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Everything posted by miketam

  1. RE downtime...taken from APB forums...of course. Yep..not seeing any decrease or increase in performance..not seeing anything at all actually. So..do we get any cake for this downtime as a goodwill gesture?...a few days of commander cake? some other form of cake? Oh well ..i will leave the details to Matt etc...im sure they will think of something nice.
  2. Now see what you did...poor guy took so many showers while waiting he washed his skin clean off.
  3. Mm...pretty bad lag at moment..chances of it improving on its own are..well.. slim to zero..soo...i guess its what? 9 plus hours of stuck crafts...no doing mail /help and /global chats etc lag delays. Cant see it being long before its completely unplayable due to lag bringing everything to a grinding halt...its how it ussually goes. Ah well if u know..if any staff sees this and can expedite a fix that would be groovy. pretty sure by the time a ticket gets read we will have already had maint anyway...shrugs.
  4. Starting to suspect..as bizzare as Eekaspydars suggestion was..they may in fact be correct...lets hope so anyway. Well...seems the creepers are finished...server up.
  5. I think he ate some bad cheese..or smoked some
  6. I suspect i might know one reason why its a long maint ..but a gm might "try" and mute me or turn me into a chicken if i tell you.
  7. Maybe..someone....sandbagged the staff entrance and they cant get back in to turn server back on
  8. I assume you mean is there going to be an Easter event...They tend to activate the events and they are up and running before we are notified there is an event.....so we just have to wait in an....tici...pation..with baited breath.....crossed fingers etc etc etc.
  9. Well..i guess if this was APB we would be informed in advance of any extended maintenance etc etc issues...but as it isnt...we aren't.
  10. Game seems a bit prone to disconnecting quite a few gys today. Just thought i mention it.
  11. Dunno if apb Jerico issues are affecting us too...but we is lagging quite hard now as well... Aaaaannnd..now it seems to have gone...fingers crossed it doesnt rear its ugly head again.
  12. Oh well...just another 6 hours or so of major lag..total of 8 + if nothings done before maintenance. So...its gonna be...you guessed it...another 6 hours of major lag. Ps.no prize if you guessed correctly.
  13. Would be nice if u could stuff the https://fallenearth.fandom.com/wiki/Tiny_Cuddles pet in the valentines reward box....if you are not using the heart shaped gift one. Im assuming / guessing this event will be using the Valentine's Box...not the heart shaped gift one...think most would rather have a tiny cuddles pet..rather than an adorable creeper...which lets face it.. are not really adorable in the least. Soooo.....take tiny cuddles...stuff it ...thats a technical term. in whichever box your using..happy people..job done...i mean..how hard can it be? Done...goes back to harvs to see if they are killed while posting this.
  14. I think the imaginary hackers broke the imaginary hampsters..or something...Im not really a techy .but..well ..something like that. Oh the dcs we been having tonight doesnt seem to be affecting our lovely american cousins...just europe..specifically britain and portugal..that i know of...does that help?..our route to server?
  15. Would be nice to halve the time between grunch spawns too imo...Bcus..well reasons.
  16. Grunch event is on..Mm..just thought i would mention it as i cant see it posted anywhere on forums.
  17. Try here....https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/317831-clarity-redux-updated-for-263/ Or here maybe.....https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/199011-clarity-redux-clarity-rebuilt-for-the-current-game-version/
  18. re: WE WANT YOU!...Sorry..you cant have me! So there. Sry bout that.
  19. Event seems to be a real turkey...and not in a good way. Better rewards would be nice. Shrugs shoulders...sadly not prairie chicken / turkey shoulders.
  20. Could we get the /commands fixed in fallen earth....not being able to /roll in team chat for boss loot ...prizes etc is a real pain in the patootie..pardon my french.
  21. On a side note..or whatever..would be nice if they could switch the contents of trick or treat bag with http://fallenearth.wikia.com/wiki/Halloween_Box Webbed Witch Hat 0-1x Batty Witch Hat 0-1x Spooky Witch Hat 0-1x Pumpkin Head 0-1x Skinned Mask 0-1x Devil Horns 0-1x Halo 0-1x Clockwork Monacle 0-1x Webbed Witch Dress 0-1x Batty Witch Dress 0-1x Spooky Witch Dress 0-1x Training Suit 0-1x Scarecrow Suit 0-1x Borrowed Chemistry Jumpsuit 0-1x Skinned Suit 0-1x Metal Head 0-1x Tiger Hoodie 0-1x Tiger Pants Imo much better stuff...and how could it be to change?...ok dont answer that..yes yes i know..your lucky you got an event at all... Still no harm in trying is there...
  22. Can u give more details on rewards...mission giver locations etc etc?
  23. This has been brought up a few times in the past under the old G1 and been mentioned a few times to new owners i think + the fact that maintenance "ALWAYS" destroys all the towns medi bundles u have placed. As you say the first issue should be easy enough to fix / alter. Medi bundle issue may be a lil more tricky to fix. We await a response.....with baited breath.
  24. Well we did do a marathon progress town raids / nice prizes event today...still ongoing when i passed lead. Mm kinda last min decision to do it was thinking of putting it off / cylen turned up..did a good few hours with us...and im pooped and shud be in bed...it was fun..stuff happened etc...and...falls asleep zzzzz.
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