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Everything posted by XXXXXXXXXXX

  1. It's ironic that picture that you posted fits you a lot you got 4293 posts about nothing but bs and you have a tag "totally not a troll' so again there's nothing left to say to you.
  2. Another thing is adding the abilty to deliver a lethal shot to each other while in combat basically you both land your shots if it happens to be lethal you both die. I've had quite few encounters where i had the enemy in my sight we both had low health i needed one shot to finsih him, i heard that shot going out of my gun i now i manged to pull the trigger but since the other player landed first he killed me that's the problem it should of been double murder i should of killed him and took him to grave with me that's the thing that really sits on my mind it should be fixed.
  3. 1. You make it seem like it's a game breaker. Players will adapt and find a way to maneuver through the map without getting smoked, headshots will rise the stakes that is true but it will make the game play more interesting you all seem to forget that both players will have 50/50 chance of killing each other it will come down to timing, execution and skill it would also make team play more valube because like i said one of your mates could create openings for you by covering fire to allow you to move through the map. On top of that everybody can change weapons in the game at any given time to adapt to the mission and the opponents. 2. That what makes them long ranged weapons they have the advantage in the long range but all combat wont be always in the long range it will go every way from long range to mid range to CQC. N-tec will still have a high chance to outplay hvr at mid ranges, shotguns for example will still destroy hvr and other long ranged weapons at close range CQC will never die man. If you think a pistol will able to outpreform a weapon deisgned for CQC then that's a problem that should be fixed either way regardless of headshots. That's the devs that didn't think this through and decided to put broken gun just so they could sell more joker boxes. 3. To throw a nade it doesn't require for you to expose yourself drastically enough to get smoked but if you do actually face that problem your mates could cover fire for you while you throw the nade everything comes down you, your mates and timing. Everything is doable same thing with osmaw you take the shot and have your mates cover fire you, even good opgl players can do something about it while rarely exposing themselves to the shots. 4. You don't spot an enemy it falls on you and your mates. Similar thing to CSGO when you plant or defuse the bomb you're a stationary target it falls on your mates to watch your back while you handle your business. There are two options wipe the enemies and do the objective or try to test your luck by doing the objective while the enemies bullets fly above your head but it all comes down to you and your mates choices on how you all going to handle your missions. If you luck out you luck out things happen, but the thing is, it would give a new player more cofidence to go toe to toe against experienced player simply because some of the other games that the new APB player plays and the headshost skill that he developed from other games could get him by in APB either way he will have a higher chance to fight back you know how they say don't let a scared fighter become a brave fighter because when he gets brave and confident he ain't going back to being scared and he is going to preform better sometims you have to give new players that fighting chance show them that they could go with the big boys that's how they develop a joy out of playing and competeting against other players and it urges them to get better. Pay2win wouldn't be much of a problem for new players simply because you will be able to headshot anybody with every weapon and every weapon will have a fighting chance. Correct me if im wrong didn't you get banned for hacking? If so then anything that you say holds no real value.
  4. If you leave yourself in the open and get smoked for it then that's your problem.
  5. You did nothing but pull things out of your a** with no real arguments the thing that i got form you is basically you're afraid of a more challenging combat.
  6. You can still move fast and be smart about it, nades wont allow you to corner camp for long.
  7. With this picture that you just posted i can't take you seriously anymore.
  8. It will make you more cautious of your surroundings and make you think instead of rushing in. = Smarter gameplay you'll still have the opportunity to rush but you will have to be willing to accept the fact that there is a high chance of you getting smoked. APB has alot faster pace different game mechanics, faster movements. = What about after the changes? movements are still going to be faster in APB regardless.
  9. Another worthless post added to 4276 other worthless posts. Tiggs would probably like this idea. Also one thing the most imprtant one of them all remove cat ears it offends me.
  10. Oh look another meaningless post about nothing, add it to the pile of 4273 other meaningless posts.
  11. 1) Again you can choose to spawn at different points every single point is not going to be covered by the enemy. It doesn't have to be redesigned on top of that when you spawn you got like 3 seconds of being untouchable by bullets. 2) That's true that would need be fixed in order to add headshots. 3) I didn't play CSGO on high level but i played APB longer than you, the fact of the matter is having headshots in APB wont break the game it will make you more cautious of your surroundings and make you think instead of rushing in, You just want easy gamelpay plain and simple. 4) Cars would be cars if they wanted to add headshots to cars that's their deal but by your logic cars are already irrelevent because you can't shoot the enemy through them. you pull things out of your a** when in reality things would be pretty much the same as it is now not many things would change. 5) Nades are nades if you don't have enough brain power to see that a nade is next to you and you have to move away then that's your problem. 6) Don't compare PUBG and Arma to APB it has different combat APB has alot faster pace different game mechanics, faster movements you said you're some big shot programmer expert in games and expert in APB yet you compare APB to PUBG and ARMA again you make no sense. Headshots are very doable in APB and would make the combat even more advanced if you comapre APB's combat to that of a mentally damaged combat of ARMA and PUBG then there is pretty much nothing else to say to you.
  12. 1) Pretty much only place where you can predict where enemies might spawn in is in baylan even then when you spawn you got like 3 seconds of being untouchable by the bullets so in that time you could move to cover. 2) So adding headshot is the hardest thing to do? Again that's not a big deal since either way you're going to nerf and buff guns maybe g1 has fucked up netcode then that could be a problem either way guns will have to be reworked one way or another. 3) Maybe you're a silver who will get headshotted because you don't actually pay attention to your enemies, you automatically asume that everybody will play better than you. Again you have your eyes man you look and scout the map for the enemies while you do your objective also that's where your mates come in, there could be 1 covering you and others will scout the area for enemies, but it's combat you hit or be hit deal with it. 4) Okay, lets say a car wont be there 99% of the time you still will be able to move without being detected unless you go the the open area and shoot at the enemies and expect not to get smoked. 5) Nades don't have to completely redesigned what are you talking about? You would have to buff dmg on nades and remove 1 low yield along with percs, you can throw nades without exposing yourself too much to be eating shots. Only way they might catch you is if they constantly unload their clips in to the corner that you're in, but it's your fault then if you shove your head while the bullets fly in to your direction. 6) It's not that easy to to pre aim your crosshair on the target and kill him. Experienced players will feint in order to make you miss the shot or to land a shot on you and they will smoke you if you're not careful. But then again it all comes down who can control the weapon better it all comes down to skill and timing. If you use automatic weapon like n-tec you might catch a guy with a shot if you non stop shoot at that corner and the enemies are dumb enough to expose their heads in to the line of fire, but then again eventually you will run out of bullets and you will have to reload that's when the enemy could capitalize on it and throw a nade or move to the next cover.
  13. It will make the game more interesting.
  14. I agree, increasing speeds will make the car combat a lot more enjoyable, also it will make headshots harder to land since cars will maneuver faster.
  15. Just another meaningless comment of yours, add it to your enormous pile of 4272 meaningless posts.
  16. 1) You choose where you spawn you act like every player is a hacker that knows everyones position, you act like every player is going to insta kill everybody with a headshot as soon as you spawn, What you're describing most of the time are hackers, you can move through open areas quite easily and not get seen, unless you're one of those player who just run in to the open space and gets killed, This will actually make you think before doing something now everybody just rushes like rambo with no real consequences. You're really paranoid why are you BANNED? didn't you and Cookie got banned in the past? 2) Listen they're going to buff and nerf guns either way so it's not that big of a deal. 3) Again you think everybody will hs you the second you come, use vehicles to protect yourself let your mates cover you lets say if your mate gets hs'd while protecting you jump back and get to cover and take care of the problem. 4) Again you can choose where you spawn you're talking like the enemy has wallhacks and aim and as soon as you spawn he's gonig to insta kill your whole team. Everybody can choose where to spawn at a different place and there is 99% of the time an npc car around you for you to take and move to objective. 5) Low Yields are not that big of a deal and not game breaking, i already said remove percs because they hold no real value to the game. 6) That is something you both will able to do, it will come down to who is better but if you can't get him you can use your nade to move him out and then get the shot. Nade launcher would be the best thing to get rid of campers it will force campers to move if not they'll get killed. So it will actually make nade launcher more useful. Headshots will make the combat more advanced, you will have less chance of survival if you run like a clown in the in the middle of of free space with no cover only unexperienced players do that in the first place. On top of that it will make the teamwork more powerful while you run one of your mates could keep firing to distract the enemy while you get to cover and you can do the same for him.
  17. Your sarcastic replies are pretty much meaningless. Good luck next time.
  18. On top of that i see you're very in to this corner camp thing if the camping gets out of hand you or your mate can take a nade launcher and bust them out. Like i said players will always think of new ways to outplay each other. Coming from a guy with 4265 posts and pretty much all of those post are pure bs.
  19. 1) Maps have nothing to do with headshots. 2) That's probably one of the things that would have to be looked in to, but then again they're nerfing and buffing guns either way so it's not that big of a deal. 3) You act like you can't just move away from the objective while you're getting shot at, that's where your teammates come in they cover you with a shield or with their own characters in order for you to do your thing. 4) Vechicles have nothing to do with it. if you're talking about mission districts if so then majority of the street is already covered with npc characters and their vechicles which you can use as cover on top of that you have your shield mod. If you're talking about Baylan well, there are vehicle spawns pretty much all over the map. 5) Look at every other game most of the time you have 2 nades that you can throw. All you have to do is buff dmg and remove one extra low-yield nade. The thing that would separate conc and frags is their throwing range and vechicle damage. 6) Again not true at all, it all comes down to skill, you're not obligated to stay at range with somebody and peek corners with them you can use your nades even if it comes down to peeking corners headshots and character animations has little significance, you have the exact same thing happening right now ingame regardless of headshots.
  20. Why not? you got no real meaningful arguments.
  21. Listen friend. This is simply one of the dumbest suggestions possible. Im trying to be nice but you sir, are damn fool. Just quit while you are ahead. Please. So you only associate APB with no headshot combat? if APB had headshots it would still be APB it would still maintain it's uniqueness.
  22. The only thing that maybe would have to be reworked is the recoil for some guns, but i doubt it seriously it's not game breaking you make a big stink out of it.
  23. It's looks like you got nothing left to say.
  24. The bottom line is i gave you a pretty decent solution that could work out some of the problems that the game currently has you like or not, new players still cry about "pay2win" "op" guns, and how they constantly getting destroyed by more experienced players.
  25. It looks like you got nothing left to say.
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