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  1. What are you one of those guys who say "IM OG" and think they're somehow superior? I wasnt talking about reskins follow the conversation and you will understand what were talking about As for middle school its going good buddy i rather get an education than be a lost sheep commenting on forums looking like a sped
  2. or maybe two people disagree with your opinion? Another P2W user has joined the conversation lmfao
  3. I got two downs for the comment i posted lmfao they must use P2W to play this game haha
  4. Just use P2W guns like every other noob does to get good at this game lol
  5. What about PS4? The mics havent been working for 3 weeks now defeats a lot of the purpose of the video game in my opinion because we need to shit talk each other. Once again nothing being said for us console players who devote our time on a broken game
  6. When are they going to start getting on top of tickets jesus christ its been a month already
  7. We havent had access to talk to other players via microphone for like a week what the hell is the hold up?
  8. Check out the Frosty Army recruitment video down below. We are on the PlayStation 4 platform
  9. Dumb and useless topic someone close this mess.
  10. Been waiting about a month for missing items to be added back to my inventory
  11. Sharakon

    Frosty Army

    Will be posting pictures from APB Reloaded (PS4) onto this topic to explain/show more what were about pretty soon
  12. Join PS4 version of APB its a lot better
  13. Sharakon

    Frosty Army

    Any contact information you can Personal Message me on this website, thanks!
  14. Sharakon

    Frosty Army

    Greetings all, I am Sharakon I am the leader of the Frosty Army on APB Reloaded. Today, were opening our doors to anyone who would like to join. Our clan is simple we do not require much rules, we allow our clan members to have full range to our clan Jersey's, T-Shirts, and other clothing items. I can even design some new gear for the clan as well. We want to shape the clan around our members its not about being "OG" or "good" we are just looking for great members who have loyalty and respect. Below you can find out more information on us. RULES 1. Be Respectful to other Frostys 2. Never take off Frosty Army jersey 3. No Sniffing/DDoS'ing/Doxing Allowed to other members of the Army (If you are found out you are removed no questions asked) 4. Have fun GENERAL Were working on a website as well but as soon as we get more members we will fully disclose that information to the public. We don't require a lot for the rules we think its the basics. We have many symbols as well for the clan one is such as "(*<*)" some users will even create images from their keyboards although the gesture is really cool and nice looking it isn't required however loyalty goes along way in the Frosty Army. We are like-minded individuals so if you are not agreeing to our terms then please refrain from joining the clan. We were established on PlayStation Home back in 2008 where "SnowMenGeneral" started the Frosty Army then "ILL_LIFE" (an older member of the Frosty Army) took over and ran it on PlayStation Home till they shut their servers down. I was a member of the Frosty Army dating back to 2009 where I started in Red Snow then joined the Frosty Army from there and met the wonderful crew. After Homes disclosure the clan has not been very active on 3D virtual worlds where you interact with people via keyboard. I decided to bring them to APB for "old times sake" and who better than the one who was around during the beginning of the clans time. Of course if you wanna know more information on Frosty Army just ask me I will inform anyone on the recent and past happenings with the clan. We also do have "ROLL CALL" it is a mandatory event you have to attend. During roll calls we discuss promotions, news, recent changes, and game support we want our clan members informed on the new and improved APB Reloaded coming shortly and even beyond. Please if any of this sounds like good news then you might just fit right into the Frosty Army come join us and become apart of a clan that doesnt take shit from no one. ~Stay Frosty! (*<*) S:8/17/18 OUR CLAN Below you can see our pictures from Home and other places We even have videos on YouTube one in which I made will also be down below, enjoy! All APB related Frosty Army content can only be seen in-game. (This is currently our clan picture) (Back in the day we would "merge" our outfits on Home) (This is what we would use sending out messages etc) Here is the YouTube video I was referring to:
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