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Queen of Love

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Everything posted by Queen of Love

  1. i guess is time to talk about APB: Open Source. That had should be done when we had 10k of players. with a good 1 % with nice coding skills. New content and New gameplay.
  2. FairFight had a nice page with walls of banned. That's why there were more players and less cheaters.
  3. Using APB launcher, SARD starts, but the launcher not. no splash screen at all, neither sard logo.
  4. i have a better idea. put every trucks a legittimate target every time for every driver , if any player use it ,it will become destroyable and killable.
  5. another part of community sinking. i guess everybody asked for remove the exporting of characters, really.
  6. Queen of Love

    No missions.

    In any mission district (FIN or WF) the time for wait a single mission is "forever" . yesterday = 22 minutes ,full district. NO mission today 1st attempt = 15 minutes, full, no missions today 2nd = 30 minutes, full, no missions there ahd been also players that were waiting more than 50 minutes.
  7. the amazing customation system is a gold mine for know what people like. the service of data collect is a dollars revenue daily.
  8. ok, let's try to have an old version of APB online (version 2012, with p5n5,out of bounds, a lot of glithc and bugs that were FUN) and see how many will prefer This instead of current fixed pro" version.
  9. Mostly, cheaters and tryhards complains about a decent way that stop them while stomping legit &/or humans players. Without a score like 24k/0d vs 0k/24d ,the match are not fun enough for them. Sportsmen, really.
  10. now is too much, for some reason, also with opposition available . i suggest to restore P5N5 old system for have something to play. OR Make some PVE activity. Like as: -chasing suspect pve cars. -have suspect to recognize with special identikit traces. (an outfit, a face, a object carryed.) -allow street war between crimes gang .( like trading system, 2 groups could engage) -interrogation civilians (found or spot crime activity, Investigations) OR nvm, i am gonna play something else.
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