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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Any reason we have gone back to 40/40 district population? Wasn't mentioned in any forum or discord.
  2. Multiple guns even though i know they're just reskins, i got like 95% of armas guns now. I just bought kits as well.
  3. 'new' im probably older than you
  4. Iv spent just under £200 in the past 2 weeks on this game. I am ashamed. So whens the next sale?
  5. You do realise new players will not stay as vets are stomping them. I don't want to see this game go under 400 players again. Add matchmaking ASAP.
  6. Berkshire

    Bugs and glitches

    Known bugs I have noticed - BENKZ MHULLER M1 very slightly turns left. - Returning back to the lobby sometimes removes contacts names and mission waypoints. - When holding a weapon that has a foregrip, your left hand doesn't hold it unless you're aimed in. - Every now and then when you press either A or D your character glitches (snappy turns, which has no movement advantages). - My friend struggles to get into any district, gets stuck on connecting and nothing else happens, crashes occur now and then doing so. (Only happens on their APB game. Every possible fix we tried even router resets and pc resets). - Cannot see other clan symbols on scoreboard. Possible intentional? More will be added when I think of them. Feel free to comment bugs you have encountered.
  7. https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/little-orbit-descendent-studios-reach-130000700.html
  8. Berkshire

    Objective Bug

    I’m sure others have experienced this, when you are in a district and you use the return back to lobby option then rejoin a district either on the same character or different, you join a mission and the objectives aren’t visible to the player. I have had this bug every time I done this.
  9. I spent too much money for this game to just die out
  10. Give APB to GTA 5 (FiveM) modders and the engine will be released in a couple of months.
  11. I have seen this van about, I was wondering what that symbol was on top
  12. All my threats end up with a moderator taking out peoples replies and then closes the topic. Maybe I’m cursed. Maybe I should not post threads.
  13. What is with all the butt hurt people? Once Matt doesn’t post a update for a month, you all start claiming the game will shutdown, Matt is got no money and that’s he’s juicing the money from the game? You need to chill and stop making a bad impression of the game.
  14. I just wish people would just try and revive APB instead of hating on it and giving it a bad name. The community knows the lack of care companies give this game but it doesn’t need to let down by the players
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