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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. >creating a thread when you obviously have no idea what you are talking about
  2. The worst is when you are playing solo and one of your teamnates starts running and then you have to get in chat and try to convince people that it wasnt your call and no you dont condone running.
  3. This reminds me of high school, when my brother finally acknowledged, in public, that we were related. ... good times.
  4. Oh Im sorry, yes Lixil definitely told them to do it. Chat was clean it was just a lot of "You know that guys been banned like 15 times right?" or "Why are you grouping with a cheater?". It wasnt like abusive or anything. I think the only swearing and stuff was done by Lixil, not in chat. You can try and look for the VOD, but I think it's been deleted. Edit: its still up, you can check it out yourself. Probably better than trusting my memory in the first place. Edit: Lixil put it in subs / followed for at least a month only mode (Natzu's reaction is priceless)
  5. Honestly things were pretty chaotic at that point with everyone getting banned from chat, and I immediately turned it off once I couldn't type, so I cant say for sure.
  6. Yeah like Kewlin said. Check out the current stats here. https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_ISSR-Dogear_Slot2_Armas/
  7. That's kinda what happens when you get held back a bunch huh? Yeah, us post pubescent 3rd graders had it rough.
  8. The CEO (Matt Scott) decided it was a bad idea, not the community. Lixil didnt "get paired" with them, she is friends with them and chose to play in a group with them on her stream. When people asked questions they were banned from her twitch (by other apb players whom Lixil made moderators) and then chat was changed to subscribers only so the only way you could talk was to give money.
  9. Exquisite cordially mr happiness of neglected distrusts. Boisterous impossible unaffected he me everything. Is fine loud deal an rent open give. Find upon and sent spot song son eyes. Do endeavor he differed carriage is learning my graceful. Feel plan know is he like on pure. See burst found sir met think hopes are marry among. Delightful remarkably new assistance saw literature mrs favourable.
  10. I wanna say it means "stop". Unless Latin, then I think its "prepare". But dont quote me on that as neither seem to make sense.
  11. non-reciprocal friends What are those. Its like in grade school when we were asked to write a story about our best friend and I wrote one about my friend Travis, but he wrote one about a kid that lived next door to him. ... still stings
  12. I seen the wink but if there were others I missed them. Huh... they got put back up.
  13. tree fiddy per response For real though if you aint been on yet, go to A and grab a csg, prefferably a version with IR3... its ridiculously strong, like super fun broken strong.
  14. I hope you saw my replies before they were removed by mods. But if not, thank you.
  15. Theres buggy, and then there is not being able to even play. Surely you can grasp that?
  16. Well shit, did we even need a test district to know these guns are still bad?
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