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Some Dude From APB

Player Decline Incoming

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so you have limited time to actually get APB back to being popular and unfortunately you have lost me as a customer again. I'm not alone though, so i can only pray you learn from this incoming player decline to fix things that are desperately needed. 


Its not even fun for casual players who SHOULD make up the core player base


Ban wave when?


Its a shame that  giving people a second chance hasn't fixed things. 


Honestly its time for us casuals to wave the white flag and leave till you finally once and for all give us a casual player district again. I DO NOT WANT TO MLG VS GOLD TRYHARDS EVERY SINGLE DAY

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18 minutes ago, Some Dude From APB said:


Been this way since they desegregated. 

The Goal of the Hacker/Tryhard is to get you to quit the game.

They put other spy golds on your team to tk you.

So I'll just turn the tables on em n do what they do to me. 

I'll Never Surrender.

Allot of those people are crooked and because of that, I'll never leave.

I will follow the rules, unless one of them looks at me funny. 

A tk deserves a tk, im not gonna stand there n let em kill me


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Just now, MACKxBOLAN said:

Been this way since they desegregated. 

The Goal of the Hacker/Tryhard is to get you to quit the game.

They put other spy golds on your team to tk you.

So I'll just turn the tables on em n do what they do to me. 

I'll Never Surrender.

Allot of those people are crooked and because of that, I'll never leave.

I will follow the rules, unless one of them looks at me funny. 

A tk deserves a tk, im not gonna stand there n let em kill me


It's just not fun having the same sort of games. I have better things to play.


I had high hopes for the recent update to bring back the old days but it seems very over now unless there is some sort of quick solution to get us back.

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They don't give a shit about your opinion. They're listening to a bunch of cybercotlets discussing how many bullets a god like AP 45 should fire per second. They don't give a shit about the problem of ultra-short kill time in a game running on two servers around the world. They can't understand that a normal player won't stay in a game where ALL the changes come down to getting an advantage for veterans.  They do not seek to balance different types of weapons among themselves. Instead, they close the anal circle around the OBIR and give him a buff. It's so fucking important! 
The management's policy is to keep the game running for nostalgia. This game ceased to be commercial after an unsuccessful engine update. The latest update is indeed the latest. Say thank you for being able to play this game in 2024.

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Game currently has 600 players roughly every day after 7-8 PM UK time. We had 1000 players two weeks ago, and 1200 players three weeks ago where the update was released.


Some of us wanted to see the new contact and some of us wanted to see if SARD worked.


Contact update was really good, ending the unreachable weapons era and letting everyone have it easily even before hitting 100+ (if you know how to rank it up straight away) was OK.


However, anti-cheat update was seemed to be rushed. Having no pre-cautions and letting every ban to be manual is horrible.


I don't know how long it will take or will it ever be possible to see cheat-free APB but the community have lost 50% of it's playerbase, again, mostly because of the cheaters.


Permanent ban should never be the last resort.

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It sounds to me that you just need to find a decent clan, there are plenty of old and new organizations on this game that are recruiting. Even golds can't fight against coordination and teamwork. I'm a casual player, but even I'm fine with the desegregation because I have people backing me up and communicating positions/directions/objectives. It really is a game changer, I would encourage you to try and get some other quality people in your corner before quitting. 

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LO appears to be going for population spikes like this every 6 months (assuming they can actually continue delivering as explained in the previous AMA).


There is nothing to do at max rank other than to play for the sake of playing. With the core gameplay being given the lowest priority, many players won't even bother. 


The game wasn't ready to retain players from the New Horizon update but LO released the Waterfront Contacts anyway. Let's see how they'll do with THIS month's supposedly balance patch.

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