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Everything posted by bmwdealer

  1. i've noticed scammers are banned. and many many toxic plebs.
  2. When.? Come on you know we need this. Permanent banned accounts and un-used accounts [like inactive for 3-4 years] should be wiped.
  3. but you just did i didnt say their APB usernames.
  4. Theres a whole fukin marketplace for years already i Know who half of this people are, they're very popular here so i wouldnt snitch on them if i were you
  5. they only knew how to perma ban people for no reason... D**ks
  6. Everyone is playing with a shotgun, this game cannot be played with a proper weapno anymore. you will always get 4 of them chasing u in cars with shotguns, when they stop you just shotgunning you up Fuck you and your shotgun balance.
  7. This gun is unfightable with anything.. JUST DO IT ALREADY
  8. Mad cause cant quickswitch? Eat it. *grabs popcorn*
  9. TP-ing around districts of financial, shooting infinite rockets from AAEPD with 1017 ms BUT CHAT SERVER RESPONDS FINE?
  10. This type of color selector "Hue Sat Lum" does not exsist anywhere; I Cant get the color i want into apb...
  11. Dont buy a intel processor. problem solved.
  12. You're one of those pricks who humiliate newbies on bronze servers in order for their satisfaction. You disgust me.You make people go away u ruin the game.
  13. Are we going to be able to: Exchange Currency [ G1 Credits / Money / Joker Tickets ] Armas Items [Maybe?] Social Point Token [ Statue Display, Ad Display , etc...] @MattScott
  14. Can we have more information when we are gonna get this and how will it work? The amount of "i been scammed" and swearing spam in social is just annoying.
  15. tiggs revenge bannerino us all i played the game fine from 6:20 AM to 9:30 AM GMT+2
  16. Whats wrong with fragile... when i have it equiped its same as id have 330ms but i dont. When i unequip it its all fine
  17. Someones just salty for getting pwned by a Volcano / Osmaw.
  18. Literally he can just launch a DDoS from a online stresser network and you can never prove its him. or he can go to a darkweb and use a advanced stresser and u still wont find him.
  19. I just literally TOLD them whos behind the attack. QueenEnforcer is part of that stupid DDoS team called "GreatBl*wJ*bG*YS [swearwords name lol] All they need to do , is their job. Last i expected from someone whos RANK 237.
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