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Everything posted by ForeverCrooked

  1. I prefer a ttk that rewards consistent tracking rather than flick-aim.
  2. waiting for engine upgrade or some substantial update
  3. working fine on my end, havent seen a cheater on jericho in weeks doesn't really count if you just sit on the forums all day or afk in social
  4. Except that wouldn't be helpful for triggerbot since the hud popup doesn't always show-up.
  5. No it uses the red color or is memory based. I think your thinking of overwatch, most aimbots and triggerbots in overwatch just scans for the health-bar icon.
  6. Developing and distributing cheat software isn't illegal and there isn't any point in trying to take legal action against these sites.
  7. They weren't false LO just disagreed with g1's banning approach.
  8. nope I'm saying radar tower is. The NFA is only effective at like 0 to 10 meters and both the rfp-9 and the pdw have to slow of a ttk. Mobile radar tower can't be countered. Like you said apb is a team oriented game and with a team mobile radar tower is at its most broken.
  9. I don't think you understand that taking an AV weapon will cripple you in most fights and yes I could take a fast ttk secondary but I don't have the g1c to pay for any of the Mountie variants. Most players only use AV weapons in vehicle mission or when trying to stop people from running.
  10. Darn-it you got me I'm clearly not 'pro' enough.
  11. yes let me just use an anti-vehicle weapon with really slow ttk in cqc oh wait... Also I'm sorry I don't carry around a large ammo box all the time and/or don't use low yields/conc. Its used as a handicap for players who have zero game sense.
  12. Needs an actual downside. What some of ya'll don't understand is that it shows enemies within 20 meters. welp guess what if the enemies don't show up in that 20 meter area than you can infer where they are. Play in a premade and roll 2 of them you got 80m covered. Its broken af.
  13. broken mod is broken
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