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Everything posted by bmwdealer

  1. if it was dos towards me yes. But towards the server no.
  2. DDoS kids are ruining the servers, its just a normal 'fucked server' login code.
  3. im not even gonna hide the name of this ******* 3 seconds after he wrote that look at the ping.. @MattScott @Lixil Ban these DDoS kids....
  4. i wish atleast they could block the account while i wait for the ticket reply?
  5. Skype is direct connection between 2 parties, thats why its easy to track a IP and do hacking stuff to eachouther.... Its easy to keylog via skype people. Have you ever seen a logger? if not heres a example screenshot of one. Where it says BINDER you can literally attach the virus onto any type of file (jpg,txt,exe,bmp,wav,mp4,mp3....etc) and get it UNDETECTED. The guy sent me a image i was stupid to take it. [Image Deleted - Against the Rules to promote hacking software] After he'd create a virus in this program, Move on to confuser core, Where hes going to ENCRYPT the virus and make it 100% antivirus invisible. [Image Deleted - Against the Rules to promote hacking software] So please some education before stupid replies : "CANT HACK SKYPE" "YOU GOT HACKED ON SKYPE WTF?"
  6. I mean i know everything about the hacker cause hes dumb enough to get traced. He keylogged me via skype to take my account
  7. I just came accross my own hacked account against me , guy legit played against me... When will LO Reply to the tickets? I want to get my account back and not for some guy to ruin it and sell my legendaries for real money...
  8. Crashed again after 3 hours after fix
  9. HEY they still have discounts on console unfair!! XDDD
  10. i dont even need ignore list i feed on people that swear at me i just piss them off even more ^^
  11. Just dont use direct game files jeez... we dont want LO to go like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8YywSPlzQc
  12. citadel is ded , jericho is atleast grasping XDDDDD
  13. I got a yukon yesterday within 5 boxes only.... Then a week ago a duck in 3 boxes only... Luck boi.
  14. Literally i dont know why forum kids involve when they dont know whats going on.
  15. Im not banned just to clear that up, but im intrested if they will ban someone if ppl spam report " AA THAT GUY MACRO 100% " ???
  16. No im honestly curious CAn innocent end up a ban?
  17. Wich is why they dont even ban ppl that really do macro.
  18. I am curious to know , Is macro even illegall at this point. Because im getting constantly hackusated when using VBR [and im not even using macro, my clean hand , i have fast fingers, 155 WPM typespeed.] and just want to know like if macro is illegal , can someone get banned even they are legit.
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