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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. Are you sure about after all what just happened? See the other day another guy posted about "x streamer liked my customization xD", and i just asked if it was not spam to link channels outside the proper subforum... and then "BECAUSE OF THIS GUY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS, BLAH BLAH BLAH". Rly? What if i start posting about what summitg1c likes? Would anyone care at all? Subtle spam still spam. How disrespectful...
  2. Why would you insult id people? Comeon, are you trying to act here? We know lust is not new around this community, he knows we would freak out by seeing a gm interfering with missions again, and he posted it with all the intention I doubted Matt for a second and made Matt lose his time, how could make us go through all this? How dare him... I was not wrong into thinking about blocking streamers... they will spam their channels like we are seeing lately and bring these kind of stuff. Now shinni has more viewers and we triggered our ptsd. EDIT: I am waiting for lust to apology to the community and the gm fired, who only tried to be playful.
  3. It looks like a trap from shini and lust... shinni would ask a gm to play with them, lust would record and bam gm down. Now that i think about it, poor gm was trying to be nice. But thats a reason why not to add powers to a volunteer gm, ban, either kick.
  4. Okay, is really hard to read you. Even worst than my broken english
  5. Not because a hidden gm is playing around doesnt mean is not from their team... otherwise it means someone from outside hacked their server and had access to gm commands. Are you 100% sure of it? Then someone had enabled gm commands? Never seen a speedhacker running so smoothly... a new level of cheating confirmed then?
  6. You havent been here when* i lost my mind trying to prevent volunteers gms... well.
  7. Dude stop it, you wont win anything by being a whiteknight. Just relax and lets wait how they solve it. People dont understand that not everyone acts like they would like to, they project their minds into others. Trusting a community like this granting them gms may end like this. Is not huge either, there is no need for scandal, they will remove said gm and thats it. End of story.
  8. Read the thread, please. I also mentioned i saw speedhackers (the ones that run faster that cars) they make little warpings, a gm speeding not. Also this is not in jericho, it was in citadel. Learn to read please.
  9. Gms are their arms, i dont think they would use their arms to harass other players, would they?
  10. Thats why i would block streamers in apb...
  11. I tried, i tried so hard to alert about trusting apb community. See how bad i am...
  12. Honestly, ive seen speeders, they make little warps. Ive seen gm videos, they run like that.
  13. I know ive been rude, and i dont want to sound any more rude now... but you cant ask cheaters to stop cheating. Is like to say "water please stop being wet". I honestly laughed hard.
  14. Specially the overwolf guys... EDIT: it honestly show a bit how the mind of the average apb players work... trying to take advantage even of the most little things, like i said in the other thread. I would, if i wanted to ask for free stuff, ask for an event with prizes and thats it.
  15. Excalibur!


    Like i said before, for a murderer, an assassin, hitman or w/e, life could be just a business or have no meaning/importance at all (maybe you are way too young, but there is a huge business at cost of your health). Games for you may not be important, but ive been gaming since i was 3. Cheaters been craping most my favourite games since i started playing online... There is people making a living out of games, or just enjoying them... there is no place in gaming for a person who wants to ruin that. Not because of your subjective perception of what is important will make anything less valuable for others.
  16. Still happening, for those with ping. Its never been fully fixed. Plus on distance, is really hard to land bullets to such insane movement. They dont even need to marksman, completly broken feature.
  17. They live in san paro, learning how to hide your phone is a basic thing.
  18. Ofc no... is like everytime a price changes people should get their money back to spend it again? How absurd.
  19. Have you steped on bubble gum with your char?
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