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The only solution to this problem would be to isolate bronze, greens, and Trainees in their own district. Thus Silver and gold must play vs each other. Reasons: 1. It isn't fair to anyone except other golds on your teams that are 'dethreating',. And people call you a try hard if you push against this behavior. 2. You are creating the problem. APB players are are like predators. Nature of the game, which is cool. They want to search out the easiest targets. Again, the result they dethreat to get to bronze. >>>People rejoice when they lose their Gold.<<< 3, You are losing new players that are overwhelmed by this Threat system's flaws. 4. Causes contempt within the community, thus making it more toxic. Multiple reasons that are too numerous to list here. In closing I will say I have been here as long as the game. I have worked with gamersfirst with many issues within the game. I know what will work and not work. >>>Implement this change for a month and see how it works out. <<< One last thing. You may think; "Yeah, but silvers wont be able to play with silver!" Not so, It takes nothing to make silver from bronze. But takes a lot to get from Silver back to bronze. I won't point out the guidelines of how or why that is for it will expose techniques. What do you have to lose @MattScott Trust me Sincerely. LX NA/EU APB player
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- dethreating
- fix
- (and 8 more)
Hello LO team and all APB's community! I was thinking about the scenario that is getting more serious as the time passes, the APB population is decreasing a lot. It is so sad to see. I'm an almost everyday player, but there are days that I want so much to play and there is simply almost no one to play, and I'm not talking about late hours, I'm talking about the middle of the day, and we are in a quarentine. My suggestion would be to leave a permanent APB 2.1 BETA server online for us to play. Why am I suggesting this? I really believe that people are so bored of the current APB because all of its problems and mainly there is nothing really new to do ingame for years. For example, I (aswell as many "old" players) have already a criminal and an enforcer character at level 255 for years (more than 3 in my case), and almost all weapons of the game. We need something to motivate us to play, and there is almost nothing in the current APB that can do it. On the contrary, it is making more and more people give up it and go play another game. Even with the unfinished and with probably still many problems, the past BETA test servers attracted so many people to play on. That being said, leaving a server for us "APB enthusiasts" would be something to motivate us to play it at least a little; The Pros and Cons about this in my point o view: Pros: - Something different to try and get to know more the new changes, many APB players didn't have the opportunity to play on the past BETA test servers; - More constant feedback since it would be like a 24/7 test server to collect and analyze data; - Enjoy the new beautiful graphics of the new BETA(for those who have a PC that can enjoy it); - Improve the gameplay of the people that noticed performances improvement with the new engine; ... more things that I can't think of right now ... Cons: - Handle the complaints/feedback of the problems of a still work-in-progress that APB 2.1 BETA is; - Maintain the infraestructure needed to keep online this new server alongside the default one; - All the players' progresses and achviements would not count; - Make it more difficult to play for the people that had problems with the new engine(based on the last BETA feedbacks); - Decrease even more the live APB population; ... more things that people will probably point out in the comments ... If you can please leave your comment below with your Pros and Cons about this, and what you think we could do to help increase APB population and make the game more enjoyable for the ones that like it and still insist want to play.
- 4 replies
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- suggestion
- population problem
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Hello everyone. I am a bit hesitant about rejoining this game, despite my former love of it in years gone by. I am hoping that you all will be able to relieve me of my worries, or possibly confirm them so I don't waste time getting addicted again. Fair warning that this post is a bit long so if you want to quit reading to respond, then a good summary of this entire post is "How popular is the game, and how bad is the current cheating problem in 2023 compared to early in 2017?" So according to my Steam profile, I last logged in to APB Reloaded on April 17th, 2017. Yet it remains my highest played game according to Steam's hours check with several thousand hours of gameplay logged - and I never left the game online when AFK so I suspect it to be a truthful glimpse at how addicted I once was to APB Reloaded. I used to love the game, and would spend hours of every single day playing it. The best thing I liked about it was mainly the epic customizations, the way I could create a completely unique look to any other person in the game unless they tried really hard to copy me. It was no wonder that out of all the online games I ever played including LOTRO, FFXIV, and hundreds of others, that this was the game that I spent the most time of my life actually playing. So what was it that made me quit? More importantly, will those things still be a problem for me now in 2023? First was the issue of popularity. There were times back before I finally quit where I would have to waste time for ages before a match would pull me in. Waiting more than a half hour during off-peak times was common and sometimes wouldn't start even after several hours of waiting. You can only rob stuff, or pretend to be a patrol officer for so long before the fun dies. Inevitably I would find myself having to break my immersion just to keep myself entertained. I mean, yeah, it was fun at times to hang out with people and do weird stuff just to pass the time while ignoring which side everyone was technically on... but it certainly didn't feel like what an actual pseudo cop or gang member should be doing. So... if I rejoined today will there actually be enough people playing that I can immerse myself in my characters? Next is the big one.... cheating. Is the cheating prevention now in 2023 better, the same, or even worse than it was in 2017? Is the cheating level, including the more subtle ones, so bad that anyone remotely good is getting pretty much automatically assumed as part of the cheating crowd? Is the cheating so bad that even ignoring the subtle cheaters you will at least once a day see either a speed hacker zooming through the streets faster than a fighter jet / or someone flying and firing down at you / walking through walls / firing from the ground? Are there still people proudly using cheats without getting busted for hours or even longer? What I absolutely did not like at all back then in April of 2017 and earlier was the sheer mass of cheatery going on. It had become so prevalent by that time, that even when you did not cheat you were accused of it simply because people _expected_ it of the golds. I mean it made sense to be seen as too good when you would deliberately de-rank down to play as you 'were' showing skill levels that seem too good to those lesser skilled people. But even in Gold matches, if you had any skill with aim at all then aimbot would be called out quite common. Even worse if you had spent any time at all studying map layouts and figuring out common entry routes / hiding spots people would use and based on that try to predict stuff by being ready to cover that place if any movement or shots happen... well cue the cheat callouts for daring to use your brain and not just your mouse clicks. I understand why these accusation existed of course, wallhacks do exist after all, but anyone who actually has taken the time to study videos of gameplay can quickly tell the difference between someone who generally knows where to aim, and something that instantly lock on aims. In games where cheating isn't a big issue those things are treated as the skills that they are... but back then in APB:R the cheating was so prevalent even among the more subtle users that pretty much all of us were suspect as a result. I never considered myself an expert or anything, but towards the end of my time playing the game, (if I wasn't deliberately dropping my ELO so I could play with friends / group members who were lower ranked) playing naturally between my decent reaction times and some good brain usage I would stay in Gold status 99% of the time with the occasional brief drop to Silver which would instantly revert itself after just 1-2 matches back to Gold. But, as a result of that skill level and knowledge, I semi often in matches got labelled by one or two players as a cheater a few times for being "too good", this despite my switching to live streaming on twitch everything I was doing just for full transparency. I very rarely ever had to snap react, as I usually kept my aim at rest position in the general location of where I expected people to show up and usually was correct. After 6 years of inactivity, inactive even from any fps game for most of those years plus also being in my 40s now with slower reaction times, I suspect I will quickly plummit if I start playing again until I regain the hang of everything... ...but is there even any point? Are there so many cheaters in the game currently that it is hard to find a fair fun match? Or also even if the overt cheating is gone, is the subtle cheating still so prevalent that I will just get the same calls of cheater in a few weeks, months, or years when I will have relearned everything I had lost by quitting? So those are my big concerns. Is the game population healthy enough, and is the curtailing of the cheaters good enough that a person can actually enjoy time in the game now? I feel that there is no point in getting addicted to something which will just cause me stress after all. Especially when my purpose for playing would be to destress from life. I get enough stress from my job, I don't need it from my entertainment.
Segregating threat on Jericho just doesn't make sense. I understand that it may not always be fair to put the veteran players into the same matchmaking pool as a silver who has only played a week, but it still isnt working on NA. We do not have the population to support it. NA peeks at around 200 players on at a time(THIS POPULATION ONLY STAYS ON FOR MAYBE AN HOUR BEFORE IT LOWERS). EU is 600-800 depending on the day of the week. This is eu right now. 602 players. they can support being segregated. This is NA. 82. We CANNOT support being segregated. When threats were combined into same servers, NA had a waterfront and financial going for most the day at 40-40 or close to it. But now we are back to this cycle of financial for a week and then waterfront for maybe a day... and back to fin (I have only seen 40-40 maybe 3-4 times since we got segregation back). And lets just say you need waterfront and IT FINALLY POPULATES after like 2 weeks of you waiting. half your missions are going to look like this. (blacked out to avoid name and shame) Dethreating is back. i played for maybe 13 missions yesterday and i got around 6-7 dethreaters either on my team or the other team (separate missions). Today my first mission was a deathreater. Just put NA back to unsegregated. Its dying regardless. *edit* New players are going to quit regardless. they go to bronze, dethreaters slam them. they go into silver, they get farmed by a veteran player.
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- jericho na
- threat
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