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  1. I agree! Its the best move LO took with the situation of the game right now, and with the extra joker tickets that you get from boxes! Dont get me started!
  2. I spy an Indian server, can I finally get a ping below 200? oh wow
  3. I currently live in a dorm, and have sims on two mobile networks, one that gives me good speed (A), and the other which has good connectivity (B) all over the country (India). So whenever I try connecting from A , i either get stuck on connecting to district server or just get outright disconnected with the error in title. It works really fine on B , but I seldom get good speed on it to be able to play. So then I managed to get a local isp to get me a fiber connection I tried setting up port forwarding and static ip to no avail. help.
  4. I loved the weapon drop mechanic, especially in fight club, besides make it so that a weapon drops only if the player carrying it dies. so you just cant keep switching weps
  5. would no one talk about the lack of recoil?
  6. funny thing is... i stumbled on this thread from the search results
  7. As soon as i enter the district in the character select menu, it tries to enter world district for 10-15 secs then automatically disconnects me.I am getting pissed off now because i lost 2 days of premium just because of this , one from yesterday and now today given the 8 hours server maintenance. I love this game I really do, but everything it does rubs very badly on me.
  8. Off-topic:- Lolice is here, please put your arms behind your head and kneel. On-topic:- Welp cant access citadel or nekrova, went into create a char to see what was up ....their pings are "---" atm
  9. lucid

    Weekly Maintenance

    Citadel and nekrova are apparently down atm , can access jericho and han tho.
  10. I suspect ddosing on citadel because the server is laggy and also crashing alot
  11. this is stupid and also takes some time. any fixes? this didnt seem to occur on my last pc
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