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  1. carbine is too strong, ntec is too strong, eac doesnt work
  2. Semi automatic . Full automatic . Single shot . Accurate hipfire . Inaccurate hipfire . Accurate ads . Inaccurate ads . Close effective range . Medium effective range . Long effective range . Yall game got too many damn gun that do the same thing or too similar cuz yall aint know how to properly monetize dem game . That yall never ending problem with belencing the guns Imo .
  3. well can they fkn disable the joker vending machines audio atleast temporarily aswell? yeshhhhh...
  4. i dont really understand why of all things right now, map lighting and day / night cycles are being changed. can a dev walk my peabrain through this?
  5. old troth system was finest for Apb becuase u really mean what ur throth is now this days its fricking fake golds detrhoting at bronze districts but thanfully its no trtheth system at the monument
  6. haha my mans i fux with this ish heavy yall aint even kno how bad i been waiting to cop a armas sales specialy after them servers was offline #separateteamsftw
  7. yea they login servers be trippin my
  8. convoluted deployable ammo box grenade resupply rate versus grenades no longer classified as ammuniton and now having cooldown timers
  9. i think i might just quit this laggy apb server and go back to retail apb
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