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Everything posted by ninjarrrr

  1. they'll get a massive player decline if they dont deal with the rage cheating
  2. ok im bored im fighting the same speedhackers and ragebotters time over time, fucking turn it on now thank you very much
  3. whenever theres a weapon change, its usually the decision of the 4 or so SPCTs that gave their opinion anyway, so 44 must be massive to LO
  4. oh look at that the majority voted to nerf the 45 ap.... good thing that LO never listens to their playerbase so the minority vote will just win as always
  5. its pretty much obvious to anyone who has played fightclub in the last month, it was even proven in the SARD discord that cheat engine can used and SARD themselves confirmed auto bans are disabled. anyone cheating is probably using the same or atleast an updated version of whatever shitware they were using during EAC, pretty sure it doesn't matter at this point if someone is posting on the forum about it since there is already rage cheating montages on youtube.
  6. lmao absolutely this, many people quit this game because of the cheating, and if returning players come back and the first thing they see is speedhackers and ragebotters they are just going to be reminded why they left in the first place and just bail.
  7. seriously, PIG nerf (completely breaking stabba loadouts without buffing any other stabbas to compensate), various nerfs to stamina damage including low yields, issr/dog ear and now DMR AV. nobody ever complains about stamina damage on guns, its the very last thing you should be doing yet somehow its a priority with this patch. why does the TG-8 still suffer from the horrendus reticule bloom? why no fix for the OPGL grenades disappearing through the floor? why no discouragement or penalty to stun stealing? why does the universal key for crims at level 1 have the same time to free a crim from handcuffs as it takes level iv cuffs to arrest someone? fucking hell if you hate it so much just delete it from the game already, i will be very surprised if i see 1 LTL gun get a buff in the weapon rebalance patch. so much for buffing "underutilised" guns
  8. is SARD finally going to work or are you just going to sit back and let the speedhackers and aimbotters run free in fight club?
  9. i used a 13900kf from dec 2022 to april 2024 (had the oxidation issue,blue screens,crashing,degradation etc) never got banned, must've put several thousand hours into apb during that time aswell. a lot of EAC banned had it coming tbh
  10. the entire thing is just him rambling, i wouldnt even bother watching it tbh
  11. also compleltly ineffective, love seeing speedhackers and obvious aimbotters in FC. does little orbit not realise that they won't hold a playerbase if this is allowed to go on? fucking mistake going for frost anyway, matt even knew it was implemented in apb before and still went for it. clearly LO is allergic to listening to their community once in a while
  12. there should've been a g1c code at the end for listening to that drivel, all matt did was just ramble endlessly and ignore the *actual* questions
  13. and at the time the 45 was armas only afaik its still a broken gun, its good in CQC and has way too much range, it should be one or the other-not both
  14. the gun is a pocket primary imo, the same reasons why the RFP got nerfed
  15. just seen it myself in eu asylum haha only took 2 days for this piece of shit to be bypassed, i was right about frost security being absolute morons when it comes to game security
  16. anybody else had crazy high ping since this update dropped? before i was getting <33ms ping now its balooned to 70-100ms, wtf is going on?
  17. i thought these were fixed? cop 15 account btw, so all the enforcer lights should be unlocked
  18. oh lmao the same anticheat that innova systems thought was solid until someone released a cheat for apb russia literally caused them shutdown hosting :))
  19. Decreased the Health and Stamina damage of the DMR-AV Sniper Rifle to decrease the range in which it can Kill in two shots from 88-100m to 95-100m. The ability to stun in two shots has been removed entirely. The DMR-SD is unaffected by these changes. thanks for hurting stabba players yet again lmao
  20. so now sitting at close on 10 weeks lol i said to myself earlier that i've gotten stuff deliverd from china quicker than support answers me but im starting to think i could have something delivered from the moon quicker, actually the worst support i've ever seen on anything
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