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  1. just turn off your "BLOOM" setting "this will increase your FPS count
  2. i know this it silly weapon parts the buttstock is m16a1 the railing sight "modded iron sight" the handguard "HK 417" the grip "vertical grip" 3 slot or patrollor bodyguard the handguard "HK 417" grip part: Magpul RVG Rail Vertical Grip Foregrip railing sight: EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights magazine: G&P 39rd MAGPUL PTS Magazine Kit or custom made watchman the handguard "HK 417" covered by Cutting KAC Rail Covers the supressor: SR-25 Type QD simpler the buttstock is m16a1 the sight: Trijicon ACOG 4x32 Red Chevron M193 100288 mercenary the buttstock: Socom Buttstock the railing sight "modded iron sight" the grip "vertical grip" the handguard "HK 417" covered by Cutting KAC Rail Covers
  3. any fans to "Girls frontline" this is in only Jericho server Maxed lvl or under (195 or 235 or 255 ) players less active is ok ("if you a gold or sliver doesnt matter if your good) "AK-12" clan leader (bronze server area only) whisper me if you want to join!! the "girls frontline" glory to "griffon & kryuger" PMC
  4. hi matt i love the game that i wanted to know if the staff is ready high class security team to prevent ddos attackers i seen a video link
  5. lol remove old JERICHO server "that filled DDOS-er" crap put a "NEW JERICHO server NEW SECURITY Anti-ddos'er " system LO new jericho will not send ISP address
  6. impressive AK comrade an yellow magazine to boot to glory "mother russia" i wish this AK's had more to the family!! i sent info to BORIS!!! and forward to "SERGEI" weapon info he need weapon "blueprint"!!!
  7. lol you dont have enough "MEMORY RAM" you need more 16GB or 32GB ~to hold it~ 8GB isnt enough to play it
  8. can you make it a patch it please fix "Pixelated" bug please plus Pixelated character model Pixelated graphic details make my character ugly!!! i tryed to unequiped clothes it still Pixelated!!!!
  9. that odd i was trying to put fund to G1C "karma koins was popular" this thing wont harm anyone at all this prevent for credit frauds. i dont why the game dev remove it for
  10. i agree alienware light FX doesnt bother anyone at all it just only flash light LED when we have opps on us "it show us who going against" red vs blue lights
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