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Everything posted by owzzy

  1. This is definitely not the solution. What if you've simply taken a years break from playing computer games and when you finally come back, your beloved character no longer has your own name.
  2. This is a very high quality piece of work here. 10/10.
  3. Don't forget Satchel Charges!
  4. My favourite tip I like to give people (hehe) is to throw a perc before OR after you've hit an enemy with the N-HVR. Easy kills and easy money
  5. I'm sure things could be put in place to stop it from being abused, or abused as much. Perhaps a cooldown on calling a vote like a lot of valve games.
  6. A vote-kick option would be interesting to see. However I don't know how that would work in a team of 2.
  7. Why stop at 50 vs 50? Imagine something like a 100 vs 100 district... hot diggity.
  8. Hopefully the new anti-cheat system will ban any unbanned players who decide to continue cheating/start cheating again.
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