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Everything posted by Thial

  1. only mentioned sting squad from wasp as a point of reference of what skill level I'm talking about. He tells me some sad story from his childhood and ridicules some of the best players in the game so how can I take him seriously ?
  2. What's with your insults every post ? Did I hurt your feelings or something ? I really don't care about your past with wasp. All I said is, go play against some of the top players who will completely shit on you with hvrs and come tell me your stories about countering them with your obeya and obir, one shot with hvr and you are gone, they will just switch to fangs and you evaporate in an instant. All your theories clearly talk about silvers who are standing in the middle of the street so you can "counter them". No good player will even reveal themselves to you and if they will they will just crouch spam you out of cover, lean quickscope or simply qs. Also don't forget about ridiculous hvr jump shots and 2 shot at any range. I really wanna see your theories in practice how you "never had trouble with hvrs". Every single good streamer says the same thing how broken hvrs are in the hands of skilled players but you must be some sort of prodigy if you are better than all of them.
  3. You clearly were playing against silver snipers who are standing in the middle of the street if you "never had trouble with hvrs". Not everyone who is good with hvr cheats. Play against sting squad from wasp or any other good veterans / qsers and come back to the this thread after your crushing defeat. I'll be waiting.
  4. I really hope they will stay as professional as possible. It would be a shame if we would start seeing GMs taking sides and stuff like that since I'm certain that you will face many candidates who will lie during the interview just to get the job. This game was always about ego boosting to many people after all.
  5. Please don't accept just any players as GMs or forum moderators. Most people will want to apply to show off or abuse their power or just won't do what they should. In fact I don't think recruiting actual players as GMs is a good idea. It would most likely end badly, players don't have the professional approach which will be required. I would definitely be interested in joining some kind of testing team though in the future to help with any sort of balancing or new system if that would be a thing.
  6. And how exactly was it fixed since if you check the default BaseInput.ini all the acceleration is still there by default ? Default values: LookRightScale=300 LookUpScale=-250 Bindings=(Name="LookUp",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=+25.0 AbsoluteAxis=100") Bindings=(Name="LookDown",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=-25.0 AbsoluteAxis=100") Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX") Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY")
  7. Oh didn't see that one, sorry for double posting.
  8. Hello. As you might have heard probably the majority of the community or at least the competitive part of it us using something known as the Mouse Fix. For whatever reason by default APB introduces mouse acceleration in the input config file. Not only it makes the mouse feel very weird and not raw and additionally poor performance can have a bad impact on the mouse input. The Mouse fix simply changes a file called BaseInput.ini which is located in the APB Directory / Engine / Config. The fix changes all the lines in that file which are responsible for mouse input and changes all the acceleration values to 0 ensuring a raw input. Here's my question: Without mouse fix the game would feel incredibly clunky to people who played with mouse fix for years. Will we be able to keep using mousefix once Battleye comes or maybe Little Orbit could modify the BaseInput.ini and include the mouse fix by default with the next patch ? That way it would become official. Thank you in advance.
  9. I totally agree with you. But look at your own post, you mentioned kemp and shini who are both streamers yet their opinion is not biased. Most decent streamers don't base their opinions on how good they are with the weapon. They base the opinion purely on the stats of the weapons + many years of experience playing with and against certain weapons. I also totally agree with the NDA part. It's obvious that it would have to be done.
  10. The easiest way would be probably to recruit decent streamers / people who have famous apb montages imo. You can even see based on that which weapons they are using or hear their opinions on the balance during the streams. Additionally there were quite few people who were doing weapon showcases on youtube and were testing the guns in all circumstances. Even if they weren't some top players they most likely understood the balance very well.
  11. So now we are down to calling people shitposters because they want your op toy to be nerfed ? Get real. All your theories about countering hvr with obeya and obir are stories from a bronze district. Yes you might do that once or twice but most of the time skilled hvr players will literally shit on you. Did you forget that you can quickscope around corners, crouch spam and abuse other stuff like shields or qs ? And it's much easier for hvr to land a single shot and most likely kill you because you were tagged already than for you to land 5 obeya shots or 2/3 obir bursts. Additionally don't forget what kind of range hvr has. It's 2 shot at any range. Good luck countering that. Also remind me please what's your in game name if you are insulting me for not being "remotely talented player" ?
  12. Yes I totally agree that there aren't that many neutral players but still there are those few individuals who would not be biased. Those few veterans understand exactly the flaws of the current balance. They know which weapons are overpowered and which require a little bit of a buff to compete with the meta guns. As always most of the community hates any changes if it means losing their op toys and having to learn how to play with normal guns but LO as a parent shouldn't listen to that part of the community who are simply spoiled children in that scenario. What's op should be nerfed, what's underpowered should be buffed. That's all there is to it and I'm afraid that LO won't be able to do that alone without the help of the community. It's like that funny quote from ffbans.org about FairFight "There's nothing Fair about this Fight if a 60y old granny decides if you are cheating or not". Same goes for weapon balance. With all respect to LO, without someone with top skill level and few years of experience it will be hard for them to provide us with proper balance.
  13. That's why only the top players should be recruited, not yukon gamers or hvr mains or overall any people of that sort. Only legitimately skilled people who are neutral and care about the balance, not releasing more broken weapons which they can abuse. With all respect I think that releasing more weapon types which later could get reskins would be a nice idea. I can't say how many times I was sad that I only have either an OCA or PMG to choose from when I want to play smg, or pretty much only ntec or star when I wanna play AR. There should be more free weapon types which could get reskins in the future. The game is very stale at this point because we have been using the same stuff all these years.
  14. You clearly haven't played against good quickswitchers / people with extraordinary aim if you are memeing on this. If you did you would understand what kind of a tool of destruction hvr is in the hands of top players.
  15. That's true but with respect to LO. I don't think that leaving weapon balance / system design should be entirely up to the dev team who has never played the game or at least has never reached the top skill level. Weapons for example behave differently if you give it to a new player compared to if you give it to one of the top players. New players will just stand still and hold LMB while top players will abuse all the possibilities in the game, tap fire, track properly, jump shoot and do other stuff. We have seen it in the past how G1 thought that they know the best and they decided to ditch SPCT program and balance the weapons based on stats from fight club where you have a ton of new players missing all the shots which just creates misleading stats. On top of it fightclub is nothing but chaos so basing the balance on something like that it's just not very wise since people might either be dying all the time or trying to flick to many different people without actually hitting anything. That only resulted in G1 having to release many fix patches because their balance was just terrible. I think that LO should definitely consider working with some of the best players but without any special privileges like in game SPCT name tag etc. Even if there were no special benefits I'm sure that majority of veteran players would be more than happy to help.
  16. Yes sorry I meant SPCT, I looked at the previous responses and wrote SPCM instead. If they would recruit only good players and I mean good good players there would be no bias. Decent players would abuse the weapons in every way possible, only then you could be sure if the weapon is not broken in some way and could be safely added to the game. Same goes for pretty much any new system, vehicle or any sort of addition to the game in general. There are many of us who played apb competitively for many years and I'm sure that many people would want to help the devs make the game better by helping during the testing process.
  17. I would be more than happy to apply if the idea was resurrected. G1 couldn't do anything worse than ditch SPCT and start balancing the guns based on stats from fight clubs. It only ended up in them having to re balance several weapons multiple times because their changes were just ridiculous and they didn't listen to the community at all.
  18. The only people defending the hvr at this point are bronzies / silvers or 24/7 campers or people who have never faced good hvr players. Change my mind.
  19. Dude calm down. Do you know how big of a mess G1 left behind that LO has to clean now ? Not to mention the legal stuff they are going through. Give them time. I'm sure they are doing what they can. They are most likely doing many things at the same time right now. We got Q&A, new forums, new support page, few blog posts, Matt Scott is also answering many questions on the forum and they are already 75% done with Battleye. That's quite an achievement if you ask me for just 2 weeks.
  20. Play against some of the top players using the hvr and you will know why.
  21. Buff or Nerf ? Yes... Please change the wording of the poll. I already made the suggestion in the appropriate category of the forum. In case you didn't see:
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