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Posts posted by GhosT

  1. 28 minutes ago, Rolpack said:

    Well they already are with 23m/s except... its not -that- much faster than the others.


    4x4 Vegas goes 22m/s and the Pioneer was something like 21.5m/s or 20.5 not sure if i remember correctly, but the point is, they are the "fastest" just not by much.


    They have rather slow acceleration, while the 4x4 vegas is at top speed almost instantly, and the pioneer hauls too when nitro 3 is used.

    Bishada is like a brick that tries to get moving, and nitro 3 doesn't even work on it.

    Jericho is more or less the same, but at least nitro does something on it.


    Imo if you wish to have a vehicle that tanks a lot (like the vegas or pioneer), you should sacrifice speed for that, and not get both and be better than the sporty cars in every way.


    There are so many cars in APB yet you only ever see the 4x4 vegas and pioneer, and occasionally a espacio.

  2. That gun is a defensive play weapon, is very limited on range, suffers hitreg issues due to too many pellets in a short timeframe, and has a windup time.

    The only district it becomes useful in is financial defense missions, other than that it's a very situational weapon and you'll be using your sidearm a lot more.

    It isn't even all that good in asylum, which even plays in it's best range, but loses out to others due to the windup time.


    I really, really don't understand how people think it is overpowered. It's fine the way it is.

    Sure, it sometimes screws up the hitreg for everyone in the vicinity and the FPS of people with bad/mediocre PCs, but that's not the guns fault.


    BTW, default N-FAS 12 is deadlier than the True Ogre.

    • Like 2

  3. 2 hours ago, striker891 said:

    Maybe the community could translate if for free... Crowd Sourcing is great.


    I think the community should get more involvement into the game once the Engine Update hits. Give us some tools and you definitly will get some cool car/weapon/clothing models. There are a lot of creative people here. 


    Tiggs was looking for translation volunteers a couple years ago, but never made anything out of it.

    Perhaps Little Orbit will revive that program when there's time.

  4. 7 hours ago, MrBubbleTea said:

    would u say the scout is balanced now tho




    I think it's fine when fighting anyone that doesn't use Clotting Agent 3.

    But when fighting against someone using CA3, the moment he starts healing (by missing a single shot for example), the scout becomes a 3 shot kill.


    In my opinion it could use a damage buff from 550 to 600, if they nerf the N-HVR to something lower.

    650 on a scout would make the N-HVR obsolete if they'd nerf that down to 750 or something.


    Personally I'm fine with the current scout jumpshot accuracy, it's more close ranged and actually counterable that way.

  5. 9 hours ago, LUST said:

    What about fun mechanics to bring back? Jump scout...

    Yes, let's make the scout overpowered again.


    Though they could increase the accuracy a little bit so you can more or less reliably hit something that's not too far away, but we certainly don't need people jumping in sprinting speed sniping people at 90m with pinpoint accuracy, while peeking over walls or cars higher than your character.


    That gun broke quite some missions.

  6. 6 hours ago, Bopi said:

    I agree with the part "secretly implementing BE" could be a great idea even tho it's too late for that now. There is 200+ cheating probably but those are "fresh" accounts. No way those guys are around for 4+ years on the same account, cheating and never got banned. FF wasn't the best, it took time (maybe too much) to detect cheaters but I don't think it was THAT bad.


    Thing is, FF was server-side only so it's actually impossible for it to pick up things like a radar or a wallhack, unless you're stupid enough to constantly aim at people through walls.

  7. I honestly think this shouldn't have been announced and just randomly implemented, so the players that cheated for years would suffer consequences, rather than giving them more than enough time to uninstall everything.



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  8. 3 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:

    I dont know how to put it ,but Bloody mary is like a Balance between jersey and Hichhiker  ... it have better range and recoil than Jersey and its bit faster than Hichhiker. at least how i see it

    Bloody Mary and Hitchhiker have the same firerate, but the BM has one less shot to kill, which technically makes it the faster one out of the two.

    Bloody Mary also has 5m less range, it doesn't have better range.

    Hitchhiker is a little more accurate, but has the same effective range as the Jersey Devil, which makes the Hitchhiker the best one on range.


    Speaking of recoil and accuracy loss, I haven't really noticed much of a difference when firing all of them.

  9. 4 hours ago, MartisLTU said:

    I think most underrated weapon is UL 3 ' Bloody Mary '. This days players doest want to learn how to use weapon, they just want to take weapon and gain wins. And Bloody mary is one of those weapons that request little bit of time. Lots of players doest even know what a nice range Bloody mary have ... because of those players Bloody mary price droped down from 4m right to 1.5m.

    Bloody Mary kills all at close range and it even can kill at mid-range if you know how to burst fire.


    Glad that someone else posted the UL-3.

    It's my favourite secondary and it packs quite some punch once you learned how to use it.


    By the way, the bloody mary is the worst UL-3 (in my opinion at least).

    Jersey Devil has a faster equip time and 10% more fire rate, it shreds people on close range and is still lethal at ranges up to 30m.

    Hitchhiker comes with a 32 Rnd. Magazine which is amazing, but all in all I think the Jersey Devil is the best one.


    I don't know why the Bloody Mary is seen as the "best" one. Is it because it has a silencer? Or a red skin? Or one less shot to kill, which doesn't really matter on such a high rate of fire weapon in the first place?

  10. 2 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    I been both premium and non premium and I never rly cared about cd. Its not that big of benefit.


    But what rly concerns me is how big of a boost for farming money the premium is. Its simple math.

    Non premium: Earns +-1500$ per match. But you spend like 800$ for spawning cars, ammo, nades, or even more if you use rockets. Total profit 700$/mission

    Premium: Earns 1500$ + like 1800$ = 3300$. Spends 800$. Total profit 2500$/mission.


    The difference in profit between premium an non premium is 2500-700=1800$!!!

    Premum users profit is 3.5x bigger than non premium player!

    Ok, so now what? I totaly disagree with nerfing premium benefits, but there is one thing that could be done: Make it so you need to spend less money per mission. Less money for ammo, less money for cars. Id like cancel paying for ammo. This would defenitely decrease the gap in profit between premium and non premium users.


    Easy fix. Raise the general payout per mission, but lower the percentages of premium so there isn't such a huge gap anymore, and premium users would get just as much as before.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Ketog said:


    idk , it seems normal to me


    those are images i found online , but you can see that docks where i am are indeed man made islands with vegetation added on it , we can see it a bit on the pictures , but sadly i didn't find a pic of those palm trees


    EDIT: actually i found one 


    Those aren't even growing out of concrete, which the waterfront ones are. Literally no grass or soil around it whatsoever.

  12. 8 hours ago, BuckyTheBronco said:

    I feel like the advantage on cooldowns with premium is silly. It shouldn't be a thing and never should of been. It gives premium players an advantage over F2P players. 

    Hot damn, I never thought that I'd ever see someone that shares this opinion with me.

    I do find it quite "pay2win" when you can nitro the hell out of every objective while free players can't spam nitro as much as premiums.


    Same story with the field supplier, but that mod became obsolete with the superior deployable ammo box.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Ketog said:

    I can clearly see you don't live in an island , at my house i have a palm tree growing on a rock , and at our docks we do have palm trees exactly in this configuration .

    it might sound absurd to you , but palm trees can really grow anywhere


    But it's a shipping dock, and they're perfectly aligned so people have obviously put them there.

    And that's one of those shipping docks that look like man created concrete islands, without any nature under it.

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