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Everything posted by NikkiCasinoKnows

  1. dont do drugs kids you might end up on some forum talking weird under questionable nameplay
  2. Yup that's cookie. Anyway I was trying to make the whole social show my orange square with the white N ... here comes a conveniently confused puss. aw man
  3. those old g1 retail codes? maybe they wont even validate for LO anymore the purple weapons suck anyway in the current meta, the car are old weak and have outdated preset mods why not just burn your money? or a better suggestion might be; get other armas stuff, duderino but hey its your dough carS - bootleg edit -
  4. on max details that cpu is too weak in single core performance ... yeah kinda weird for an older game, but that's the engine we currently have. sorry breh you should be way better off on 3.5 (3.5 aka the engine update) p.s. it isn't so much about cpu Ghz, its more about generation and single core performance nevertheless apb should have a weak-cpu detail setting or something .... you need that weird 3rd party launcher now that bypasses official filechecks
  5. car rushing towards .... yeah let's just stay here .... hey the car is beeping, aw whatever let's just stay here .... look the dude is jumping out .... let's just stay here it's fine
  6. useless legendary nerfs advertise joke boxes pick one orbit people holy crap that sucks dude
  7. wow 220 fps would suck is everything off / at low? last option would be lowering the resolution ... or try that alternative launcher which bypasses filechecks but is completely fine, its fine oh hey; if you got nvidia make a apb profile and set render quality to fatest ... that helped on me on a super old potato once... just recalled or fastest .... here who needs an edit button nobody! that's who
  8. oh wauw you guys must be bored, still starter member btw. How about someone make it 'silly willy' instead of starter member i don't want to be comparable to these "we need this launcher that bypasses filechecks, never see any illegit stuff myself" members anymore really, call me silly if you want to
  9. try turning any firewall (even the Windows one, or like, the one in your modem maybe) and internet security apps off (again like, Windows Defender and similar 3rd party stuff), just temporary ... just to check if that is messing stuff up
  10. Yes another Joker box sale please. Maybe you can even throw some extra sneaky useless nerfs on the mediocre gamble guns before the sale, and then one extra special, after the sale.
  11. NikkiCasinoKnows

    Snowball bug?

    like an osmaw op? wait i got some extra straws here
  12. Surely looks like it when you see the current scoreboard ok buddy, see now you're mine as well p.s. banned you suck
  13. XD (ew) No, because they are just players that have to follow ZE rules.
  14. NikkiCasinoKnows

    Snowball bug?

    I just hope it's one more bug. Wouldn't be a bad one.
  15. Value yes ... yes that's what they are nerfing if you look at it the smart way.
  16. META != LEGENDARY there, maybe you understand that better. nerf the meta before you nerf anything mediocre you sold to us leave it dude, you looked like a fool
  17. ok thats great information but how the hell do you become a member (instead of Starter Member)? do i just keep spamming here for posts because that would be quite literally the most smart way to hand out edit buttons, really or is it more like a days-registered thing on this forum? i hope so, but there is no information what so ever or is it something else? how to member and edit a freaking post here? what's so special about that anyway what a genius rule Insert other media
  18. Mediocre weapons are pay to win? Completely shitty weapons sell joker boxes? Customers like their mediocre bought stuff to be rendered bottom-tier useless? Stop listening to these retards before you break the most important part of your game: the actual customers that buy your mediocre stuff. You know what the META is in this game? IT AINT ***** LEGENDARIES stop spreading BS stop ridiculous nerfs, undo ridiculous nerfs and apologize to your customers. yes it aint cheating, mr bannend
  19. Dude you have no idea what you are ttalking about, keep throwing insults and talk about banana just stop trying for crying out loud
  20. Another joker box sale would be nice. Oh wait after that we get sneaky random pointless nerfs to the guns we gamble for. Thanks anyway.
  21. The Nfas-12 is better and available for APB cash. The orge has a windup timer and spams shot like a smart after that unless you like to restart that timer. It was a funny gun, moderately decent in close range. This nerf doesn't make any sense at all. You don't make any sense either, I'll go with you never even tried this gun for real, you sound completely clueless. Apart from that, having to gamble for a gun that can be funny and moderately decent, could come with some hidden perk saying we won't nerf this gun into utter useless crap for no reason what so ever and thanks for your money. That's a really dumb business model. Ill say it again: they listened to a mid-range using noob crying about this mediocre shotgun, someone like ... hey, you! That is exactly what happened, there is no other explanation. The nerf is ri-di-cu-lo-us and should have been reverted already with an sincere apology to anyone spending money on that piece of junk. (while there are better free alternative shotguns available) p.s. nice filter smart
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