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About Progeekzy

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    Much like you, I have onions.

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  1. Ya alot of that had to do with real time worlds, the original makers of the game. They hired out of office coders for some of the game features, then had to hire other coders to figure out how to put it all together. In the end it was like a puzzle you had to put together with a hammer. THen it was held together with duct tape. Thats why G1 had such a hard time adding/fixing/editing code. It was a mess.
  2. Progeekzy


    I didint read through all 10 pages, but it seemed to be a lot of cheat detection and what is/isint cheating convo. My question is, if/when/how you are able to positively detect and ban a cheater, whats to prevent them from just re rolling and doing it again? You can ban cheaters all day long, but it really dosent matter unless you can find a way to prevent them from coming back.
  3. Im right now reinstalling the game. Its been awhile. I dont think ive played since it got taken over (again) so i was wondering if someone can throw me a TLDR on whats happened in the past year.
  4. Most games that have a in game market/auction have a tax. But 20 percent seems really steep. Maybe half it, and maybe subdue it for a new players first 10 or so postings or something.
  5. Turn off click bait titles? Man, i wish. But some people keep using them.
  6. And they really should not be. Thats not a conversation.
  7. The new forum rules are rather vague and open, which makes it simpler to read because its not 3+pages of rules that needs to be broken down. But a lot of people is going to use that vagueness to there advantage. If its not in the rules spelled out, then they are going to do it. No name and shame. It belongs in a report, not on the forums. No image only replys No off topic replys. Stay on topic and add to the conversation. No click bait topic titles. We should easily be able to see what the thread is about from only looking at the title.
  8. Ya, nice try dragging Tiggs name through the mud. But this is fake news. There is enough dirt on her as it is, no need to bring up something that isint even real.
  9. If you dont think this title is click bait then i dont think you know what click bait is.
  10. Do i remember click bait titles? Of course, way to many people use them.
  11. i use to till G1 did the whole no edit files thing. Man i hate that crap. Just trying to get your load out together and JOKER AMMO!!!
  12. I mean. Your kinda asking them if you can disable a core feature in the game. Themes are one of the very unique things this game has, and you want no part in them. I get that they can be annoying, and in reality its not all that often you run across a bad one, But they are a core feature.
  13. Before they can fix matchmaking they need to fix lack of population the de threaters. Its all kinda 1 big ball of mess.
  14. You should not be proud of click bait titles.
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