For God's sake it's a sniper,do not decrease the damage,snipers are normally one hit kills in games,and when you get a hitmark it's annoying,but in apb it's hitmark only.I understand the quickswitch mechanic need tweeking,but damage in fine.
I like the enable/disable idea,don't know if it's programmable in apb.Persnoally i don't care about nudity,if someone wants to make a naked,weeb,weird character let them be.We are too far up with the nudity taboo like it's a bad thing or something.The more options it has the better(as long as the options are set in a good way).
50-80%? judging from the way matt scott answered the questions they don't plan to drop the prices more than 10% or else they would make it a bigger deal.They will probablymake it 5 to 10 bucks cheaper at best...Also i don't think the discounts will be more than 50% seems to good to be true.
I know dethreating is bad for newcommers.I am a borderline gold,which means naturally i fall up and down in the rankings,which means i am good in bronze and not good in silver districts.Also if i want to play with my bronze noobs friends i have to be silver :/ we need some things to change
Seeing all these posts about nerfing hvr makes no sense.In almost all shooters a high power sniper is almost always a one hit kill.No one ever complains about it
Thanks Little Orbit for trying to improve this game!I have two questions,i am so sorry if some else already asked them!
1)What is your opinion on the premium?Are you going to keep it,remove it or make changes to it (like make it not give you advantage in the mod cooldowns)?
2)Is there going to be a racing/car district?Will the car spawns cost money in that district like the others?On what priority in your plan is this race district?
Thank you again!