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  1. Long time ago when the game got released on steam you would receive 10 days of premium. I think that's the thingy Steam Exclusive items. The date might be bugged.
  2. Hello, does anyone know if the APB Retail Packs are still available to be bought. Not the physical copy maybe just the code?
  3. I have fixed the issue. But i don't know what exactly was the cause so i did many things. Don't know which actually fixed it. You can try what i did. Search on google how to prepare windows 10 for gaming, click on the youtube video that comes up, and follow it. After that i have uninstalled Display Pilot - which was giving me the message : BE blocked MsgHook.dll. After all of those steps i've restarted and it works now. But my guess it's that the MsgHook.dll being blocked by BE was the cause.
  4. I have the same issue. Sometimes it got blocked while launching other BE games but not everytime. For instance 1 out of 100 r6siege launches was this BE blocked msghook.dll. That rare but for apb it does everytime.
  5. Got it working almost good for me. The update brought me an issue. The mouse movements cause the game to stutter insanely. So basically if i try to look in any direction with my mouse the game stutters. If i do it with my keyboard it's working fine.
  6. I have an workaround fix, not the best but it does the job. Navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\TPI , Open TPI.xml with notepad , look for <InstallerInfo> <Name>DirectX</Name> <DllRelativePath>DirectX\DirectXInstaller.DLL</DllRelativePath> <SetupFileRelativePath>DirectX\DirectX_June2010program</SetupFileRelativePath> </InstallerInfo> And delete it. Same goes for BE installer : look for <InstallerInfo> <Name>BattleEye</Name> <DllRelativePath>BattleEye\BattleEyeInstaller.DLL</DllRelativePath> <SetupFileRelativePath>..\Binaries\APB_BEprogram</SetupFileRelativePath> </InstallerInfo> And delete it. Save it and launch it.
  7. I have an workaround fix, not the best but it does the job. Navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\TPI , Open TPI.xml with notepad , look for <InstallerInfo> <Name>DirectX</Name> <DllRelativePath>DirectX\DirectXInstaller.DLL</DllRelativePath> <SetupFileRelativePath>DirectX\DirectX_June2010program</SetupFileRelativePath> </InstallerInfo> And delete it. Same goes for BE installer : look for <InstallerInfo> <Name>BattleEye</Name> <DllRelativePath>BattleEye\BattleEyeInstaller.DLL</DllRelativePath> <SetupFileRelativePath>..\Binaries\APB_BEprogram</SetupFileRelativePath> </InstallerInfo> And delete it. Save it and launch it.
  8. I have an workaround fix, not the best but it does the job. Navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\TPI , Open TPI.xml with notepad , look for <InstallerInfo> <Name>DirectX</Name> <DllRelativePath>DirectX\DirectXInstaller.DLL</DllRelativePath> <SetupFileRelativePath>DirectX\DirectX_June2010program</SetupFileRelativePath> </InstallerInfo> And delete it. Same goes for BE installer : look for <InstallerInfo> <Name>BattleEye</Name> <DllRelativePath>BattleEye\BattleEyeInstaller.DLL</DllRelativePath> <SetupFileRelativePath>..\Binaries\APB_BEprogram</SetupFileRelativePath> </InstallerInfo> And delete it. Save it and you are done.
  9. Hello after the recent update with BE, whenever I move my mouse to aim or to look in any direction my game freezes for 0.4 seconds then 0.2 seconds works then again stuttering, it's not related to my pc not being able to load the map or anything cuz if i don't move my mouse the game works fine with the maximum amount of FPS. Anyone having the same issue?
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