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  1. So.. we have 3 hours to test another 1 hour added, What about those who cannot get in to test.. they will be loosing the 3-4 hour experiance which kinda sucks..
  2. Okay so the email i used to bind to my gamerfirst account then?
  3. Are we able to login with our steam accounts? I have updated the beta client and currently at the main menu screen
  4. 11A-2PM PST, For us EU folks around 6PM-9PM
  5. Expect the unexpected! hyped for the beta!!
  6. Is it just me or the population has gone down hill since the Anti-Cheat change? we was looking at 1200 players now its gone back to 600 max..
  7. But didn't you say the servers will be back Thursday? but i do hope they are back before the weekend.
  8. Servers are working perfectly fine for me currently in social rn
  9. Hi all so basically reading from the update @MattScott posted about the citadel servers he said "The plan will be to do a short maintenance on Citadel on Thursday night to take these live." did he mean as in today as he didn't state a date nor time. i do believe he meant today but i am guessing Thursday night his time zone for the maintenance and not UK GMT time zone Thanks.
  10. I really hope Little Orbit actually puts this into the game its amazing and i hope they listen to the community.
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