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The "Check Back"

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I want to pass around a strategy that we at the SPPD call the "Check Back." I've been seeing tons of people complaining about the cheaters and the apparent ineffectiveness of the anti-cheat to identify and stop them. A cheater's goal is to make the game as unfun as possible and drive as many people to rage quit as they can. Every time a player rage quits, these losers get a turn on because they have no validation in their real lives. The "Check Back" is a strategy we've been deploying for years when we realize that a player/group we are fighting is cheating.  Rather than continuing to fight and feed their e-egos (Which is what they want), make them sit at the objective unopposed with nothing to do, make them bored. This deprives them of the validation they're seeking and forces them to spend 10-15 minutes sitting, doing absolutely nothing. These people can't win in real life so they can't stand to lose in a video game, they want to be the strong and unstoppable ones here because they are weak physically and mentally in actuality. 


Leave the mission area, go sit in an unexpecting location until the time runs out. Go grab a snack, take a piss, and keep an eye on your pc.  If they game ending objective is TDM, then you return to lobby and log back in. 


If the community en masse comes together to do things like this, cheaters will quit out of sheer boredom. 

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I haven't played apb in a long time, but you can't return to lobby when there's opp , can you?

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9 minutes ago, Uhtdred said:

I haven't played apb in a long time, but you can't return to lobby when there's opp , can you?

I believe you can, on Xbox you could. I have yet to have to do so on PC. Any method of exit works.

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So you are griefing matches because you think someone is cheating?
Why wouldnt you /exit and let the people who actually want to play, play?

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1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

So you are griefing matches because you think someone is cheating?
Why wouldnt you /exit and let the people who actually want to play, play?

Because they’re cheating, why should anyone sacrifice their enjoyment of the game to let people who cheat have fun?
We don’t do this sort of thing to people who we suspect of cheating, there are tons of really good players out there who just seem too good to be legit. We’ve only done this to groups that we know are cheating, the ones that make it painfully obvious. This isn’t something that we do often either, the high Golds seem to encounter cheaters way more than anyone else. 

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I'm with Cookie on this one. I rather have people who don't want to play exit the game. I get accused of cheating when I run people over with a car. People call cheats way too easily.

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8 minutes ago, BlatMan said:

I'm with Cookie on this one. I rather have people who don't want to play exit the game. I get accused of cheating when I run people over with a car. People call cheats way too easily.

You do make a good point. This strategy backfires if used by people who call cheat too easily. I would say that it should only be used if it one of the obvious cheaters. Sniper grenades, automatic Colby 45s, dudes running Mach 5 across the map. 

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You All know me, I think Everyone Hacks until proven innocent. 

Because of all the hackings for so long intermingled with various forms of mission trolling, 

I consider both the enemy and the team mates a threat and either hackers or there to prevent 

you from progressing or xp. 

 So I do one of two things, beings i cannot rq or i will lose the xp. and still may not get any by staying. 

I will rush with opg, shotgun ect depend on the spot.

Or I'll Toy with them, ill trick em into chasing me or taunt them.

 See as a Legit I have to remain within the scope of the rules. 

We got one that is notorious for going afk, and is also someone I 'Think' or suspect cheater. 

So when he goes afk for the better part of the mission, and you are fighting people you 'Think' are his friends.

You then start thinking they are spying, screen sharing or relaying intel to the other team. 

So I won't go afk or go Hide, if I have to ill just walk/jog to the point and attempt to do it, i wont run or shoot, 

just come straight up the street n walk in. 

 Too bad I think this way, but I'm a product of the apb environment. 

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1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

So you are griefing matches because you think someone is cheating?
Why wouldnt you /exit and let the people who actually want to play, play?

First of all, LO will never ever ever do this. But I understand the idea, and its basically the community acting as a moderator. Its how games used to be run. Back then there was a stigma to cheating. Cheating has now become part and parcel of APB and i do blame LO for allowing that enviroment to happen. Purposfully or not.









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50 minutes ago, Y2Venom said:

First of all, LO will never ever ever do this. But I understand the idea, and its basically the community acting as a moderator. Its how games used to be run. Back then there was a stigma to cheating. Cheating has now become part and parcel of APB and i do blame LO for allowing that enviroment to happen. Purposfully or not.









On Xbox we had a community list since there was 0 moderation. It’s against the rules under the name and shame clause. 

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19 minutes ago, JustinCarter said:

On Xbox we had a community list since there was 0 moderation. It’s against the rules under the name and shame clause. 

There is already a list out there of all the cheaters, their alt accounts etc...


But you have to ask the question, why no name and shame. Its done in other enviroments, such as crime, competitions, sports etc... This is why i say its a very safe enviroment for cheaters and the silence only cultivates more cheating. 


Here is the hard truth.......

LO are way too soft with cheaters and cheaters know this. The general understanding is,  its worth cheating. Mathematically its worth cheating, you make much more money its a lot more fun and you can flex as much as you want, your name will never be on a list of banned cheaters (officially) . All of this outweighs the risk of a banning. If they are banned they have multiple other accounts that they will move across to and wait to get their main account back.


At this moment in time there are way too many pro's to cheating then to not cheating.


Non Cheaters

  • wont have as much fun
  • will win less
  • wont make as much money
  • will level up much slower
  • will be abused by other players
  • wont make a name for themselves
  • will play another game



  • will have a lot more fun
  • will make a name for themselves
  • will monitarily make money streaming
  • will look good streaming
  • will win more games
  • will level up faster
  • will get legendaries faster
  • dont have to worry about getting called out for cheating
  • will get their account back if banned




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This is a good strategy. But it has disadvantages. The first disadvantage is the decrease in the number of free players in the district. The second disadvantage is that players lose time and interest. I have long been proposing to unlock the exit button from the mission, with the deprivation of experience points and game currency. It is also worth expanding the capabilities of the blacklist. Make matches with blacklisted players impossible for several hours after being added to the list. 

It is also worth redoing the system of assigning the fifth threat level. This system does not affect the game at all right now. I think it should be used for players whose level of play is much higher than the bulk of the server's population. If the player receives the fifth threat level, then he becomes the target of the entire area for a few minutes. This will allow you to balance the matches, as players who have not merged the threat will be distracted by defense. These innovations will lead to a reduction in toxicity. All groups of players will have a choice. The number of available players will increase, which will increase the chances of getting a balanced match.

The escalation system requires a little refinement - the vote of the whole team.

All the innovations mentioned above do not require much time and money. But they will seriously change the game for the better.

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if you're not going to play then exit the game, there's nothing worse than a teammate sitting around hackusating instead of leaving so i can call someone who will actually contribute as backup

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Just want to remind people that if players are refusing to play the mission, you can report them. If they don’t want to play, they shouldn’t play.
We know matches are unfair and we know there are cheaters. If you don’t want to play ask if you can get a demerit to get kicked (if solo) or just /exit if you aren’t.

Remember, you don’t have the right to ruin games for people just because you think you know something. 

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8 hours ago, vsb said:

if you're not going to play then exit the game, there's nothing worse than a teammate sitting around hackusating instead of leaving so i can call someone who will actually contribute as backup

There is nothing worse than a cheater on the enemy team, and a leader - a stubborn sheep who does not want to kick and encourages you to continue the useless match.




5 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

Just want to remind people that if players are refusing to play the mission, you can report them. If they don’t want to play, they shouldn’t play.
We know matches are unfair and we know there are cheaters. If you don’t want to play ask if you can get a demerit to get kicked (if solo) or just /exit if you aren’t.

Remember, you don’t have the right to ruin games for people just because you think you know something. 

Allow players to simply exit the mission. Just press a button and that's it! No insults, no wasting time, no unnecessary chatter. Why all this dancing with a tambourine? If a player does not want to continue the match, this does not mean that he does not want to play. These are not related things at all!


Often matches end in deadlock. For example, two players need to deliver three heavy loads. This is technically difficult even if there were no enemies at all. Another situation is that the idiot leader endlessly causes escalation, turning the match into a farce. There are many such situations, there is no point in wasting time on them.

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15 minutes ago, Yapopal said:

Allow players to simply exit the mission. Just press a button and that's it! No insults, no wasting time, no unnecessary chatter. Why all this dancing with a tambourine? If a player does not want to continue the match, this does not mean that he does not want to play. These are not related things at all!


Often matches end in deadlock. For example, two players need to deliver three heavy loads. This is technically difficult even if there were no enemies at all. Another situation is that the idiot leader endlessly causes escalation, turning the match into a farce. There are many such situations, there is no point in wasting time on them.

How would you prevent abuse? 

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11 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

How would you prevent abuse? 

I don't quite understand what you mean.

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1 minute ago, Yapopal said:

I don't quite understand what you mean.

It would be problematic if every mission Im in has people abandoning for whatever random reason, and Im stuck hoping I get backup.
Or in the case of better players (not me), how will they get matches at all?

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5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

It would be problematic if every mission Im in has people abandoning for whatever random reason, and Im stuck hoping I get backup.
Or in the case of better players (not me), how will they get matches at all?

Do you often encounter similar situations now? Every innovation must have its “BUT” (Little Orbit often neglects this). I suggest unlocking the mission exit button BUT I also suggest adding an equivalent penalty for this. If my proposal causes the problems you mentioned. It is worth raising the fine amount.

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Couple things I think allot of you are missing in this thread, 

 1. Quitting a mission because you 'think' cheating or Too strong, or

Bad spot, ect. means you're just gonna have to wait for the next mission,

which will be the same thing. It will be You v cheats, bad spots. 

It's no exaggeration that at least 90% are cheating. So the odds that 

you're going to get a Legit mission are almost impossible. 


2. There is a big difference playing for contact xp than just playing to play. 

So the Effort I put in cannot exceed the small amount of xp the mission gives. 

Many missions are such that you cannot approach a point because its locked down. 

They are dug in, spread out. and You won't get any xp if you don't score a min of 500.

And you know this, so running back real fast to get bot shot again, knowing you won't get anything

 from your efforts.

 In My case I demand more xp and cash just because the contacts are in the harder wf. 

Then I want more again because the hackers are allowed or are not removed.

Plus more because the guns don't work or have zero hit reg, or do but still don't kill. 

You don't see Matt in district struggling his way up, day after day, hour after hour to remax. 

 My point is that allot of people just figure that because a player is in dist, he must sweat. 

He must break his fingers to win. Not to mention the win is only 1500-2500 xp vs 1000 to lose. 

Some of us aren't physically able to sweat for 12 hrs a day, mission after mission to regain max levels.

Ya get sick of it, sick of the hackers and chat bashers.

 Ya get sick of New names being put as leader of Your mission, who think you are their Boy, 

when its the other way around. You all came into My game. 

 Now due to the wf location, always a laggy long ways, long mission, wf. 

and the new levels. This is Work, not Fun. Fun begins when all my maxes are maxed.

Then I can play fin again n have fun being casual, telling jokes and stories

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2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

Just want to remind people that if players are refusing to play the mission, you can report them. If they don’t want to play, they shouldn’t play.
We know matches are unfair and we know there are cheaters. If you don’t want to play ask if you can get a demerit to get kicked (if solo) or just /exit if you aren’t.

Remember, you don’t have the right to ruin games for people just because you think you know something. 

If they ban a player for not playing the mission before they ban the players for cheating, the system is well and truely broken. Fix the cheating then worry about other things later.

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43 minutes ago, Y2Venom said:

If they ban a player for not playing the mission before they ban the players for cheating, the system is well and truely broken. Fix the cheating then worry about other things later.

I cant imagine they would ban over it, at least not without plenty of warnings, but who knows. There was a guy complaining about getting banned for it, but who knows there as well.

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12 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

I cant imagine they would ban over it, at least not without plenty of warnings, but who knows. There was a guy complaining about getting banned for it, but who knows there as well.

maybe. Its a terrible game to moderate to be honest. So much going on. I dont envy them, but at the same time, they need to get on top of it.

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4 minutes ago, Y2Venom said:

maybe. Its a terrible game to moderate to be honest. So much going on. I dont envy them, but at the same time, they need to get on top of it.

thats fair I think

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