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Everything posted by ElectroStingz

  1. The registry fix DXFix.reg or if you want to create this yourself paste the following into a notepad text file. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GamersFirst\APB] "directX ShipDate"="04.18.2011" Save the file as, then choose all types. Name it "dxfix.reg" Then double click on the file to add to your registry. No more DX installing when you launch APB
  2. In that case I would disagree with your analysis of the issue, the launcher is not the problem. The main culprit is the game installer when using Steam, it does not add the correct registry values so each time you see the DX message. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GamersFirst] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GamersFirst\APB] "directX ShipDate"="04.18.2011" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GamersFirst\APB\1] "Installation Language"="1033" "Installation Path"="E:\\STEAM\\STEAMAPPS\\COMMON\\APB RELOADED" "Installation Type"="110101119" "SocialPopupWasShown"="True" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GamersFirst\APB\APB Reloaded] "Initial Version Installed"="" "Installation Language"="1033" "Installation Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GamersFirst\\APB Reloaded" "Application Group Folder"="GamersFirst\\APB Reloaded" "Tag"="live" "Installation Type"="110101119" "SocialPopupWasShown"="True" Without the above it will always show DX trying to install, please note these are for my drives C and E. You may not want a workaround but consider the information above as more detail to your BUG report.
  3. Are you both using the latest driver from nVidia? https://www.geforce.co.uk/drivers/results/134708
  4. ElectroStingz

    OCA, why is?

    They killed the OCA Silverado
  5. i see, assumed that meant Dual as in x2. In your machine options file change these ones UseVsync=False SmoothFrameRate=True always remove the ; Apart from that, is your OS set to run in power saving mode or high performance? So the CPU runs at the max frequency.
  6. Hello, Might be an issue with SLI mode / dual GPUs, in the game options there is a setting to enable which may help. If you used Steam go to where the game is installed. X = your drive letter. X:\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config Edit the APBMachineOption file. Look for this line ;MultiGPUCompatibility=False delete the ; and change it to True. MultiGPUCompatibility=True Save the file and see what happens.
  7. Hello, Are you saying that each time you run the game it tries to install DirectX? If I perform a clean install of Windows 10 and try to use my saved steam library this seems to happen. To resolve the issue I download the Gamersfirst installer, install APB and it seems to workl afterwards.
  8. Hello Forum. You have 1 like
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