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  1. https://youtu.be/HgFFlmVDyd4 how did I get killed? The rocket didn’t even explode!
  2. The camo trousers in the profile pic is tactical pant, Not tactical trousers. I’d love to see new items coming to this game, but it can get confusing sometimes. He’s talking about the one in my profile pic I guess those trousers don’t meant to be worn with belts.
  3. I just noticed a new style in bottom called “tactical trousers” showed up in hockey Store recently and it cost 500 tickets to buy. However, it seems to identical to tactical pants, which has been in the game since day one, except that it appears to have a higher waistline. This is potentially troublesome for me coz I cannot find a matching belt to wear when all the belts sits lower than the trousers waistline. Is this a design bug or is there going to be a new belt in the making to match the new tactical trousers?
  4. ramell

    anyone here gay?

    Stay away from me!
  5. Heavy Urban Response Team Welcomes you to join. pm me to join
  6. Yes. That’s exactly what I mean in the first place. It will sure attract players from other shooting games!
  7. I wish LO can make real Zombies in the streets of SP, I.e: pedestrians that actually attack players. anyone thinks the same?
  8. If you are 1. new and want to fully experience the fun of the game. 2. Enforcer 3. NA server 4. PC version of the game private message me.
  9. Armas Marketplace is down too! I just wanted to make a purchase.....
  10. I tried both NA and EU server. No response from the server when trying to connect. And you get stuck with the loading screen. Yes. It’s been like this for almost five hours now and still going on.
  11. Most of my points are covered by other’s threads. I would like to add only one more suggestion. 4. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? It would make the gaming experience more interesting if the corpse of the eliminated players can stay where they are and not disappear so that existing players can use them as a hint to find the rest players hiding nearby. This can also accelerate the game process, making hiding more difficult.
  12. Thought the revive mechanism would work better then the self-healing system and, instead of using mods to speed up hp recovery, the players can free up their slots to bring additional consumables so as to weigh more on the game’s strategical aspects rather than solely reply on the weapons they use, which eventually pushes the game towards pay2win per se. This is also great for a mentor program where new players can be truely assisted by experienced players on the same group. Also, I think it’s better to incorporate some of the mods into the outfits, such as bulletproof vest is made to increase player’s hp and tactical boots can make them run faster, etc. @MattScott
  13. I think the revive mode from fort nite is a great idea to learn from. Instead of endless respawning, players can be revived on site by their nearby ally or themselves when their heath is depleted to zero. This also encourages strategical team work. any thoughts? @MattScott
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