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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. I really hate to quote pleasant fellows that barely read but here you go https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/208-transcript-for-the-apb-qa-session-one/
  2. If you care so much, then bid the displays screens and show your art. What? That you dont care? Why caring about what is shown then?
  3. "Gambling is not problem, if not what you do with your gains", as far as i understand. Does it make any sense for you?
  4. Don't worry boss, we will have gms not doing a good for the game like is controling cheaters, if not attentioning like allways and on top (the fruit of teh cake) they are VOLUNTEERS -you may know what it means...- You need to understand that they brought the game to console peasants, they had to lower the graphics to console levels (it still run like shit for them lmao) and censor the most posible because kids and sensible people will be playing the game. edit: nowhere been stated that their previous staff were changed, and they still gamersfirst. You know what it means too, right? inb4 toxicity to speak out truth
  5. I dont care about custom shadres or advanced launcher, and they should be blocked without doubt imo. But unbanning cheaters thats a huge mistake and i am not playing apb (good news for some lol). Its time to move once for all.
  6. LOL, i mean this is really gg. Free to play ppl will really have a reason to cry p2w. This is honestly dumb. It will go down quicker... heh.
  7. I got a hotwheels, does it count?
  8. Yeah, you are right... how could i be so blind seeing the games they managed. They will make the game as kid friendly as possible. Meh gg for me.
  9. Nono yogurt on them, i mean, topless was totally allowed... i even wanted remove underwear for customization, we are not getting anything it seems.
  10. " Nudity is great, nudity is amazing! - There's no place for it in our game. " What? So they are rewriting the line at "genitalia?"...? What exactly is nudity to him? Sad to read about unbanning... this is really another down for me.
  11. So this still "gamersfirst" and not "Little Orbit", right? I know i must wait and see changes, but why? Inb4 thread gets shutdown because toxicity without any word or reason for being deleted once again.
  12. We can wait our comunity manager past it to text so people who missed it can read it.
  13. How are you getting so many dislikes???
  14. Can you make the profile bar? follows the scrolled windows just like before?
  15. You may wait for apb to get populated once again... if they fail, then implementing to these ideas wont be that bad. Many people said that a gm would be nice to reinforce anticheat (or whatever you do for having this game as clean as posible)... you told me in your pm you will listen to the community. It seems like people just like to oposeme at anything i say :@
  16. I am saying because ive seen gms logged...
  17. I am not blubbering anything but reality, and i dont want to be called anything, respect the rules.
  18. Because you need years to send a single gm to clean rage cheaters... thanks for information, very informative.
  19. 5 miliseconds? Well... 4chan quoter. Its been days, there was plenty of time to at least send a gm to get down the rage cheaters at least. I can't edit with this forums lol, the spacing between lines is HUGE.
  20. Theres been plenty of time... no need to whiteknight, calm down.
  21. When will you stop being so mean to the comunity and start cleaning the cheaters so we can peaceful play?
  22. There still an off topic subforum.
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