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  1. So that's why Valentine roles disappeared today...
  2. After today's epic maintenance i can't even enter district. Insta Disconnected and then ofc 10004. Facepalm.jpg EDIT: And now it loads only character names and rank and nothing else and Next button is greyed out...
  3. Well yea got 2 dc in span of 6 missions... + waiting 15 min each time for character to unstuck on server... But later at night it was ok
  4. We just barely started playing after a month of withdrawal and now this... On a weekend...
  5. LMAO that's what you get for cheap hosting. Understandable, tho. No profit from just a hundred sweats who no-life in 2 districts every day.
  6. Yeah remove all weapons too then And give everyone crayons.
  7. What's wrong with one in Fin? >.> I do my laundering all the time in there
  8. No one cares about skybox. Too busy getting roflstomped by legit golds.
  9. For me it's plenty informative. It all boils down to making choice from that information to stick head out of corner to pew pew now or wait few seconds more.
  10. Temporal

    Nerf the Vegas

    How about no. Vegas is the only fun to drive car in this game and re-spawning it already is pretty expensive.
  11. Finally... New contacts to grind in same old maps... But now with only few hundred ppl... I have run out of tears, but matchmaking will cry. Oh boy will it cry.
  12. Lol dead game can't die. Psst i heard rumour that on October 28, 2024 will be launch of APB2. Trust me bro i has insiders
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