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Everything posted by yood

  1. only the Armas and Joker shop provides you vegas 4x4 sell which is impossible . contacts have a simple Vegas up to three free slots but you can both sell and buy. what are you talking about ? top NO FREE TRIAL FOR WEAPONS
  2. the sparkling clown who plays in the silver district is not my authority .
  3. in General, there are two problems - 1 the difference between threat levels , 2 team and group balance .
  4. dude ! are you some kind of EXCLUSIVE ? by accident ! character ~ frostfrostfrost does not belong to you ? topic NO FREE TRIAL FOR WEAPONS
  5. I play on the main server from beta . then we chose the server just like the names of the server . and I'm really looking forward to when I can leave this server . I can play in the silver district even with my 260 MS . but I will constantly decline to bronze playing against 10 MS . this is your excuse to play gold in the silver area against silver, bronze , Tlv . some adjust the rules for themselves to be the winner always .
  6. dude ! are you some kind of EXCLUSIVE ?
  7. how many bronze and silver players have you seen in fight club ?
  8. if you put a pug on a chain can not be afraid to clean up his poop across the room . all your murders depends on the main parameter of online games-PING . my ping on the main server 260 MS I can't beat a player with a 1-100 MS ping . NEVER !!! technically, my ping is equal to the bronze district .
  9. let me be green ! I am the same equal player as pseudo gold . everyone should have a chance to win . otherwise, the game makes no sense .
  10. I am not PRO player . my average score matches suppose 10-?-10 . all your murders depends on the main parameter of online games-PING .
  11. everything works as it should . perhaps in your game there is a method of Express matches .
  12. gold playing in a silver district against silver , bronze and T lv players . , gold playing in a bronze district against silver , bronze and Tons of LP players . gold districts are empty . are you serious? reall PRO players !
  13. why criminals do not have in the game heavy machines or a series of weapons Stabba ?
  14. uneven pumping of contacts . everything works as it should . I'm not against the return of the old name server , but it would be extra ,wasted time.
  15. There are no problems. everything works as it should .
  16. I agree with you that too many players simply not competent to argue 100% use cheats.
  17. gold playing in the silver district is not an authority for me . complete agreement.
  18. The GM should not have the right to ban anyone, there will be many false prohibitions and abuses .
  19. most players don't play every day . how many bronze and silver players have you seen in fight club ?
  20. the very first post of the old forum . Posted 22 February 2012 - 12:33 PM. Do you think it is a good balance?
  21. you're not spending money for the prize , you try to free the weapon from ARMAS ! dude ! then play the weapon that you can buy from the liaison for play money . Armas weapons are designed for paying customers . in fact, you want to play what you have no right to . all and free ))) I admire your appetite .
  22. the Golden clown playing in the silver arena is not an authority for me . some adjust the rules for themselves to be the winner always .
  23. I'm not talking about pirit . the system will in any case award a gold threat at the score of 17 -?-4 in several matches . the whole system should work on the statistics of the percent of murders and deaths
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