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  1. At a point it was possible to quickswitch it with a snub pistol.
  2. I wish too, but I guess we underestimate the amount of spaghetti in this codebase.
  3. I'd rather check this : https://will.io/apb/
  4. Graphic customization is an accessibility issue. Not everyone can have the best up-to-date hardware for their PC. I think the current way of doing things is correct : Only use whitelisted mods or change settings in the config files which are allowed. https://www.gamersfirst.com/download/ Anything else could put you at risk of getting banned.
  5. Client modification is a subject that needs to be presented and discussed in further detail. I think there is a support page presenting the stance of LO on the matter, lemme search for it... Only the downloads on this page are approved: https://www.gamersfirst.com/download
  6. The ISSR-a and ISSR-b are pretty good guns in terms of recoil. What mostly prevents from getting min TTK with these guns is the bloom and high recovery delay. The first 2-3 shots allow you to dish out considerable damage in a short time, with reliable accuracy. Since the N-ISSR-b range nerf, it lost its S-tier status (leaving some room for the Anubis, S-247 Oblivion & SBSR 'IRS'). I`d say it is still an A-tier gun because of how easy it is to use. ISSR-a : Per Shot Modifier: 1.5 Shot Modifier Cap: 1.5 Recovery Delay : 0.38 sec Fire Interval : 0.28 sec ISSR-b : Per Shot Modifier: 0.5 Shot Modifier Cap: 1 Recovery Delay: 0.45 sec Fire Interval: 0.3 sec
  7. Thank you for listening feedback from the players! 🫡 @MageLO EDIT: I'd expect the gun to be buffed another notch to be competitive. Definitely a good change, considering this gun is in the "sniper rifle" category. New breakpoints according to range : Minimum damage = 550 x 0.45 = 247.5 @ 70m 2 STK @ 0-40m 3 STK @ 41-60m 4 STK @ 61-69m 5 STK @ 70-100m Old breakpoints according to range : Minimum damage = 550 x 0.30 = 165 @ 70m 2 STK @ 0-39m 3 STK @ 40-54m 4 STK @ 55-62m 5 STK @ 63-66m 6 STK @ 67-69m 7 STK @ 70-100m
  8. Hypothetically, if we increase the dropoff range from 35m to 40m & set the minimum damage is set to 200... https://i.imgur.com/95pTRph.png The 'Enchantress' is meant for a defensive playstyle, minimizing exposure to win fights, rather than charging directly at enemies. Defensive means designed for high instant DPS, but also a high TTK. You pop in-and-out of cover in-between shots to maximize the damage you deal vs. the damage you receive. Examples of this playstyle are the Scout and CSG-20. What’s interesting about this new weapon is its versatility. It can be used in both close-quarter combat (CQC) and ranged combat, but it doesn’t excel in either. Its mobility and long-range accuracy allow you to tactically adjust the distance based on your opponent’s weapon. However, without proper cover to navigate, your strategy is unlikely to succeed. In essence, this weapon is a "jack-of-all-trades, master of none". The slow refire rate and TTK lower your chances of securing a kill in anything other than a 1v1. Most of your opponents will be running Clotting Agent III, reducing your chances of getting a kill within 2 shots. Finally, against good players using "meta" weapons, you'll often fight an uphill battle since your opponents have an easier time forcing the fight within their ideal range. The 'Enchantress' niche areas are low walls and player-owned cars with high burn fuel, which are harder to find.
  9. I am near the eastern canada shore. I get 90-100 ms here to US-West. Playing above 70 ms is too high for a PvP game. To be fair, I'd rather stop playing instead of having a laggy experience. Ever since the US-East instances are back, the Jericho population went back up. Cancelling US-East would be detrimental to the game's survival. I think the way foward is to just unbound characters from server locations. All characters should be global, and we should be able to join all worlwide instances from 1 server.
  10. I think the weapon is very fun to play with, but its range feels lackluster in most scenarios. A Colby RSA secondary is often a better choice, considering the range. The short range and high TTK forces you to use the Enchantress defensively using cover, with a CQC secondary to defend against opponents closing in to rush you. You can use a player-owned car with high HP as portable cover to jump-shoot over it with little risk. That's one of it's few advantages. Recommendations : - Change the minimum damage of the gun to 200 to be a 5 Shots to kill (STK) at worst - Raise the range dropoff & min damage range by 5-10m each - Make accuracy acquisition faster while jumping. Consider nerfing the jump modifier to allow accurate jump-shooting without HS3
  11. @MageLO @MattScott This evening, I've been playing matches only against suspected cheaters (a.k.a. silver players who are very bad at the game, but won't miss any shots). I suspect I was falsely flagged with cheats points. I checked the TOS and the SARD FAQ to verify what could have caused this. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2024/8/14/sard-faq Then I read this paragraph and got scared : How does the SARD Anti-Cheat AI module work? SARD AI is purpose-built to detect cheats in games and employs AI/ML modules that have been trained using data provided by the game. This training enables SARD AI to identify a wide range of cheats effectively. SARD AI utilizes image processing, mouse movement analysis, and keyboard input tracking to understand and learn typical behavior exhibited by legitimate players. By establishing a baseline of normal player behavior, the system can then flag any abnormal activities or deviations from this baseline. When SARD AI detects suspicious behavior indicative of cheating, it provides actionable insights to game administrators or developers. These insights can be used to take appropriate actions against cheaters, such as issuing warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans from the game. I've been wondering if players using uncommon input devices (ex: trackpad, trackball, analog keyboards, etc.) could classify as abnormal player behavior.
  12. Stats: https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_VBR-Stock_Enchantress To those who tried the gun, please share your impressions on this new weapon.
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