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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. I just wanted to say that the video that was linked was the IR3 variant of the shredder
  2. As @SelttikS said; those weapons are not as good as you think they are. G1 had issues with people demanding refunds for them. I do own both and they really are not as good as you think they are.
  3. I agree with most of what you said. But there are guns right now in the game that are so bad; you literally cannot use them. AR-97 'Misery' SBSR 'Coroner' SBSR 'IRS' Every SWARM variant NCR 'Anubis' S-247 'Oblivion' R-2 'Harbringer' Note that those gun were chosen by the community as the worst of the worst.
  4. As everyone else has said; you have to wait. I've had mine in for 3 weeks now.
  5. @CrocodileTears isn't this similar to what happened to you? But for now; try repairing the game through the apb launcher. Let me know if that works for you.
  6. Yoss

    Battleeye Blocked FIX

    You shouldn't need to turn it off considering in the game menu there is an option for AlienFX. I'm sure it's just a issue right now that they will have fixed soon.
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