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Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

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Everything posted by Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

  1. My man writing an essay out here. You know how bloom works, which is good, but I was looking more for what bloom does to a gun
  2. Simple: CJ affected max bloom much more than IR did Don't believe me. Go to the old database (http://apbdb.com), pick a gun that has open slots and put on CJ then IR afterwards
  3. I looked it up on both apb databases, the old LCR ttk was 1.2s while the current one was 1.27s. Without the fire rate nerf, it will become 1.08s, so you were pretty much spot on
  4. They had their fire rate buffed to counter the changes IR would make on them, maybe even a bit past the equilibrium of -18%
  5. For a moment I thought it would be to switch to the other district. Guess I was wrong
  6. @Tenginima I wanna run 2/3 questions by you real quick. In layman terms, could you describe what you think bloom (bloom per shot/per shot modifier) and recoil do on a gun in apb I'll ask my third question after you answer these two (or I might not depending your answer for recoil)
  7. I don't have anything against the way Valve balances CS:GO, mainly cause I don't play it :^), but comparing CS:GO to apb and balancing in their style isn't a good idea for a few reasons: 1) CS:GO is a game designed around being competitive whereas apb, at the moment anyway, is a casual shooter 2) a fair share of our "top players" aren't really open to the idea of playing with the wide rooster of guns available to pick from, so advice from them tends to lean in favour of the meta, while in CS:GO, their top players don't mind stepping out of their comfort zone/they have enough competitive players playing with all the guns to balance them relatively ok 3) I just wanted to say 3 4) the elephant in the room, they're different games. They play out differently
  8. I will read them, but before I do, you're telling me the opinion of like 70% of the whole playerbase means nothing in the face of a handful of indivual's opinion?
  9. Well it obviously did something considering the forums were whining about it, and even more, are now happy it's going away
  10. Dw. Let the ntec warriors drive their favourite gun into the ground by their own hands
  11. Yes, let's increase the one thing that is actually RNG, and then complain about it months down the road
  12. Put it like this: The ntec does max damage up to 50m before dropping off. Which sounds more broken. A ntec doing max damage up to 57m or a ntec doing max damage up to 60m. Bare in mind they both have the old downside of Improved Rifling (which in case you didn't know, did nothing)
  13. There's a couple of reason why I went "looking at stats on a piece of paper". One of them primarily being what a mod says it does and what it actually does not matching up. Descriptions in this game have a habit of skipping over information or being misleading. My second reason was simply I didn't know what CJ actually affected. Looking at the description of CJ ("slightly/moderately/substantially worsens minimum accuracy"), and comparing it to the old IR description ("Increases maximum reticle bloom slightly/moderately/substantially"), I was under the impression they did different things to each other. The question was what CJ affected. So I went to the database to find out, only to learn they affect the same thing, at different magnitudes The reason I asked @TheDogCatcher if they were sure CJ affects bloom per shot is because I have a suspicious they A) made the same mistake I did thinking CJ and IR do different things based on their descriptions, or B) they mistook how fast guns with CJ reach max bloom as increased bloom per shot, which I can see how one would. Of course my suspicion could be wrong, but I just wanted to confirm
  14. I went and checked on both apb databases (the old one and the up to date one, V2) to see the effects of CJ on a random gun, and in both cases they affected the shot modifier cap (or max bloom). I even tested IR on the old database in case I had mixed something up but that also affected shot modifier cap. Are you sure CJ affects bloom per shot?
  15. CJ downside is max bloom. I'm suggesting bloom per shot. The old downside was max bloom (which didn't work well)
  16. Is that tracers I see? Are my eyes not deceiving me?
  17. Well I tried being nice with you but if this is the path you want to take, fine by me. I will come at you with my full force to the best of my ability and knowledge. Bloom per shot does not affect the max bloom at all. I dunno where you got this idea from but it's wrong. All bloom does is affect how quickly you lose accuracy, until you reach the bloom cap, at which point you can't get any more inaccurate. Bloom cap is the maximum a gun can be inaccurate. Got that? I hope so The reason I suggested what I did is because the old downside of IR affected bloom cap, which is completely pointless. If you've used an assault rifle at range, which I doubt with you being busy engaging in adulterous activities with your beloved hvr, you would know you never reach max bloom. Like ever. So I suggested to make the new downside of IR affect something that you would be able to notice: bloom (per shot modifier). This is something that chages with every shot, an actual downside This all make sense?
  18. Is it possible to get said designers to join in the conversation? Being the messenger and not the one making the changes, it must be rather hard justifying the changes they make as it's not a change you thought of. If they join in, it might help the conversation, with them knowing why they did the changes and all Like when beastie joined in the shotgun changes
  19. Bloom cap (or shot modifier cap) Ftfy Tbh, the old downside was pointless because it affects the max bloom, which if you're using a gun at range, you will never hit
  20. My lord, I believe I suggested this if I'm not mistaken Or am I missing something my lord?
  21. I hope IR doesn't stay in this straight upgrade state for long i.e. Shredder buff long
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