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About safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs

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  1. logged in, k-ed up... max rank silver on my team that has no idea what hes doing.... vs 2 cheaters. yeah uninstalled
  2. real smart especially with the cheating going on in the game. what a well thought out suggestion!
  3. still wont fix anything. gold players should play with and against gold. putting level 9 bronzes on a team with a gold is just going to lead to more frustration than anything positive especially when its takeouts and your opp team is all max ranks with all modded weapons and character mods and cars... and explosives etc.
  4. yeah, after today i officially quit again. i have no teamates worth a shit (all bronze or silver with no understanding of anything) and ALWAYS 1 cheater on the other team that knows exactly where my trash teamates are and then always knows where I am... NEVER misses with 45 pistol and since its motherFUCKING west coast servers + all these trash nerfed weapons, i cant even hit the bigfarger before I get min-ttked. escalation is even WORSE than calling backup... AND if they call backup it AUTOMATICALLY puts a brand new level 9 silver on my team and just in time for takeouts! amazing how the game just wants to fuck me over for being good. Im always attacking... and if im defending gg i cant even defend i have no support and im constantly 3 vs 1ing, with shit weapons that are all nerfed to the fucking floor. fuck the Silvers on SPPD who fucking suck so bad that they influence all these bad nerfs on ever weapon you are all garbage players.
  5. this is actually similar to fair fight. fairfight was only automated for very short period of time and was flagging legits accidentally also. after this it was just all manual or scripted banwaves (they add players to list then press button and they all get hit at once)
  6. Yeah I mean if a player is cheating and hiding it well... we cant ever point the finger as players. But if this AI anti cheat can tell whos cheating and they always unbanning cheaters... might aswell flag them and if possible make it so that they cannot get op or maybe force their threat level to be so high that they cannot get op vs normal threat players. Like the cheater flag just instantly makes them Gold 30... and since they usually group in 3-4 man team it will be impossible for them to get opped unless other similar players are there.
  7. honestly they should instead of banning players they should secretly flag them as cheaters, then only allow them to vs other flagged cheaters. if there is no other cheaters then they get no op and are shadow banned... maybe even knocking them offline after 20 mins instead would also work to free up space for people trying to join the district. but them removing east coast servers and then this sard anti cheat being a litteral fake scam is just going to kill the game eventually, and rightfully so.. shit is litterally unplayable atm even worse than before
  8. might aswell remove threat/reset threat because its kinda stupid that im getting bronze level 9s vs all golds always. like just get rid of threat if all its doing is making the better players want to leave this game cause of unplayable matchmaking
  9. maybe he didn't do it to incite anyone, maybe he actually likes how it looks.
  10. LO is just Gamers First with name change. Matt Scott is a fictional character.
  11. it would help for the time being is what im saying. you 2 play in groups, try soloing for a week. and im saying to remove alliance toggle + limit groups to 2 players only. alot of people would be in 2 man groups instead of 4 which i see now. in matches you would see a duo + 1-2 players vs duo + duo or solos, instead of a 4 man group vs all solos
  12. yeah change teh name yet all the shit that makes APB frustrating to play remains. really smart idea man Merged. hes saying the matchmaking sucks and points are being rewarded too freely and not matching players actual game skill. all the toxicity is being caused by the lack of proper matchmaking. the game fucks you so hard in every whichway there is no other choice but to turn off the game.
  13. You should disable the ability to toggle off alliance matchmaking. All the "good" players group in 2-4 man groups and disable the ability to match with others on same faction unless they so happen to get called into backup. What happens is the majority of players filling the districts don't ever get matches with grouped players and are always vsing grouped players. Vsing grouped players is what causes the toxicity, because what the matchmaking does is put 1 super high gold with a bunch of inexperienced silvers, bronzes and greens because it cannot pull other golds due to them being in a group with alliance disabled. putting 3 silvers with less than 100 hours played with 1 gold against 3 highly experienced golds, maxed out with mods is very imbalanced and creates toxicity. People will team kill their silver teamates to leave the mission or they will try to get the silvers/bronzes to teamkill them so that they can kick them. Its about time this gets addressed as its just stupid as fucking hell and its been YEARS and this needs to get fixed somehow. All you guys do is permaban people who get thrown into these messed up matches match after match. How about you just fix this? Disable 3-4 man group, allow only duos to group, and make it so that they cannot disable alliance. this will create more balanced matches (for the meantime, till they roll out new engine soonTM)
  14. they should bring back training districts again with some differences. available for green, bronze silver players till level 85 (where they can buy level 3 mods) if you reach gold you cant enter again even if you dethreat back to silver. you cant enter a real district till either you hit gold or 85. i feel like this would help the brand new players slightly and be a bit balanced since everyone in the baby server will be similar skill level and/or new to the game.
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