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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Honest question... What's the relation between these changes and "hits are not being seen by the server". Thanks in advance.
  2. 4:3 is just a preference, not an advantage. I prefer my 16:9, so it's what I use. I feel like it's really none if my business what someone else prefers.
  3. Well, at least it's not another thread on how OP the N-TEC is.
  4. Bro bro bro. Why be so emotionally invested in something that has nothing to do with you? I'm not saying this is a good idea, but the Innova crowd is inevitably going to be losing out in this merge. And while it certainly isn't Little Orbit's fault, it doesn't mean we can't show a little compassion. It costs us nothing to do so.
  5. Luckily LO doesn't seem to share your point of view as Matt has said they are taking more time with the merge in the hopes of preventing players from losing more than they have to.
  6. thats not 3.5 It is the same engine. Thats not 3.5
  7. Fine I'll spoil it, just over 500 average players the month before the acquisition. Just over 500 average players last month. Sorry if the facts don't fit your narrative, but I can't help that.
  8. If only there was some place that had like a chart that could show such things. Oh well, no reason to get so "steamed".
  9. They had their new accounts. They never went anywhere. Not to mention there was a multitude of players falsely banned who finally got their accounts back. Justice.
  10. How clueless do you have to be to think cheaters stopped playing once banned in a f2p game with neither IP nor HWID bans? Unreal.
  11. This is actually a very good point. We are currently operating under conflicting rulesets. On the on hand as Saxtus points out, any editing of game files is clearly stated as being against the rules. Without even getting into custom configs, even the Advanced Launcher does this. I've no idea why the official rules haven't been amended to match the new stance of Little Orbit, nor do I know why we cant seem to get concrete answers as to exactly what IS and ISN'T allowed as far as file edits go. Its done nothing but further divide our tiny little community and well... that sucks. 3.5 can't come soon enough.
  12. Change. That's about as simple as you can state it. LO knows this, and its coming.
  13. While I do find the ATAC to be a lower skill weapon. I wouldn't change anything about it. It's still nowhere near as good as SMGs in cqc, ditto for Ntec at range.
  14. You don't think a game being nearly a decade old will have an effect on pop? We also had more pop both at Halloween and Christmas. The problem wouldn't be 6,000 players globally (not region specific), we'd be lucky to get back to that number. The problem is the game never appealed to enough people to support an average player base more than 6,000. That is APB has NEVER been a popular game.
  15. For the same reason the game itself has been dying. Dated game. No updates. No new content. Never had a regular pop above around 6,000 players. Not sure why you only mention NA, EU is dying as well, ditto for Nekrova, and of course Han died a while ago.
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