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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. No worries. Your site still has better uptime than LO can even wish for.
  2. I filled out the form, but I don't think anything can be done to improve APB without solving the network problems. The gameplay is drastically different when Little Orbit's service provider isn't throttling your connection. You feel like you have god mode enabled, because no one has time to react due to the low ttk. Currently you need to VPN hop until you find one that isn't throttled. Cloudflare WARP and WARP+ don't work with APB, or their service is blocked. Login works, but can't join districts. APB doesn't support IPv6, which prevents the use of many mobile connections, and limits routes the game data can take. I doubt Little Orbit will do anything meaningful with APB from now on. It took them a year to release an unfinished vehicle. The new matchmaking tests have 99% of the matchmaking features disabled. I tried finishing this post, but the post editor decided to submit the post prematurely.
  3. Solution: Disable Steam shader pre-caching, and delete the old shadercache files. In Steam's settings, disable Shader Pre-caching. - Menu up top > Steam > Settings > Downloads > Enable Shader Pre-caching (uncheck) Then, delete the old shaders. Delete all files in this directory. - /home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/shadercache/113400/ Drive around the district to compile the vulkan shaders. The game should run better. Original Post: Since the Christmas event ended, I've been having stuttering caused by particles. For example, if I'm driving and a teammate is using blow torch on my vehicle, the game will stutter. It stutters worse the more particles are on my screen. It does not stutter when I use blow torch on a vehicle, which makes no sense. Same with shooting. other players shooting within my screen space causes stuttering, by my own shots do not. I tried resetting the config files and removing the dxvk.conf. I deleted APB's proton files and even tried upgrading to Proton GE 27. Nothing seems to make a difference. I'm wondering if something got screwed up with my Debian installation. I tried installing the Kate text editor one time. With it installed, not even running, it caused display lag. It was somehow preventing APB's window from updating on the screen. Fps was stable, but 2/3 of the frames weren't making it to the monitor. I uninstalled it while APB was running, and it immediately fixed the problem. I removed the orphaned packages that were required for Kate. I still can't get the Nvidia settings to load at login. I have to launch the Nvidia X Server settings app to load the settings.
  4. That doesn't cover paying support staff to answer APB tickets over the last year.
  5. I doubt more than 2000 were sold globally. At $13 that's only $26000.
  6. With this population, not even enough money to pay for rent.
  7. Somehow you brought back the car glitch, the one that sticks players to their car when they exit the seat. Guess that's expected when you hire people based on checkboxes and not intelligence.
  8. That's always going to be a problem. If PUBG couldn't do fair matchmaking with 200K players online, APB isn't going to be able to with less than 1k. If we had voip working I think the average skill will go up significantly. Randoms will be able to quickly communicate.
  9. They take a year to release a vehicle. Textures are broken, and no police lights, the most basic thing all other vehicles have. In the same patch, they manage to break VIP and witnessing. The two tests of the new matchmaking system, were useless at best. Little Orbit disabled most of the features. You really think it's going to work?
  10. That why I was wondering if EAC behaves with DXVK on Windows. Place 1 file in APB's binaries folder, and launch APB. Way easier than configuring a new OS. I don't recommend Linux as a main operating system, just figured someone running Windows 7 is more up to tinkering.
  11. Little Orbit want to merge everyone into a single world server, but I don't see that happening for at least 3 years. It took them a year to release an unfinished vehicle, something relatively simple to build, compared to the rest of APB's features.
  12. If that was the case, they wouldn't have Linux support. The reality is there's less profit supporting 7/8. They don't need to keep those old devs around who know the operating systems, and don't need to retrain new devs. I bet they wouldn't support Linux either if it wasn't for Steam deck existing. On Windows 7, I had the garbage collection stuttering, and if I turned that off, the fps would drop over time. Borderless and Fullscreen didn't have much of a difference with input lag. On Windows 10, the fps drops over time regardless of what configs I use. There's noticeable input lag. Average fps is lower if I don't turn off fullscreen optimization. Borderless feels like 60fps with vsync. On Linux, it's about the same as Windows 7, but with higher average fps. This probably due to DXVK spreading the CPU load more evenly across CPU cores. Not an apples to apples comparison, since I can't test the latest APB patch on Windows 7, and I didn't test the older versions on Linux or Windows 10. Regardless, there's noticeable overhead with the way Windows 10 handles DX9 games. I wonder if EAC allows DXVK on Windows?
  13. Currently no. EAC won't run on Windows 7. From my experience, Windows 10 runs APB like crap. There's noticeable input lag and constant stuttering. I ended up trying Linux and surprisingly, APB runns better than it did on Windows 7. I went with Debian 12. I only installed the 525 Nvidia drivers, Steam, Proton EAC runtime (in Steam), and GE-Proton8-25 (added to Steam). I had to disable the CPU idle to stop my CPU from down clocking, and turn off all the settings for OpenGL in the Nvidia Settings app. Configs still work. Only annoying issue is the Nvidia display settings won't load at login. I have to open the app each time I login. I don't recommend replacing Windows with Linux, most Linux software is lacking in features, but if you have an extra SSD, install Linux on that and see how APB runs. I'm currently on Debian 12, but if I were to start over I'd go with the latest Fedora or one of Fedora's spins.
  14. They have a vehicle called the Maxo, with multiple body kits and multiple sets of wheels, in the game files. The UV unwraps appear to be complete. They just needed to slap that body on an existing vehicle and tweak it's handling. EZ money right there. Instead, they work on this thing for over a year, and they couldn't even get the base model right. This car looks like a pita to customize. Too many body lines. Simple, flatter surfaces is better. If I need a line to break up the car, I draw it on. Than again, people seem to like the Coywolf body, even though it looks like someone's cat walked across the keyboard while they were editing the model.
  15. Weight change improved the Cisco's handling, but it's still pointless compared to the Han Coywolf and Vegas 4x4. It needs more torque / acceleration in all gears. It needs it's center of gravity lowered a little. It gets stuck on it's side too easily. The suspension needs to be a little stiffer. Right now it sags like a 90s honda with the coils cut.
  16. I hope this means the Cisco will no longer handle like an air hockey puck.
  17. You're most likely using the intel driver. Mine uses acpi_cpu because my board doesn't have C-states, and boost is off. I tried the updated dxvk.conf you posted. No difference during normal gameplay.
  18. Made multiple edits to this post. Here's the final solution to prevent the CPU from switching to a lower frequency at idle. Note that this most likely only applies to my CPU/motherboard combination. New PCs shouldn't need to disable the idle states. Blacklist the acpi_cpufreq module: Create a new blank text file in "/etc/modprobe.d/". It can be named anything. I called it "cpu-scaling-driver-blacklist.conf Add "blacklist acpi_cpufreq" Save the file. Disable cpuidle: Open the text file "/etc/default/grub" Edit the line "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" Add "cpuidle.off=1", so it looks like: "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet cpuidle.off=1" Save the file. Run the command "sudo update-grub" Reboot PC Most of the stuttering is gone, and I think there's less stuttering overall than on Windows, but I need a US East district to be fully populated to test that. A full EU district doesn't stutter as bad as it does on Windows 10. Low pop areas of the districts have slightly higher fps as well. Now I see why so many people claim some games run better under Linux. Honestly, I thought they were all crazy. Standing next to the car spawn area under the Plantagent building, looking at central park, I get about 120fps to 160fps in Windows. On Debian, I get about 160fps to 210fps standing in that same spot. It varies based on how many players are nearby, so it's hard to get an accurate comparison.
  19. So what you're saying is you cheat. Obviously Battleye was blocking Nvidia PhysX because you were using it to cheat.
  20. EDIT: The stuttering issue is due to cstates. Linux ignores your bios settings and enables cstates by default. My CPU was downclocking to 1.5Ghz while APB was running. Apparently this is normal behavior and there's tons of clowns who think it's a bad idea to run your CPU at it's advertised speed. To disable cstates, edit the file /etc/default/grub and add "intel_idle.max_cstate=0" to the "RUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" line. Mine looks like this after adding it: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet intel_idle.max_cstate=0" Original Post: Long overdue update. I decided to stick with Debian with Xfce. The documentation is easy to follow and most popular distros are based on Debian so software support is less of an issue. APB still doesn't run as good as it does on Windows, but better than when I tested a month ago. Main performance problem is freezing during combat. 2v2 in an empty area is fine, but 4v4 or if there's another mission nearby, it stutters a lot. I'm not sure if it's related to the shader compiling or not. Shaders are compiling every few seconds, but the notification doesn't line up with the stutters. One of the CPU cores frequently jumps to 100%, but it doesn't line up with the stutters either. I increased RAM to 24GB. No change in performance. Linux Distribution: Debian 12 "bookworm" Proton Version: GE-Proton8-25 Nvidia Driver Version: 525 Here's a few issues I was able to fix. Flickering when in full screen: 1. Disable composer in Xfce. 2. Make sure the display's refresh rate is at it's highest setting. 3. If 1 and 2 don't work, try enabling/disable gsync support. Slow texture loading. Invisible objects. Slow lobby loading. Abnormally low fps. Multiple gigs of shader cache that keeps growing. 1. Confirm APB is set to use the proton version you want to use. 2. Delete APB's proton files, then restart Steam. You have to open Steam in big picture mode. Right click on APB, Developer > Delete Proton Files. 3. Launch APB. It will reinstall the windows dependencies. Framerate really low after Alt-Tab. CPU frequency inconsistent. 1. Install gamemode. 2. Add "gamemoderun" to APB's launch arguments in Steam.
  21. BlatMan

    LtL Conversion Mod

    I'm not sure where the balance should be compared to lethal weapons, so I'm just going by the current LTL weapons and finding a balance between them. The AMG and S1-TIC stun in the same time the Obeya and OSCAR rifles kill. There's no mod to counter stun damage like you can health damage, so those feel out of place. They also have significantly more ammo per mag, so you don't need to reload as often. To be fair, those two LMGs are overpowered against other lethal weapons. Most people don't use them because you need to purchase them per character with joker tickets, or burn cash on Armas.
  22. BlatMan

    LtL Conversion Mod

    Using the JG means you don't need to switch to the PIG for the quick stun. You can keep your lethal secondary. Most LMGs will have lower time to stun. The swarm is stupid easy to aim due to the recoil pattern, but it has higher time to stun than other LMGs. It's so close to 1s I wouldn't worry about that gun. - AMG: 0.845s - ALIG: 0.9s - S1-TIC 'Rabid': 0.84s - SHAW: 0.8s - SWARM: 0.96s
  23. EAC used to show what software component was blocked. Now it shows a generic message. There's nothing displayed in the logs either. 1. Download and run a blocked application, such as Process Monitor by Microsoft. 2. Launch APB using your preferred method. 3. Observe the uninformative error message. "An error has occured. #4"
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