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Some Dude From APB

Player Decline Incoming

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so you have limited time to actually get APB back to being popular and unfortunately you have lost me as a customer again. I'm not alone though, so i can only pray you learn from this incoming player decline to fix things that are desperately needed. 


Its not even fun for casual players who SHOULD make up the core player base


Ban wave when?


Its a shame that  giving people a second chance hasn't fixed things. 


Honestly its time for us casuals to wave the white flag and leave till you finally once and for all give us a casual player district again. I DO NOT WANT TO MLG VS GOLD TRYHARDS EVERY SINGLE DAY

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18 minutes ago, Some Dude From APB said:


Been this way since they desegregated. 

The Goal of the Hacker/Tryhard is to get you to quit the game.

They put other spy golds on your team to tk you.

So I'll just turn the tables on em n do what they do to me. 

I'll Never Surrender.

Allot of those people are crooked and because of that, I'll never leave.

I will follow the rules, unless one of them looks at me funny. 

A tk deserves a tk, im not gonna stand there n let em kill me


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Just now, MACKxBOLAN said:

Been this way since they desegregated. 

The Goal of the Hacker/Tryhard is to get you to quit the game.

They put other spy golds on your team to tk you.

So I'll just turn the tables on em n do what they do to me. 

I'll Never Surrender.

Allot of those people are crooked and because of that, I'll never leave.

I will follow the rules, unless one of them looks at me funny. 

A tk deserves a tk, im not gonna stand there n let em kill me


It's just not fun having the same sort of games. I have better things to play.


I had high hopes for the recent update to bring back the old days but it seems very over now unless there is some sort of quick solution to get us back.

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They don't give a shit about your opinion. They're listening to a bunch of cybercotlets discussing how many bullets a god like AP 45 should fire per second. They don't give a shit about the problem of ultra-short kill time in a game running on two servers around the world. They can't understand that a normal player won't stay in a game where ALL the changes come down to getting an advantage for veterans.  They do not seek to balance different types of weapons among themselves. Instead, they close the anal circle around the OBIR and give him a buff. It's so fucking important! 
The management's policy is to keep the game running for nostalgia. This game ceased to be commercial after an unsuccessful engine update. The latest update is indeed the latest. Say thank you for being able to play this game in 2024.

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Game currently has 600 players roughly every day after 7-8 PM UK time. We had 1000 players two weeks ago, and 1200 players three weeks ago where the update was released.


Some of us wanted to see the new contact and some of us wanted to see if SARD worked.


Contact update was really good, ending the unreachable weapons era and letting everyone have it easily even before hitting 100+ (if you know how to rank it up straight away) was OK.


However, anti-cheat update was seemed to be rushed. Having no pre-cautions and letting every ban to be manual is horrible.


I don't know how long it will take or will it ever be possible to see cheat-free APB but the community have lost 50% of it's playerbase, again, mostly because of the cheaters.


Permanent ban should never be the last resort.

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It sounds to me that you just need to find a decent clan, there are plenty of old and new organizations on this game that are recruiting. Even golds can't fight against coordination and teamwork. I'm a casual player, but even I'm fine with the desegregation because I have people backing me up and communicating positions/directions/objectives. It really is a game changer, I would encourage you to try and get some other quality people in your corner before quitting. 

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LO appears to be going for population spikes like this every 6 months (assuming they can actually continue delivering as explained in the previous AMA).


There is nothing to do at max rank other than to play for the sake of playing. With the core gameplay being given the lowest priority, many players won't even bother. 


The game wasn't ready to retain players from the New Horizon update but LO released the Waterfront Contacts anyway. Let's see how they'll do with THIS month's supposedly balance patch.

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On 9/12/2024 at 4:51 PM, Some Dude From APB said:

so you have limited time to actually get APB back to being popular and unfortunately you have lost me as a customer again. I'm not alone though, so i can only pray you learn from this incoming player decline to fix things that are desperately needed. 


Its not even fun for casual players who SHOULD make up the core player base


Ban wave when?


Its a shame that  giving people a second chance hasn't fixed things. 


Honestly its time for us casuals to wave the white flag and leave till you finally once and for all give us a casual player district again. I DO NOT WANT TO MLG VS GOLD TRYHARDS EVERY SINGLE DAY

its rough for new players as well as really frustrating. With regards a "Ban Wave" im not sure if that is going to happen or if there is a new tactic. But they have said that there have been bans. Players who i have seen cheat have not been around for the past month so i am guessing that they are gone. Some players who i know cheat are still around. Some players who used to cheat are now not very good.  I am seeing less people spamming the .45

Then again i have teamed with some old familiars running around doing their thing, literally running up to a corner jumping and firing the hand gun killing unsuspecting opponents..


But i dont think there is a quick fix. There are a few groups of players determined to cheat in the game and will consistantly use cheats on their multiple accounts. A lot of us know who they are. Some quiet and some toxic.


The good thing is the fact that there are a lot less "you are just bad" players who are defending cheaters, who are normally doing something themselves. This means that the psyche of the playerbase has shifted somewhat and is seeing cheating as a shamful thing within the game.  So hold tight, you can still find some good games.

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honestly they should instead of banning players they should secretly flag them as cheaters, then only allow them to vs other flagged cheaters. if there is no other cheaters then they get no op and are shadow banned... maybe even knocking them offline after 20 mins instead would also work to free up space for people trying to join the district.

but them removing east coast servers and then this sard anti cheat being a litteral fake scam is just going to kill the game eventually, and rightfully so.. shit is litterally unplayable atm even worse than before

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19 hours ago, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

honestly they should instead of banning players they should secretly flag them as cheaters, then only allow them to vs other flagged cheaters. if there is no other cheaters then they get no op and are shadow banned... maybe even knocking them offline after 20 mins instead would also work to free up space for people trying to join the district.

but them removing east coast servers and then this sard anti cheat being a litteral fake scam is just going to kill the game eventually, and rightfully so.. shit is litterally unplayable atm even worse than before

Well said. I'm not the type of person to point a finger at someone and call them a cheater but recently its been like that and players aren't even hiding it anymore. 

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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Well said. I'm not the type of person to point a finger at someone and call them a cheater but recently its been like that and players aren't even hiding it anymore. 

Yeah I mean if a player is cheating and hiding it well... we cant ever point the finger as players. But if this AI anti cheat can tell whos cheating and they always unbanning cheaters... might aswell flag them and if possible make it so that they cannot get op or maybe force their threat level to be so high that they cannot get op vs normal threat players. Like the cheater flag just instantly makes them Gold 30... and since they usually group in 3-4 man team it will be impossible for them to get opped unless other similar players are there.

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On 9/16/2024 at 7:57 PM, JustinCarter said:

It sounds to me that you just need to find a decent clan, there are plenty of old and new organizations on this game that are recruiting. Even golds can't fight against coordination and teamwork. I'm a casual player, but even I'm fine with the desegregation because I have people backing me up and communicating positions/directions/objectives. It really is a game changer, I would encourage you to try and get some other quality people in your corner before quitting. 

You kidding right?

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10 hours ago, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

But if this AI anti cheat can tell whos cheating

Well we don't know if it can. We don't know if its even on, (there were posts here about the server side not being on).

 Then lets say it flags some and bans come along. Well we don't know how long that ban will last, we don't know if 

down the road matt will say that Sard is false banning, or giving false info to the devs, who then do the manual ban. 

  What you are saying, is sorta what Matt talked about in the AMA. Putting cheaters together.

 Well if you put them in a separate district it might work, but it would take years to detect them all, 

and once an account was flagged, the hacker would just use a dif account, maybe transfer some weapons.

Or simply play as a dethreater till the flag is lifted. 

 Matt needs to understand that the hacker isn't just a problem when he hacks, or within the mission. 

It promotes major toxicity thru out the entire game and population. which ruins the game. 

You can't get new players because the newb isn't going to play this game seeing that he would 

be matched against high ranks, high rank golds.

 MM will never work because of the vast dif in performance between a bronze and a gold, 

and the pool of players being mostly gold.

 So getting to gold is based on the pool of population, you don't just have to win and be on top score.

Your score and kill have to be higher than the average gold to move up a notch.

 I have strayed off topic, the point being, eac didn't detect hackers, but LO says it banned a bunch

We in NA only saw a couple of bans by eac, Sard now has to take time to learn, and once it does,

who's to say matt wont come back saying it did false bans. And let em all back in again. 

Matt has a choice, he can either have a crooked game full of hackers, or a legit game.

 The choices he has made over time all benefit the cheater and Gold. 

Desegregation ruined this game. we used to have fun. 

 Cheaters and Hi threat dont like fun, they only care about k/d, if you're not going 200-1 then they bash you in chat

 n say you suck. Thats Matts Game. This is the way He wants it. Then I wish him luck in finding financially viable players.


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yeah, after today i officially quit again. i have no teamates worth a shit (all bronze or silver with no understanding of anything) and ALWAYS 1 cheater on the other team that knows exactly where my trash teamates are and then always knows where I am... NEVER misses with 45 pistol and since its motherFUCKING west coast servers + all these trash nerfed weapons, i cant even hit the bigfarger before I get min-ttked. 

escalation is even WORSE than calling backup... AND if they call backup it AUTOMATICALLY puts a brand new level 9 silver on my team and just in time for takeouts! amazing how the game just wants to fuck me over for being good. Im always attacking... and if im defending gg i cant even defend i have no support and im constantly 3 vs 1ing, with shit weapons that are all nerfed to the fucking floor. fuck the Silvers on SPPD who fucking suck so bad that they influence all these bad nerfs on ever weapon you are all garbage players.

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17 hours ago, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

yeah, after today i officially quit again. i have no teamates worth a shit (all bronze or silver with no understanding of anything) and ALWAYS 1 cheater on the other team that knows exactly where my trash teamates are and then always knows where I am... NEVER misses with 45 pistol and since its motherFUCKING west coast servers + all these trash nerfed weapons, i cant even hit the bigfarger before I get min-ttked. 

escalation is even WORSE than calling backup... AND if they call backup it AUTOMATICALLY puts a brand new level 9 silver on my team and just in time for takeouts! amazing how the game just wants to fuck me over for being good. Im always attacking... and if im defending gg i cant even defend i have no support and im constantly 3 vs 1ing, with shit weapons that are all nerfed to the fucking floor. fuck the Silvers on SPPD who fucking suck so bad that they influence all these bad nerfs on ever weapon you are all garbage players.

Not sure why you're throwing shade at us, we are essentially brand new on this server. Haven't influenced a change to anything since we transferred here from Xbox a few months back, regardless of that and having to re-learn how to play, we do just fine in our missions, we have good and bad like everyone else. Your statement is not only inaccurate, its rude asf to place the blame on us. The nerfs have been disappointing to deal with, we've noticed that they've dialed down a lot of great weapons that we used to love running. I retain the belief that you just need to find a group of experienced players to run missions with, it makes dealing with the sweats and cheaters a little more bearable. It honestly seems that your issue is queueing alone and having to rely on random strangers to win.

But who knows, maybe the community will be better off with you gone, one less toxic "Seasoned Veteran" to complain and shit talk new players and people who have lives that can't invest hours out of their day to sweat on a game that released in 2011.

Get over yourself, make a plan and play or shut up and quit.

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On 9/20/2024 at 2:40 AM, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

honestly they should instead of banning players they should secretly flag them as cheaters, then only allow them to vs other flagged cheaters. if there is no other cheaters then they get no op and are shadow banned... maybe even knocking them offline after 20 mins instead would also work to free up space for people trying to join the district.

This is what Matt spoke about and apparrently this has been happening. I have noticed quite a lot of games,  Either team has a player that is getting 30+ kills whilst the rest of the players are on 5 or 6. Which i still think is a little unfair to all the other players.


I do judge moderation and cheat detection based on what i see in the first 2 games of the day.  This weekend has been an absolute Sh$£Show for cheating.


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