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a Pair of Socks

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Everything posted by a Pair of Socks

  1. My only two questions are; 1.)How is LO affording to keep APB up as it currently is? 2.)How much longer will they be able to financially be able to keep APB servers up before doing what G1 did? I really dont want to see APB die but I also understand that this game, as it is right now, aint worth the continuous loss of money keeping it """"alive""""
  2. ^ Maybe just make quickswitching not a thing and boom, quickswitching is removed. Pogger gamer moment. Merged. Hey! Quit speaking logically and truthfully and just let the people wear their end is nigh signs mate! Although reading what youve said has given me a tiny bit more of hope, you dont have to waste your time on these nay-sayers.
  3. Just curious since it's already half way through the month and it's one of my favorite ones :I
  4. Thanks for the info, I will give this a try! ^^ Will update you on if this works! Imma wait for you to come to my house and give me headpats, well see which comes first~ Mind TLDR'ing it for me? Have shite memory sadly Welp, Im fucked then.
  5. Got the urge to play again after not logging in for 8 months and still got the same crashing issues lol I mean, the one rare time that FC actually has more than 4 people and I can barely play because of the constant crashing over and over, its really annoying. Merged. Crash number 9 in 40 minutes now.
  6. not sure how anyone talking about the post is bitching but okay focus on not being so hypocritical lmfao
  7. are you still bitching about people still bitching about game? Merged. Watching this made me want to play again damnit!!! Amazing video nonetheless mate
  8. Meant to comment this but on this topic since it was newer. Im sleep deprived from constant 12's plus brain is smole so I apologize lmao
  9. Ah yes, Im sure that reimbursing me 6000 dollars and deleting all of my customizations (that I spent probably a thousand or so combined hours making) just to make the game not look old and run without getting a stutter every 5 minutes will make me want to come back and play it! Honestly; APB has been the same forever now and people have stopped playing for " x " reason so what will changing how it looks/runs do??? Im not saying I know how to fix apb but I do know scraping everything and starting from square zero again will make me never touch this game again. ( Same reason I refuse to move over to Citadel; I have nothing on that server so why should I then also deal with the shitty connection lmao ) I understand where youre coming from and the frustration youre feeling, but doing what youve proposed would just lead to a quicker death than were already dealing with ontop of *countless* hours of wasted hours and money for everyone invested and involved.
  10. They dont give a god damn flying fuck at all and thats super fucking clear now. You can make models for LO, go into literal paragraphs into the lore for the new contacts, draw map plans/edits to improve, but your effort is meaningless. They dont care, youre not a Dev. :^) You can polish a turd and paint it gold but its still shit m8. Ive already turned blue trying to blow on the paint on the wall that is APB Reloaded but its better to just walk away and do some other shit till it decides to dry.
  11. Yup. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This but Im too lazy to type this over and over to a community that doesnt give a fuck and devs that suck off the shitlords of the community. Imagine reworking APB in the eyes of the toxic kool kid klub squad and this is what you get lmao. Really had hope once LO took over but by the beginning of the second month they took over I could already see what was happening and thats why I stopped playing and now here we are, from all my other threads leading up to this one and the eventual closing of the game :^) ^^^ Thats a straight fucking lie, I promise lmao Nah its probably just some shitlord playing on the slimmest possible strtch res with an ultra low config using PMG. Oh wait, thats literally everyone thats left thats not in bronze, even then its just dethreaters there to shit on what few legit bronzes are still around lmao. Kinda sad when I check APB Reloaded on Twitch and 7 / 10 streamers are using their shitty stretchres config setup with PMG. Its every single fucking time without fail, its honestly hilarious shitpost is shitpost Its so funny how patootie backwards this community is, upvote the brain rot posts and downvote the shit that matters / the truth ^ Yup, but dont tell the APB Community, youll be lynched. :^)
  12. Whatever keeps your hope up for the game I guess
  13. Congrats, 240 was actually 300. My bad gamer. Put the calculator away and clean your glasses
  14. And then wait 4 months for a reply to of which a player very blatantly breaking Multiple ToS doesnt get banned. OK
  15. bRUH nO itS NoT DEAD JUSt PlAy At CeRTAin TImeS. Im on NA regardless and half the time its a single silver waterfront that not even full :^) yeh ok xd. not like i get ingame and check pop but mainly to literally spend money on the FBW Sight Zero and then log off and go play something thats actually fun~ ^^^ Couldnt have said it better myself. Well, I could have but this community doesn't give a shit either way, let alone the devs. I was at work today and was thinking about the changes that LO is making and it just kinda seems like the changes they implement are just rage quickfixes after that particular dev gets pubstomped by the weapons / tactics lmao
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