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About Cazadora

  • Rank
    Angriest Person Alive

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  1. Hey! I came across these two Blender addons and thought they were worth sharing. They are for Blender 2.8x First one is a multi OBJ importer. The second is a tool to drop objects in a fast and simple way, and also has a location randomizer.
  2. Hmmm once you get usede to it, Blender is quite nice, but I admit I had some fondness of animation in Autodesk softwares
  3. Did a thingie with Kyle and @WhiskeyTangoFoxX's Anna Took the fireworks from here: https://www.deviantart.com/hjr-designs/art/12-Transparent-Fireworks-Set-3-320378352 Also some behind the scenes:
  4. Not trying to make fun of it at all, merely a personal contrast, sorry if it cameout aggressive. I also didn't see your reply, my bad.
  5. The time you spent typing this down feels more of a waste to me than doing "all this stuff"
  6. The newest version of Eevee got the Hair info input node at last, and even if the Hair shader isn't there yet, it's enough to get closer to Cycles. Hair is handled slightly differently but so far I'm happy with what they've done with it. Particularly the fact that I could render the three particle hairs in one go in around 3 minutes, opposite to Cycles taking 6 hours and only handling 1.
  7. Did you try an older version? For some reason I can no longer use the most recent, so I've been using NR 1.1.4 and it works like a charm, I suppose it's worth a try
  8. Yeah, I'd try to play with the roughness and maybe even darken the color. Blood is usually quite a pain in the patootie to get right
  9. Can we get back to posting renders pls I'm a true fan of your work
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