.
  23. 1. Asking questions is not stupid. 2. Yes go ahead and post a question in that heavily spammed thread and see how many people will respond to it. 3. The fact you don't see a difference between a keyboard and mouse is stupid enough.
  24. I'm pretty sure that if you will keep practicing the shaky aim will eventually disappear and all you will end up with will be essentially a legit macro.
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