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Everything posted by Bishada8800

  1. Rather than creating a workaround (figuring out how to prevent gold players from starting missions while they are in a bronze district) they should perhaps instead focus on the root cause of the problem (people that deliberately screw with the threat system on purpose by artificially deflating their threat rating). Stick: Make it harder / boring / time consuming / pointless / illegal to dethreat. Carrot: Give gold players that manage to stay gold some kind of incentive to keep on staying gold (slightly more exp and apb$ per mission or a tiny JT bonus for each mission or whatever). Having said that, I think it is a good idea that gold players are not allowed to press K while they are in bronze districts. Less reason to dethreat is A Good Thing(tm) in my books. It actually works for what it is intended for. Some people think that it should put more emphasis on the threat level. Others think that it should put more emphasis on pure number of players (this is why we had chaos district awhile back, remember?) Personally I think it should put a little bit more (not much more) emphasis on the threat level (player skill level) and a bit less emphasis on pure number of players. I would say that one gold player (that is not close to silver) is often worth two silvers (that are not too close to gold), but in the current matchmaking we have so are two players vs one player valued more and the gold player in this case would even have an option to call for backup. But this obviously only work if people actually play their skill and don't try to screw with the system on purpose by artificially inflate or deflate their threat rating.
  2. It would simply not be fair nor fun for gold's green buddy (green player would face opposition that is far too good for him and since gold will carry the match and win solo the threat level of the green player will be artificially inflated so when green later play solo he will face much harder opposition than he is skilled for). Since APB Reloaded is a player skill based game with an in-built threat level mechanic it is best if you play with people close to your own skill level. It will be more fun for both you, your teammates and your opposition. We used to have districts where the built-in threat level mechanic was turned off and where each player was worth just as much as any other player, threat level was not displayed, only number of players mattered for getting backup and advancing or lowering your current threat level was disabled (I think they were called chaos districts). This was a good case that once and for all showed just how much difference it is between 4 highly skilled and coordinated players and a pick up group of bronze and silver players. But I guess it was also a district that would allow a green player and his gold friend to team up I am so happy I choose to have the forum auto-ignore yood's posts for me. Best thing I've ever done in the history of this forum. All his posts are pure troll-bait and irrelevant to the topic at hand. You might want to do the same (just hover mouse over his forum avatar and select "Ignore this user") Merged. In this example the three silver will probably have backup option. Unless they are high silvers (close to gold) and the golds are low silvers (close to silver). Merged. ...and they destroy the game more than cheaters do (because new players will be wtfpwnd, think that people they were killed by were cheating, leave the game to never come back and also tell others that everyone in APB is cheating). Dethreating should be a banishable offense. Having said that, you can now use the new /report functionality. There is a whole category for "dethreating". You might want to use it. Who knows, maybe LO will take action (hopefully). Character rank mean much less than you seem to think. A very skilled player with a R010 character will win 10 times out of 10 against an inexperienced player with a R255 character and access to all legendary items in the entire game.
  3. This was a feature that even RTW discussed (long before both before G1 and LO came into picture) but it would require too much effort to implement Having said that, if you like customization (I think a lot of players do since this is one of few things that make APB stand out from other shooters) you can (and probably should) get multiple characters on the same account (both genders, both factions). You can send mods, equipment and vehicles etc to your new account via in-game mail. I am currently working on my 7th character
  4. It doesnt matter... As I thought. In a character level progression game it doesn't really matter how skilled you, the player is. Not as much as in-character levels and equipment. A lot of RPGs work like this. Sure, there are some measure of player skill as well but it fade compared to the in-game power curve. For example; a level 10 character in World of Warcraft using low level equipment will never beat a bad level 90 player dressed in legendary items. The driving factor in games like this are in-game experience and in-game items. The owner of the game need to constantly push new and better items on the market. I think you might confuse APB:Reloaded to be such a game.... In a player skill progression game (which many FPS games are) high skill will make the game easier. Compared to the example above; A good gold player with a few K of game hours that is creating a new character and only using lower level equipment will win 10 times out of 10 against a bad and inexperienced player (and in the case of APB:Reloaded even if the bad and inexperienced player is given a R255 character and access to all in-game items the game have to offer). To keep making the game interesting you need to challenge the skilled player (let him face opponents of similar skill level, or let him face multiple less skilled players -- both various ladder systems but also threat district segregation are two examples of this), not give him more advantages to make the game even easier (like rewarding skilled players with pure upgrades such as the Vegas 4x4. Side-grades and reskins are OK... but pure upgrades should be avoided if possible). If you do then the skilled player will get bored and leave the game. And new players pitched against him will feel overwhelmed (or think that their opponent is cheating) and they will never really start playing the game. As I said, I got the world first 4 slot Vegas 4x4. I have no issues driving this car. I love driving it. And even if you do screw up it have such a heavy "push through"-power *and* great "acceleration from stationary" that it doesn't really matter (compared for example to Bishada Rapier or Sungnyemun Moirai that would come to a complete stand-still and then spend a rather long time to pick up the speed again). If you think driving Vegas 4x4 is too hard to drive, even though it (by design) require far less skill to drive than normal Vegas, then a suggestion could be to use a Pioneer instead. It got most of the advantages of the Vegas 4x4, but it require no skill at all to drive. Personally I find it too boring (and having fun is an important aspect of gaming for me). The *original* Vegas *did* reward skill. A bad driver would be punished if he tried to take a corner (any corner) while at the same time using the high max speed of this car. A good driver could still drift through the corner while keeping the high speed of the car. Most of the time. Compared to original Vegas, however, the upgraded Vegas 4x4 is very easy to drive. Almost all the built in weaknesses of the original Vegas (that made it require skill to drive) have been removed. Almost only advantages remain. Someone that played this game long enough to unlock a 4 slot Vegas 4x4 is often more skilled than someone that just joined the game. Why would he need to get more powerful stuff. Why get advantages over someone that just joined and is less skilled? This will only give the experienced player an easier time. Less challenges. This is actually counter productive since APB:Reloaded is a player skill progression game. General hint to good netiquette; Stop attacking other forum posters. It make you look immature (and it is also against forum rules).
  5. You can't really talk to Yood without getting some strange and totally unrelated response back. At first I thought he was just trolling but I think you are on to something here. Maybe he just don't understand English at all and is using a translator for both reading and posting. That would actually explain quite a lot btw, is there a way to ignore all posts made by a specific forum poster (for example Yood) so they don't even show up in my feed? Merged. Since when?
  6. Of course I get it that you think better and more expansive cars should bring the player-based a sense progression. That to feed this sense or progression the company owning the rights to APB:Reloaded should constantly introduce more expansive and better cars (and weapons and mods and equipment and consumables). I also get why you think you need this sense of progression even in this game (nothing to be embarrassed about, a lot of the younger generation gamers feel the same thing). Now, your turn. Are you familiar with concepts such as mud slide and power creep and the effects it have on already existing assets? Do you know the difference and driving factors between player skill progression and character level progression (and do you know which of the two categories APB:Reloaded belong to)? It honestly doesn't seem that way, at least not by reviewing the few posts you done so far on this forum. If you think server instability is so relevant, then simple make a thread about it. Now stop trolling this thread. Thank you and have a nice day sir.
  7. The only thing I am stingy about is the way you post (yes, I am serious). It is almost like every single post you make is intended to be Troll Bait I said that the car have a bug with the rear tire and it have had this bug since 2010. In a thread talking about car balance. This is on topic. You reply to this by talking about using brick?? wtf?! That is totally unrelated. Please read before you post. Now you are talking about working servers (in a thread about car balance). That is also totally unrelated. If you post please stay on topic. I have a lot more than 26 permanent cars in my 7 garages. Almost all my characters also have permanent 4 slot Vegas 4x4. I also have things to drive. I am not complaining.
  8. I am not saying that low tier cars (cars that cost 0 apb$ to spawn) should be as good as a high tier car (cars that cost 100 abp$ to spawn). But all high tier cars (cars that cost 100 apb$ to spawn) should be comparable. They should all be side-grades. Each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Having options is good. Having one car that have all the advantages is bad (now you have fewer options, not more options - having options is good). Same with weapons. Having multiple weapons that each have their advantages and disadvantages. Having options is good. Having one weapon that have all the advantages is bad (now you have fewer options, not more options - having options is good). Vegas 4x4 is like introducing a weapon called NTEC 4x4 that deal full damage out to 100 meters and lose no accuracy when hip-fire. Doesn't matter if it cost 10.000 JT to get, the NTEC 4x4 will in the long run be bad for the game. Eventually everyone will run around with it. You honestly can't see this...??
  9. What a stupid vote Config changes that give you an unfair advantage, that let you do or see tactical information that you should normally not have access to (like deliberately removing fog, outlining opponents through smoke etc), should of course be considered cheating. The fog or smoke etc are game mechanics that you are not supposed to ignore. Some config changes are obviously not cheating (setting key bindings, sprint when not pressing walk key etc) Some config changes end up in a gray zone (cross hair / center dot) because they can be reproduced by other means (painting a dot on your screen, third party software, monitor hardware options). Then you also have the whole macro debate, but I don't think this apply to config changes. This is of course not cheating (don't be silly). Not your fault that your opponent is running on a computer from 1980s, However, editing the config file to remove particles from perc grenades or spraying or outline opponents through smoke and explosions etc is cheating and people using it should be punished (perhaps they should be flagged as cheaters and then only be matched against others that made similar config changes :))
  10. Vegas used to be in a good positron. Hard to drive. Slow acceleration. But unlike all other fast cars it was durable. It also arguably had the highest top speed of all cars in the game. Cisco was 4 wheel drive with fast acceleration from stand still, available as NPC car and open to both factions. But felt a bit like driving on ice. Jericho had a lot of pushing power, making it excellent as an enforcer car back when pursuit to stop crims from escaping was a thing. Bishada had great handling which was required for a crim car so you could drive flawless back when escape missions was a thing. As a crim main this was my favorite as you can tell from my forum name. I could spend hours just roaming the districts out of mission just practicing escape routes and mastering all the vehicles. You had options. Vegas 4x4 (and removal of escape missions) changed that. Vegas 4x4 got all of the advantages of regular Vegas but non of the drawbacks. I farmed JTs hard core and ended up being world first to own a 4 slot 4x4 Vegas. Since then I see little or no reason to use another car (some of the trucks/vans still have some use but I don't think any of the cars do).
  11. Yood, 1. I am well aware of what Bishada is (check my forum name). 2. Brick does not in any way shape or form fix the "rear tire"-bug that you just replied to.
  12. I always imagined the Sungnyemun Moirai to be a heavy limmo of sorts and would love if it was given a bit more "pushing" power ...and you can still make the Bishada flip if you touch its rear wheel so I guess it would be good if that was fixed.
  13. True that (most people don't point their weapon away from the street corner). And shadows, shadow silhouettes will actually quite often give away players (most people seem to not think about the direction the sun or street lights when hiding behind a corner). NPCs also don't start running in panic for no reason, you can often use this to your advantage as an early warning system . Also listen for enemy footsteps and enemies running over trashcans or boxes (if you know the map then you can often precook a nade and land it on them just as they round the corner). I often get accused of using wall hacks due to advanced tactics like the above.
  14. It does not show me number of players in each threat category. It only show me current number of on-line payers (which is not the same thing). Maybe a lot of new green and bronze players only log in to play now and then while a lot of silver and gold players log in almost every day and play for hours. Also, where are your screen shot from?? I thought you said earlier in this thread that you play on the EU server. On the EU server right now there are currently some 200+ people in bronze districts alone (and the district selection page does not show how many in RIOT). https://imgur.com/a/4wx2YFx
  15. Solution: 1. Remove Gold Districts 2. Rename Green Districts to Low Threat districts, Bronze districts to Normal Threat districts and the Silver district to High Threat districts. 3. Make Low Threat districts the default home for Green and Bronze Threat players and the Normal Threat district the default home for Silver Threat players. 4. Done. How can you possible tell if you never play in Green and Bronze districts...? Also there are a lot of green and bronze players that only log in a few times now and then compared to some silver and gold players that log in almost every day and play for hours, but they all end up in the same statistics. Behind the scenes there is a zero sum mechanic. As more newbies join the game at the bottom high silver players that played the game for awhile and is improving might be pushed up to gold (but as they face harder opponents with less opportunity for calling backup they might also be pushed down to a lower threat rating until they improve enough to retain a solid gold rating). Behind the scenes there are also a lot more threat levels than the four colors we see (300 of them).
  16. ah, we are also getting a ton of consumable selectors in the mail (you get to select between all them ammo boxes, ballistic shields, charges etc)
  17. Oh, this is a beta preview of the game mode...?? I thought the beta of the gamemode was tested out on the OTW (or whatever they call the test-server now days) and that this would be the final release? ...also, yet another currency?? like it isn't enough with APB$, JTs and G1C (or whatever they are called now when LO own the game).
  18. I did and I can confirm that it does *not* increase from picking up cash, killing an opponent, triggering one of them gas things or even being on the winning team when the riot ended. Maybe it will give you some JTs when your standing with the contact is increased a level (but it seem to max out at 5). Maybe it will also open up a daily mission once it max out (contact is only level 1 so far so I can't test that). Just wait until an on-going RIOT ends and the empty server will fill up almost instantly, triggering the count-down. Had no issues getting RIOT started whole day, at least on the EU server. This is my experience as well. I forgot to check RIOT specific achievements and RIOT specific roles. Thanks both of you.
  19. Why are you so hostile. People in this thread are trying to help you out....
  20. Second time you linked that other thread (I wasn't even replying to you this time). If you are trying to tell me something maybe you should try to just spell it out instead. Having the threat you have (high silver/low gold) and the ping you have (200+) is a difficult spot to be in, but I still think the best thing you can do is to tough it out in the silver district (because if you join bronze district your threat will be artificially inflated to gold which is even worse).
  21. Always difficult situation when you are between two threat ratings If I were you (a high silver / low gold player) then I would play in silver district. You will learn the game better/faster when fighting more difficult enemies. Eventually you will become gold on your own merits (rather than artificially inflating your threat by playing a lower threat district). Try to not rush in solo. Instead wait for your teammates and go in at the same time. Also don't be afraid to ask your opponents on how to improve. Some are patootie-hats but there are also people that don't mind helping others to improve. Another reason why I think it is better as a high silver/low gold to play in silver districts against gold players is because if you, as a high silver/low gold player, play in bronze you will wtfpawn and most of your opponents will think you are a gold de-threater or a cheater. You will also artificially inflate your threat which mean ou will turn gold quickly. If you then, as a silver/low gold player, play in silver district (now as a gold player) then your teammates will assume that you also play as a gold player and will be disappointed (or think that you deliberately dethreat) if you don't.
  22. How? Do i need to max the contact before i can start earning JTs...? And how much JTs are we talking about in addition to the daily missions you get from regular action districts and fight clubs?
  23. Title. Are there any rewards for playing RIOT (besides one weapon skin)?
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