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Everything posted by Ramihyn

  1. fun teleporting, superlag, the usual stuff on weekends when frustrated teens realised the new ddos site is just a mouseclick away
  2. Tobii did a different method which requires less trust >> HERE << The sources of my tool are >> HERE <<
  3. tripple buffering with correct framebuffer synching please
  4. I will add an option to create soft/hard links to the tool (2 minute of google search pointed me to MKLINK) i could'nt get in contact with a GM before posting this yesterday
  5. Nothing. Not even a dime. Its called a botnet. Yes, its totally free and big fun and clever and there are no consequences ever https://www.google.com/search?q=youth+police+arrest+ddos ps: this posting may contain irony or sarkasm www.darn-ifuckedupmylifeanddidntrealisethatishouldhavegrownupinstead.org
  6. While thats funny to think about as a consequence of BattleEye or other new anti-cheating changes, his new goal might be to become a maxrank green. Sadly you never know if you play with a gold team member in bronze districts, if they just try to lose or win... really annoying
  7. do it to make a game we / most love, better use it as a future reference of your ability to do the job and get paid for exactly that job what's the worst begative outcome anyhow? "omg i recently did spend 30 minutes volunteer work on the internet (instead of 6 hours pointless reading and commenting - and i did'nt get money for it!!!". horrible thought
  8. If anybody is able to write such a bot without being detected by any of the anti-cheats in game for such a little reward (whats the worth of getting 20 million apb ingame $ like that if you convert it to realworld money? ), then LO should definately hire that person to make some Bots for other events (player vs npc). Because i (as a cop) would love to see mission events where a bunch of bots rob a bank for example and i can nail and arrest them Sounds like having such bot technology would make lots of event types possible that apb doesn have yet. win-win?
  9. i am not aware of that but i get a suicide demerit anyway so i can be replaced (sometimes just 5 in a row). When i notice new players dont know how to kick/replace me, i tell them which keys to press and which option to use. So i am not stopping anybody if they want to get trashed (i just was killed 19 times last mission vs the next gold group - fun)
  10. well i have time while i afk another mission - vs 3 golds and one silver enemy team in bronze - all 4 are maxranks. previous mission was vs. some maxrank who enjoyed farming us and played with the clan "the dethreaters" - yes thats all happening daily in bronze. thats the state of apb in 2018 - plenty of afk time for legitimate players. 3 of the 4 missions today where completely pointless because of this - laugh it all away with the usual noob comment, but im definaly not stupid enough to pay money for apb like this. still waiting for LO to clean this mess up
  11. Which will bring the long overdue sidekick animals for 225+ like the icebear which will run to each enemy and hug them. Effecitely slowing them down so you can easier hit them. \o/
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