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Everything posted by Bva

  1. First of all i'd like to say, props on focussing all resources towards the Engine update, but stuff needs to happen. It's always the same cycle right now Login > See the same people > People get gold > People curvestomp noobies > Dethreat & Repeat. (I won't name and shame) <Although i dont see why it's such a problem as i feel like specific people should be ashamed> Either way, there are tons of ''Fake golds'' playing in bronze, it's not just once, it's every single day. Every day the same people who curvestomp everyone because they can't play silver. It's just sad that nothing can be done to this. It's just sad we as a community do not shame these people for behaving like this, same as known cheaters but that's a sensitive topic around here. How hard is it to implement (for now) a system that would; Send these people the fuck over to silver/gold district upon reaching gold threat? I know the current threat system is a joke, gold is easily achieve-able But it's the same dethreaters / outskilled for the district type of people. Something has to change. As a long time fan and returning player after 2 years, it took me a week. 7 days to call it quits yet again because of this unplayable garbage in districts, asylum/baylan cheaters and dethreaters. It's sad.
  2. @Sakebee I did not intent this topic/Thread to be a discussion that borders the ToS, would you be so kind as to lock this thread?
  3. Dont revert med spray Revert the shield change
  4. I actually bought that thing + Coywolf for 10K cash each. idk how that happened.
  5. Bva

    Petition: Fight Club

    I hereby start a petition to disable explosive weapons for use in Fight club districts for the forseeable future. Its completely not needed there.
  6. Fair enough but what do i even type in? I tried to search it but not the correct type of editing
  7. @heelruby Do you know how to do it, or is there a tutorial on how to do it? I want to change it to different colors and be able to see the last objective of the match
  8. I was watching youtube videos and seen people using a sort of edit to their UI where they see what the last objective is and having multiple different colors in their UI aswell for teamplayers and enemy team(showing with weapon and everything) in the killfeed What is this and can you still do this?
  9. Hello im looking for someone on Citadel EU to make me a couple of themes. Ive got 1.7m to spend and i want some actual proper themes. I have a couple of requests starting with but not limited to; Barely Alive & Fox Stevenson - Here We Go 1:08 - 1:12 & 2:12 - 2:17 Wildstylez & Sound Rush - Untamable 1:11 - 1:16 (Or general melody of the song) Ohmie - Bleeding to Death 0:49 - 0:54 KSHMR - Strange Lands 0:37 - 0:42 Together with much more but to start with these. Is there anyone that can make this come to the game? I will pay well.
  10. There was literally a playable BETA, which improved quite a bit. The question is when will we get it tho.
  11. Surely they must be close, seeing as last year they wer so close as to where Matt said it'd be weeks if not months.
  12. Dear Matt, Are you okay? You still alive? Its been a good 16 days since we last seen any update. Also i would like to point out during a Q&A on April 18th 2020 You told us the upgrade was ''weeks if not months'' and we're now 14 months further. I think it would be a great idea to do another Q&A stream and see where we're at, at this point in time and how far you've come. If not to push the population number up a bit, the steady decline in player population numbers is not something to be ignored.
  13. Just make it so collision between players is off, when youre not on a mission. Problem solved. No need to ban people for something that is in the game itself. The game makes u hit anyone, derail them, flip them. Fuck, you can even kill someone behind a pedestrian vehicle if u ram it hard enough and make it look like a suicide. Just set player collision off (i.e can't hit players with vehicles off mission) when not on a mission and a great mayority of griefing is fixed.
  14. Lets be real here, what actually happens in maintenence and why does it take so long?
  15. I crash multiple times a day sometimes up to 7 times Now normal crash is alright but this makes me update the game all over again for some reason. '' m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 11:47:21 - Log: Log file closed, 17/06/21 13:47:21 '' Merged. Pls help Merged. m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 12:09:14 - Log: Log file closed, 17/06/21 14:09:14 Crash number 2 and 2nd time reinstalling update. Merged. m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 15:10:38 - Log: Log file closed, 17/06/21 17:10:38 Crash number 3 and third time i have to update the game again Merged. m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 17:36:52 - Log: Log file closed, 17/06/21 19:36:52 Crash number 4 and fourth time i had to update the game again 6 hours with 0 help. Merged. m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 21:02:56 - Log: Log file closed, 17/06/21 23:02:56 Crash number 5 Fifth time i have to redownload the update 10 hours without help
  16. If we get the Parka(down) all people that bought that pack should get it for free. (Which includes the parka we got now)
  17. I would love to put a skin on my Ursus..
  18. So, ill update this later, I'm getting so many constant crashes upon entering a district. It's getting kind of frustrating. Edit: editing windows registry seemed to have fixed my crashing.
  19. Repairing got it to fix it for me. Did u try re-installing then trying again? That seemed to work aswell for me.
  20. i get this @Kevkof Also @Tunner I re-installed the game, at first i didnt even recieve the manifest for the update download. That way i did.
  21. Bva

    Client Manifest?? W0T

    Why when i try to open the launcher it tells me the Client Manifest is invalid? Why did i crash earlier this morning and get tons and tons of errors trying to launch the game? Edit: Managed to update the game via re-install now i get this error.
  22. I am getting so many errors/crashes after today. Really? manifest failed to download, many MANY errors/Crashes when attempting to launch the game, can't even get past district select, i get error.
  23. Really don't get why this would be a 2 hour problem to fix...
  24. It would be helpful if we could track said achievements via a role or a counter. Tho.
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