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About anot1c

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  1. there's currently THREE full east servers and not a single person in the west if i play on east i get 230ms latency, 110ms in the west. what's the issue with west that makes people play on the east?
  2. all this update has done is remind me of how much i fucking hate playing this game
  3. wants content, gets content, still complains about it
  4. is that website still around that calculates all your G1C purchases into a dollar amount? edit: answered my own question https://kevkof.com/history/ You have spent 174825 G1C, which is $ 2161.77
  5. would you prefer to lose your legendary weapons instead?
  6. you will absolutely not get the same joy
  7. i'm still hopeful i always come back and check on this game, play a few missions, customise some stuff, and forget about it for a few months again still probably my all time favourite game and it holds a special place in my heart lol
  8. i still can't login, says the servers may be down for maintenance?
  9. why are half of you idiots complaining about how the guns are useless after the event is over? it has a unique tagger, it is pink in the killfeed, and they're still a cool fucking gun it it literally no different to any other reskin???????
  10. my only singular issue with the upgrade is the god awful font you're using for all the UI elements. can this please be kept the same as it is in the current game? much easier to read and better on the eye in general. just my two cents.
  11. meanwhile us Australians have dealt with more lag than you ever will for 10 years with less complaints hahahaha
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