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Weekend Minigames Return

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Hey everybody,


We hope you are all staying safe and sane. The GM Minigames we ran last time were well received, so we are happy to share that our GMs have volunteered to run a new batch this weekend! 


Our GMs will put up instances of Gun Game on Jericho and Citadel in Bronze and Gold districts at the following times:



Saturday/Sunday 1 PM UTC

Saturday/Sunday 4 PM UTC

Saturday/Sunday 7 PM UTC



Saturday/Sunday 11 PM UTC

Sunday/Monday 3 AM UTC


If you haven't played Gun Game before, this is a minigame where meeting a specific condition (number of kills, a high enough kill-steak, etc) will unlock the next weapon for you to use. There are various flavors, from Pistols to Explosives, and we will be cycling through them as we run these minigames. We are hoping this will be a fun way to earn some extra Joker Tickets as we stay indoors and help us all relax a little when we need it the most.


Stay safe, everyone. 

🐝 Sakebee

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I'm gonna guess that the spawn issue wasn't fixed?  Only issue i have with this event.


Still play it anyways, just... Bruh.

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Why not event where the GM for example is crim and VIP,crims must defend it and enf=to take him out.Next game the same but GM plays like enforcer.The difference from other VIP missions will be that only the GM will have lifes limit(10 for example)The players which defend the VIP and take down most oposition=biggest prize.Also for the attackers which take most VIP lifes.

This is also a chance players to play kinda different way the VIP mission(which most dont like)

Edited by TheMessiah
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Catch the GM it's a really good event as well. 

You could try to make it next weekend.



And please make longer events.

Edited by Vasco14

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42 minutes ago, Artorius_ said:

Can y'all run the event for at least 30 minutes? They end too fast.

The thing about gun game is that it doesn't really have a timer on it.  It ends the moment someone gets a kill with the final weapon tier.


Them going by fast is more of a good thing since it means more JT in the allotted time.

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7 hours ago, Artorius_ said:

Can y'all run the event for at least 30 minutes? They end too fast.

This is the intent and what we attempted to do previously. After the first day we corrected the amount of mini games run to last about 30 minutes or slightly more.


Edit: Let us know if there's anything we can improve. We'll make corrections within our capabilities along the way.

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please fix the spawns. we tired to take always cars. 
remove shitty weapons like: rsa with scope/harbinger.
that's all. the rest was fine

Edited by Machine659

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The idea for Gun Game in APB isn't bad and it can be fun and skill based but not in the form that it took during these weekend games.


The first issue and biggest issue is the amount of players that can participate in a single match (80). There are multiple downsides to having so many people in a single match. First, it makes the matches extremely random and entirely luck based as you are constantly surrounded by multiple players who are just as likely to shoot at you as they are to shoot at anyone else in the vicinity. Secondly, it drops game performance to unacceptable lows even with a high-end PC with configs. Even with that, after 1-2 matches my entire game and sound would stutter for a whole solid second upon dying and the spawn selection screen coming up. Yesterday, my entire game crashed during one of those freezes. It's absolutely bizarre. I can only imagine what vanilla players are going through with these events. Many players also complain consistently about severe latency increases during matches. Gungame originally only ran during Christmas under the name "12 Deaths of Christmas" and it would only run in the Beacon Fight Club districts which were capped at 20-20 (total of 40) and they would be effective across the entire district.  Currently it is extremely chaotic, it drops performance severely and it overall makes for a bad and unfun experience unless you're into dying to randomness a lot. Solve the problem by hosting it in fight club districts instead, capped at 20-20.


The second issue is also a big one and it ties in with the first one and that's the play area. The play area is very tiny and is not marked so people are phasing in and out of the game area constantly either by accident or on purpose (which can be abused in some cases, despite the 5 seconds timer). Solve this problem by increasing the play area (or make it the entire district if fight club maps are used).


Spawns are horrible, they tie in with the first two problems. In 90% of cases you would spawn outside of the gungame play area and you'd need to run 50-100m to get back in. Then when you do get back in, the edge of the play area is already completely crowded with players who've just respawned and re-entered so you are likely to die within 3 seconds upon entering the play area which makes it extremely random as you don't even get a chance to see your enemies before dying, let alone react. You could use a car but there aren't always cars available and taking a car every time you die in a mode as chaotic as this is nothing short of a chore. This would be solved by moving to fight club and making the event active across the entire map or at least increasing the play area radius by 3-4 times so more spawns are included and players aren't as crowded together.


I'm personally not a fan of the explosives gungame nor the inclusion of explosive weapons in the other modes. I would also prefer not having weapons such as the RSA "Hunter" or Harbinger as a part of the Pistols one but I could overlook these problems if the previous three were solved. All in all, it's an okay idea with a bad execution and it would be much more fun and balanced for everyone if some changes and optimizations are applied. We've already seen 12 Deaths of Christmas and we all know it works great, people liked it, some loved it even. I see no reason why it shouldn't be brought back instead of this. It would make people look forward to it much more. The only redeeming factor of the chaos and randomness of the current state of the gungame minigames is the fact that the top 20 or so all get the same reward (150JT). But honestly, if you are going to keep it like this, you might as well double the JT rewards per match.



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