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Hello everyone!


Get ready to join us on OTW this Tuesday, 05/28/2024, 6PM UTC for an hour-long matchmaking test. We need your help to put our new matchmaking code through its paces and iron out any kinks. The more of you who join, the better we can fine-tune our system. Your input is invaluable, so please log in and lend us a hand during this crucial phase.


Remember to create a character on the "NA Test" World of OTW for this test! Your involvement truly counts! Let's work together to make this test a resounding success!


Check out the notes for Matchmaking Improvement below:

  • With this build, we have deployed new code based on the existing matchmaking functionality on Live.
  • Matchmaking has been moved from the World server to operate on its own dedicated Matchmaking server.
  • Matchmaking will only function in the same district - at least for now.
  • Backup is once again offered in cases in which the Matchmaker has to create an uneven Match and will add one player to each team trying to increase the overall Match quality to make it more even.
  • In evenly matched missions both Team Leaders are now offered the option to “Escalate” the mission. If both Team leaders put in a request to escalate players will be added to both teams up to a maximum of 20 players per side. Team leaders will need to agree to Escalate the mission further each time new players are added to the mission.
  • Fixed an issue related to Backup/Escalation calls that caused the matchmaker to be bottlenecked during the playtest on Sun. May 19.
  • Fixed the crash issue related to playtest that happened on Thur. May 23.


If you haven't yet! Make sure to grab the OTW client and download it ahead of time so that you can participate.

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From my experience the more players are in the match, the more difficult it becomes for the offensive side, because there is always someone guarding the spot/item/vip/whatever, regardless of how far spawns are, and defenders are more likely to win, because time works for them.


Your "escalate" thing might be worth it only if it will transform mission in deathmatch with killcount to win. Afaikr, not every mission has such stages, so you'd have to rework all of them to include deathmatches if "escalated".


Essentially, it will allow a fight club in a mission districts.

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7 hours ago, Gro said:

From my experience the more players are in the match, the more difficult it becomes for the offensive side, because there is always someone guarding the spot/item/vip/whatever, regardless of how far spawns are, and defenders are more likely to win, because time works for them.


Your "escalate" thing might be worth it only if it will transform mission in deathmatch with killcount to win. Afaikr, not every mission has such stages, so you'd have to rework all of them to include deathmatches if "escalated".


Essentially, it will allow a fight club in a mission districts.

What you're forgetting though is that both teams need to agree to escalate the mission.

If your team has a disadvantage in the mission state - the team leader always has the option to NOT escalate.


Also personally I think larger groups for final stage missions are really fun.

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Hello everyone,


We need to make some last-minute changes, so today's test has been rescheduled to tomorrow at 6 PM UTC. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.


Thank you for your patience!

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Hi everyone.


Today's playtest has been rescheduled to tomorrow for some last-minute bug fixes.


Please be sure to join us tomorrow 05/29 at 6 PM UTC, as it's crucial to have as many participants as possible to test the new matchmaking system.  


Thank you for your understanding!

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Overall I see the tested system as something better then what we currently have on Live.

Missions are balanced alright considering the small player pool that was on OTW (I think we had like 24 people at most).


The new escalation system is really good too.

I love the fact that you can start with 2 v 2 mission and slowly escalate it into a 12 v 12 fights.

Usually that many people are only present on the latter changes and I assume on Live there will be a smaller escalation pool since everyone will have individual missions.

(That is something to be tested though in a full district scenario)


What I would point out though that it seems like bronze players are considered mostly like silvers by MMR.

Don't know if it was the small player pool but it seems like bronze players were pulled in into matches of 2 v 2 while 1 team had 2 golds and the bronze only having 1 gold teammate.

Again  - I think it's just an artifact of small player pool.


What would be nice to test now though is having premade groups and how this effects the system.


I give it a 8.5/10 overall

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7 hours ago, Ellix said:

Overall I see the tested system as something better then what we currently have on Live.

On paper, Yes. However I think is has very little difference than live.

Yes the missions are happening faster, and there is a chance of diversity in 

threat and skill level. But diversity means nothing compared to live. 

It simply means that the mostly original gold team can farm lesser threats.

While the lesser threat will never make it to the point to make any progression 

progress. And with that lower threat, lower rank mostly being involved in back up 

missions. As a player will never rise in rank level. He will get capped before he/she 

is close enough to the point to get def points, let alone offensive by doing an objective. 

So he gonna spend the day racing from one back up mission to another, getting wasted 

before they get there n the mission be over too fast for that many people to score enough

 to get the min score required to get the min pay out of xp.

And in the end this MM will not change Golds running the servers they stole from Bronzes.

When all LO has to do to fix MM is resegregate. 

Considering the type of people in game and in otw. This game isn't worth saving. 

You're all hackers and fakes, don't bother finishing the lights and renderings of the mirage.

I won't buy anything till Golds and Hackers are segregated from Legit Players. 

Hax don't like me in game, keep telling to die already. I won't buy their hax or buy from LO.

and Ya won't see me helping otw again. not after the bad scheduling thru the week and then to show 

up to a bunch of hackers smooth aiming and they gonna run it from Moscow at 180 ms.

The only hope for LO is if the hackers spend as much on armas as they do on hacks.

Seems LO's position on hacks is very subdued. As if it's simply a small annoyance and nothing can 

be done so it is what it is, yet at the same time you want to fix MM.

I give up, its not even worth trying to explain, if I have to explain it to Executives We have a bigger problem. 

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There's so many other issues with the current game. Matchmaking isn't going to magically fix:

- Distorted audio

- Garbage collection stutter.

- In-game trading locked after an OS update, RAM replacement, adding an HDD, IP address change, or logging in on a different PC from the same location.

- Framerate lowers overtime due to the way APB and Windows 10 handle memory.

- Grenades falling through the ground.

- Some vehicles have broken suspension.

- Ntiro doesn't work on some vehicles.

- Particles heavily tax the GPU.

- Netcode or server issues that create packet loss like effects.

- Client to Server packloss is not measured in game.

- Lag compensation delaying low latency player's shots.

- Teleport bug. There's a detailed ticket in your system on how to reproduce it.

- Upload packet spikes when using climbing objects, like ladders and fences.

- Inaccurate weapon stats displayed in game.

- Inability to unlock primitives without intentionally losing missions.


Then there's the common community issues that make the game unappealing:


- Lack of punishment for blatant cheating, even for cheaters who post clips on Youtube, Twitch, etc.

- Inconsistently applied punishment for other potential EULA violations.

- The majority of Twitch streams showing modified .upk files, to the point they have less pixels than a Japanese adult film.

- Lack of in game voice chat.
- In-game moderators claiming their own political bias is LO's rules.
- In-game moderators are not employees unaccounted with the players. They are the players.

- In-game moderators lacking basic game mechanic knowledge, despite having thousands of logged in-game hours.

- Matt, the CEO, going MIA for months at a time.


I'll stop here, otherwise my wall of text will block the Mexican border.

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Why all the matches are 3 vs 3, in rare cases 4 vs 4, i want to play 8 vs 8, years ago the backups were bigger, why was patched....?

This game needs a strong PvE side, you can make missions with PvE boses so the ppl can farm unique items, weapons, gear, etc

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On 5/25/2024 at 7:57 PM, Emily said:

OTW client and download it ahead of time so that you can participate.

Logged after months again for giving just a try, because I was bored . . . Funny it's the same answer the several cheaters gave me "  WE ARE SO BORED " when I asked  for what reason they log in a test server just to messup 😂 (one said to follow his channel in twitch so I guess he was a STREAMER with all the blessing from LO seeing how much  long he's active LMAO..  well nothing new I guess  )


I didnt resist more than half hour/40 min and again game folder in the recycle bin . . As feedback I dont know for other players, but I guess the cheaters I met were having the time of their life, I guess a very  Good News for LO and the target of playerbase where their own efforts spent well  during these long years 


Edited by PingOVER9000
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On 6/2/2024 at 12:05 PM, PingOVER9000 said:

Logged after months again for giving just a try, because I was bored . . . Funny it's the same answer the several cheaters gave me "  WE ARE SO BORED " when I asked  for what reason they log in a test server just to messup 😂 (one said to follow his channel in twitch so I guess he was a STREAMER with all the blessing from LO seeing how much  long he's active LMAO..  well nothing new I guess  )


I didnt resist more than half hour/40 min and again game folder in the recycle bin . . As feedback I dont know for other players, but I guess the cheaters I met were having the time of their life, I guess a very  Good News for LO and the target of playerbase where their own efforts spent well  during these long years 



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9 hours ago, Dead_Game said:


Meanwhile, LO & "Mexico MaTT" with every new player . . . and then  every new player with LO writing the reviews 😂


Edited by PingOVER9000

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I don't understand why this innovation is needed. How does the number of players affect the quality of the match? The minimum difference in skills and level of players ensures the balance of the mission. Balance is your original goal, have you forgotten? Why the hell are you empowering team leaders? Team leaders are random people, often inadequate. Their goal is to win the mission. They don't strive for balance. 
Your new matchmaking works well on live. He doesn't have enough free players. You need to increase the number of available players. To do this, players who are stuck in an unbalanced mission can leave it. JUST UNLOCK THE EXIT MISSION BUTTON!!! IMPROVE PLAYER ROTATION!!!
Your innovation will reduce the number of available players. Most of the district's population will be stuck in an unbalanced mission.
You're doing complete nonsense. Ruin the game and your company.

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