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Everything posted by XXXXXXXXXXX

  1. ok i give up, lets add headshots and one hit kill grenades to apb so the game can die in a week and i wont have to deal with this smart argument anymore LO could try to implement it for a short period of time and see how the players react to it if they like it or not something like otw.
  2. I was messing with you since you were trying to teach me about apb in the first place.
  3. That's why i said make nades be able to kill a player with one hit just like in any other game & real life. I'm not new i've started playing in 2011 open beta.
  4. That's not true at all, they would still have other game experience therefore they wouldn't be completely lost in combat.
  5. You got nades for it man, you act like you don't play the game we the players we will always think of some tactic to outplay another player regardless of the circumstances. new players wont have a chance to fight back, with headshots theyll just be overwhelmed before they can even react That's not true at all, they would still have other game experience therefore they wouldn't be completely lost in combat.
  6. People cry when they get dominated by experienced players if they get a better chance to fight back then they can develop confidence to compete against those higher skilled players, therefore they got more fun from the gameplay.
  7. That's not true at all, APB has alot faster combat compared to CSGO, headshots would spice things up even more hell, your movement would be able to somewhat counter some shots, it would give silvers and bronze a better fighting chance against the more experienced golds that wouldn't be so bad, it would give them more confidence.
  8. It would make a person think before running in to the open, On top of that you think everybody will be headshot masters? Only thing that will shine if that happens would be the hackers they would get alot easier to catch. Since you and Cookie were banned in the past for cheating most likely that's why probably you're not up for it.
  9. Thats where you're wrong. Right now, the time to kill is based on (Accuracy + Accuracy dropoff over range + Accuracy maintained over Rate of Fire + Damage carried over range). With headshots, that tactical part of it will disappear. Have you ever played CSGO? You only see the AK there, with a reason. Best for headshotting, decent damage/accuracy/rof for body shots if headshot is missed. Your ideas of adding headshots, is not possible with the current game mechanics firstly, hitboxes will not improve to that extend I can guarentee you that. Secondly, it would fundamentally switch the game from a tactical shooter, to a common HS hunting game like the rest of the shooters. It's ironic CSGO has AWP and AK as main weapons and APB has hvr and n-tec. You make it seem like it's easy to headshot it would be harder for people to headshot in APB then in CSGO simply of how fast the combat is, it would come down to your skills and reflexes to get the shot in on top of that APB has a fast crouch i had many shots miss when i shot at the head the way i was used to and player ducked down and was able to avoid the shot so with a fast crouch and your movement you have a chance to avoid headshots.
  10. If there was hs in the game then there would be no way for someone to say that some gun is op or pay 2 win simply because every gun would have a chance to finish you, it would all come down to you making the shot.
  11. That's a easy way out you gain no skill from it. Adapt to hit those 2 shots. LTL percs is no excuse i can use percs with hvr but i don't, I take 2 clean shot and actually gain some aiming skill from it. Still percs holds no real value to the game majority of people don't even use it if they do they get bashed in chat. I don't play Fortnite.
  12. I'm not saying any gun is op but the headshot solution would change the new players perspective of "pay2win" and "op" guns.
  13. I'm not losing to no percs "Percs suck and only bad players use them" that's the point when players use them they usually getting trashed in chat and recieve hate people that use them it's not helping them with their skill it's sloppy way to kill, there is no need for percs they hold no real value to the game.
  14. I see your point, but the reason why i said add headshots is because it would remove the "this gun is op" or "this gun is pay2win" talk since every gun would be able to hs, another thing adding a real scope to hvr would require more skill in order to get the kill and also would make it harder to quickswitch. Percs on another hand shouldn't exist in any game and i don't think it does except for APB i don't know who was smoking what when they decided to add percs to the game that thing gotta go.
  15. Lets do this, revert every gun to their original state make them all op, then add headshots to the game it would work wonders, the characters heights would be no problem you just have to adapt. Add a nice scope to hvr got to zoom in real nice, make nades 1 explosion 1 kill, osmaw 1 rocket 1 kill, remove percs.
  16. That they are JG even more so than CSG. But inconsistency is something you can learn to play with as well, I enjoy that part about it.
  17. I never said shotguns are bad i said they're inconsistent that's their main and only problem.
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